Friday 25 April 2014



The Green Bible

The Green Bible.



Creed and Identity in Nairobi/Kenya today:

Those in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi today, might just have a big problem in all, and as with regards to living out life and on a daily basis in Kenya/Nairobi today, and as it does all even speak of finding ones Place and in life that is. That in all, this does not speak of finding the Job with the Highest pay for instance, but one in all again, and that will afford one in all, all sorts or kinds even, and of Conveniences too that is.

In all again, and in helping those in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi find their place in Nairobi today, is to perhaps speak even of the known popular symbol even, and of the White Dove, and as part of religion in Nairobi in all [and as versus Kenya as a whole too perhaps], and which in all again, did very much go along and with speak even and of the Church in Kenya and as very much a part of Kenya's Political History [and further speak even and of the building of Nairobi in all], but that in all ways even and as with regards to those in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi, it does speak even of the sacrament of Confirmation in all, and as the key Identity in all again, and that one should ascribe to and in Kenya today, and as with regards to not only finding ones Place, but in all ways even speak of being simply Happy in all that is.

Thursday 24 April 2014

The 'Closing In'

The 'Closing In'.

Those in 'Nairo' or Anatolian Nairobi too, don't in many a way perhaps, have a simple picture or view in all, and of just how to think of Life [and speak even and of if in all again, everything happening around one or to one even, is truly in alignment with ones destiny that is]. That in all, if in all again truly even, just what is happening in all, does actually in many a way lead to what is expected in all and of Life too [and as in speaking even and in Magnaminous terms here], but that in all ways even, a (basic) way of thinking about life in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi, does carry with it a Psychological trick in all, and that does speak even of 'Closing in' [that in all again, if everything going on is "Hunky Dory'' so to speak (and as used as a rhythmic phrase here), then in all ways even, it should all 'close in', and to speak even of St. Austins Chapel and in St. Mary's School Nairobi that is].

The 'Closing In':

(Roxette - Must Have Been Love)

African Civilization: The Quest

African Civilization: The Quest.

What good reason in many a way, does truly exist, and as with regards to the Building of society or Civilization in itself actually. To speak of this in a Historical format, is to in many a way even associate the Building of Civilization in the past, and with basic speak of Drama in itself too [and as said Philosophy in all actually].

Things have a changed in many a way though, and since the coming of the 'Modern Times' in all, and as with Civilization now, said in all even, and to speak of life in all again, and as now truly said Institutional in all, and as versus speak even of Religious, Political or Cultural Symbolism in all that is. In all again, life and as said Institutional, does beget in all too even, the very question and of just whom/who in all, does rule over these Institutions, and as with they even said now, to rule over Human life [and other than speak of the UN that is] [and as with Human life here said Psychological only and not Psychic truly either], but that in all ways even, the ability to survive today does have to do and with one being truly acquainted with these Institutions, and via a culture in all again, and that does speak of Presentations, Introductions, Inceptions, Commencements, Debuts etc. [and as with all this even speaking of the known said rumour that, it is not the Grades you do receive/get in all, and in 'School' that do matter, but that in all again, it is just how well one in all, does perform/do and at a Job Interview too, or even speak of ones CV, and that does in all again truly decide, just what Job Opportunities are open to one that is]. In all, Western Materialism, and as very well said to go along and with speak of the above [and as with it all Psychological too that is].

For those in 'Nairo' though, and in the attempt to turn Kenya in all and into Civilization in itself, does speak in all even and of simply just knowing that Kenya, is actually a part of Africa too that is. What this does mean is that, if one does attempt to build Civilization in the place, it will very well unroll in all, and as African Civilization too actually [and as with Egyptian Civilization used as a guide here too].

In all, and as with speak of thinking about all this and in a strategic manner, African Civilization in all, and as said even to speak of 'The Quest', but that in all ways even and as with regards to simplifying all this, is to first off speak of the Swahili term Kilio, and which does speak even and of life and as highly defined and as based around speak of Shock & Exclaim, and as with basic speak even of the terms Varieties, Kinds and Sorts too. In all again, further speak too, and of Thirst in itself (and as with speak even of 'The Thirst for life'), and as with all this even speaking of someone and as not as having Experienced it all truly, but in many a way, one and as having been Exposed to it all actually [and further speak even of the Kiswahili term/slang 'Diambo' for instance]. Finally, speak even of developing a Consciousness and that does truly speak of Civilization, and as with this not only basically referring to knowing whats Good or Bad, but in all ways even Consciousness and said even represented truly, and by what some do term Emblems in all that is.

In all though, 'The Quest' here, and as speaking of life and as lived based around the Psychic too [and the true Identifying in all, and with Religious, Political and Cultural Symbolism that is], but with all this even speaking, and of the Mythic belief, and in the so termed 'Tree of Knowledge', and all this too, and as furtherly speaking even of Brand Identities that is [Link] [that in all, and as with speak even of Local Industry, the quest for Kenian/'Kenyan' originating Symbolism, and as said even to speak of the 'Tree of Knowledge', and as based on the Christian belief that, the 'Tree of Knowledge', could very well be located in Kenya in itself actually].

Wednesday 23 April 2014

...But Seriously

...But Seriously.

.....But Seriously, and as with it even said one of the most popular Phrases uttered in 'Nairo' in all, and as with speak even of those simply said truly Romantic in their ways that is [and as with speak even of ones Individual Consciousness/Memory too actually].

Tuesday 22 April 2014



(Colonial) Heritages and Kenia [and as with Kenia here, speaking even of a kind of English, once common in Pre-Colonial/Colonial Kenya, and which some do call Ki-ingereza in all that is].

of Ki-ingereza.

The Gallardo

 The Gallardo.

Merisi's forgotten Masterpiece.

Monday 21 April 2014

The Nation Center

The Nation Center.

When most in Kenya in all, do think Development, they don't in all ways even think Kenyan State Corporations. In many a way, this very much has to do, and with just how Kenyan State Corporations, do tend to present or represent themselves that is. That the symbols in all and that do go with these State Corporations, don't in many a way, leave an impression on one that is.

While Kenyan Industries do in many a way speak of the Kenyan Treasury in all [and alongside speak even of Kenya's Banking sector and further speak even and of the National Bank of Kenya too], Kenyan State Corporations on the otherhand do differ in that, they mainly operate in all, and as based around not only speak of Economies truly either, but in many a way in all again, speak of Markets in all, and as in telling one that, State Corporations in all are very much ruled over and by what they do call the Exchequer, and such that, it all does speak even of a 'Money Game' in all, and as with further speak even and of just how best in many a way, to have Money circulating in society that is [and as with society here now in all again, said rather Cultural in its ways actually].

In all though, when one does think Kenyan State Corporations, it is best in many a way in all again, to also think the Nation Center in Nairobi [and as somewhat even truly in all, symbolically representing Kenyan State Corporations that is]. 

Finally though, Kenyan State Corporations, and as said having failed in their ways [and as with their failing in all again, and to truly define just what does constitute for Money/'Communications' in Kenya that is].

To Forget Oneself

To Forget Oneself.

To Forget Oneself, and the key in all too even, and to awakening to Reality, God and Oneself too in all [and from a Political stance too that is].

Saturday 19 April 2014

'Proud to be Kenyan'

'Proud to be Kenyan'.

The moniker 'Proud to be Kenyan', is often proudly proclaimed and by some in Kenya, and for no good known reason either. However, taking all this and putting it into a certain context and for those in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi, is to perhaps speak even and of the Kenyan Foods & Drinks Industries, and as with it even falsely perhaps believed said to be of Outside/Non-Kenyan origins, but in all truly stating that, the Materials in all again, used in all and to manufacture these Foods and Drinks, are actually of Local origins in all, and which does dictate even the very use of Local (Production) technologies, and as with regards to speak of the Manufacturing/Production process that is.

In all, speak of Kenyan Quality, and as simply speaking even of Kenya in all, and as having even a (highly) developed Sense of Taste perhaps, and as with speak even of the World Markets too that is.

The Primer

The Primer.

Modernity and Kenya:

The Primer, and as with it all even a form of Media in all, and that one can choose to live or survive by that is. In all, speak even of the Primer and as going along and with a Media, and that does speak even of Africanisms/Popularisms/Expressionisms, and as with this Media even and as with speak furtherly even of everyday Interactions, more suited to those in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi too, and as compared even and to speak of Contemporary Art/Media, and which is the kind of Media shown on Television in Kenya today that is [and as with it even Touristic in its ways, and very much Ethnic/Tribal too that is][and all this and as with speak even of the attempt to create an Identity one will/would very much like, and in these Modern Times we live in too that is][In all, past Public Media in Kenya (60's-early 90's), did very much speak of Home life in all, and as compared to Media today, and which in many a way does center Kenyan life and as based around Kenyan Streets too that is].

However though, there is still another way of thinking of creating Identity in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi in all, or even Kenya as a whole too, and that does speak even of defining ourselves and as based around speak of Humour, Visage, Voice and even Din/Authority too [and further speak even of being Verbal that is]. In all ways even, this kind of Identity creation, and as traditionally seen in Kenya and as based around speak of GEMA that is, but as with regards to 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi, speak in all ways even and of Saints and even Names too that is [and with the example of Names and such as Valdemeer or even Alvarez too that is].

In all, those in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi, and as very much not a part of Ethnic/Tribal Kenya, and as with further regards even, and to the contents of this Blog too that is [that it in all again is perceived by the Blogger that, those in all housing Ethnic/Tribal Identities, are actually pretty much backwards and as with regards to Identity creation, and as based around speak of Institution, while the creation of Identity and as based around speak of Consciousness in all (and as with speak even of this Blog), is far more even perhaps, advanced or superiornway of creating Identity, and in Kenya (today) too that is][and as with the belief that, creating Institution in Kenya, does in all ways even speak of being Indigenous/Indigenes, and not Ethnic/Tribal either, and which does speak even of poverty in Kenya, and as with regards to speak of the Intellect too that is].

Wednesday 16 April 2014

the Conservatory

the Conservatory.

(Porgy and Bess - Concert Version - Victoria Symphony Orchestra)

The Conservatory, and as with it even said a core part of Kenyan Identity (formation), and as with further speak even and of the said Nature Conservatory too that is.

Egyptian Masks

Egyptian Masks.

Masks in many a way, do remain a fundamental even, part of African Identity. What though do Masks speak of? In a general sense, they can be said to speak of just how we do Act on, Deal with or Handle in all again, just about any given situation that is. While the Egyptian World for many, is often presented and from speak of the Egyptian Gods, the Egyptians in themselves never did truly see themselves as such [from speak of the Gods that is], but in all ways even and from speak actually, and of Egyptian Art/Theology in all truly even [for it was the Greeks though on the otherhand, and that did make Egypt reknowed and from speak of the Gods too, and as one of the most famous of Greek Gods, Hermes that is, was actually of Egyptian origins in all. However though the Greek World did in all come to shape the Egyptian World and as with regards to speak of the Gods, and as many a known/famed Egyptian God, and such as Horus, Thoth or even Anubis too, were in many a way Greek in their ways actually].

Most though, and as with speak of those in 'Nairo', never do in all, speak of Egyptian History, and from an African perspective too, and as with it all even speaking of Masks [but with further speak even of Italy too, and as somewhat African in many a way, and due to its fascination with Masks in all actually], but that in all ways even, this view in all, is actually preferred and for those in 'Nairo', and as versus the popular view in all again, and of speaking of Egypt, and from the very perspective of Mummification in all that is.

The Hero and the Outlaw

The Hero and the Outlaw.

Those living in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi in all, might truly wonder just what prospects, Kenya today in all again, does have to offer. In many a way, it does speak even and of just why in all, any of us in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi, do seek in many a way even, to simply get up every morning, and aspire for Success in many a way that is.

This in all, does speak even and of just how we do seek to Present ourselves and to society/Society, and at just about every given day too that is. That for most who do seek out to live life in this manner in Kenya or Nairobi that is, they do find themselves in all, living in angst even, and as with speak even of a further belief in all, and of wanting or seeking to live out life in Europe for instance, and where in all again, the 'Game' of Presentation in all, and to society/Society, and on a daily basis too, is pretty much appreciated it is believed in all that is [and as with all this even speaking of minimal Success too actually]. For those in Kenya though, or in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi too, a difficult world to live in, and as most Kenyans in general, are simply known to be Callous by nature that is.

There are those though, and who do believe in defining themselves, and alongside speak even of American Business Thought [and as with it Evangelical too], and as with all this even referring to those who do believe in owning a Business or an Enterprise, and all and as with regards even and to defining Success, and as based around speak of Customer Satisfaction, Quality Service or even speak of Benefits/Returns and in all their forms too that is [and from those said Religious, and to those furtherly said Social or Economic too]. In all, a way of defining Success and that has very much failed in Kenya today, and as with stating that Kenya today in many a way, does face a Crisis in all, and as with regards to Human relations, or furtherly speak even of Kenyans, and as simply not caring to know each other too much that is.

In all, how best in all again to go about defining Success in Kenya today [and as it is at the moment], and as with regards to speak even of Appeasing oneself that is. In a basic sense, it could all take African Dimensions in all, and as with truly even having one in all again, simply participate and in a Ritualized Space too that is, and as with this even speaking of a place in all, one can simply freely Express themselves, and in the name of seeking Approval and not Acceptance truly either. Furtherly though, one could also speak of one and as very much defining Success, everyday too, and as simply in all seeking to ground life, and in speak of the search for Solitude too for instance [and all this even and as going with speak of creating Identity and as based around speak of Authenticity (and further speak even of Brands too), and as compared to speak of Legitimacy in all actually].

Tuesday 15 April 2014

The Orthodoxy Study Bible

The Orthodoxy Study Bible.

I happened in all, to come across the Bible posted above, and while surfin' too. In many a way too, and as with regards even and to the Iconic Image (and as even representing Sainthood in all), I did therefore decide to simply grab it, and post it here, and as with perhaps telling those in 'Nairo' that [and considering that it in all, the Bible posted above that is, is a massive work of a kind], survival in Africa in all again, does not call for truly having a strong Religious Identity, but in all ways even perhaps, the gaining of an understanding of Religion, and at a Metaphysical level too that is [or in many a way too, the end result of not being truly Religious in Africa in all, does even speak of one and as Losing themselves, or in all ways even, speak of one and as having no Interest at all perhaps, and in Life too that is (and as with speak even of the term Malaise in all actually)][and Malaise too, and as speaking even and of not being a High Achiever and as with regards to anything too that is].

The Science of Mind

The Science of Mind.

Saturday 12 April 2014



Rome, and as with it even here in all, said centered around the Vatican too [and speak even of the Vatican Museum too], but with it Historically in all [and as with speak again and of the Vatican Museum too], a City of Moors, and as with further speak even of the name Raphael Sanzio da Urbino, and who was a Moor too that is. In all, Rome, and as perceived even, and from the very perspective of the Visual Arts too actually [and as with the Visual Arts even, often used to create concrete African Identities in all actually].

Patron Saints

Patron Saints.

Patron Saints, and as with they even speaking of Awakenings and the Intellect too, and for those in 'Nairo' that is.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

The Medieval

The Medieval.

The Medieval, and as with it even a Knowledge Body in all, and that can prove far more beneficial and to those in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi too, or even Kenya too that is, and as compared to what most might think in all actually [and as with speak even of living out life and from the perspective of developing a clear or clean Conscience in all, and as versus viewing life and from speak even of Life's Stages in all actually] [and as with all this even referring to speak of Departed Souls, and as basic Evolutionary Thought too].

Tuesday 8 April 2014

(Ms) Laura Creavalle

(Ms) Laura Creavalle.

The Nation-State

The Nation-State.

Black Theology and the Modern Kenyan State:

To speak of the Nation-State and Kenya, is to in all ways even refer to the very fact that, the Nation-State in Kenya, and as with basic speak even of Wealthy Families too [and as with some even institutionalizing themselves and as with regards to Identity], does in all even have its basis and in speak of Law, Education and Health in all, and as Industries too perhaps, and in Kenya too that is.

That in all again, Kenya and speak even of the Modern State, does in all ways even, speak of it all, and as having come to be afflicted and by Black Theology in all, and as with regards even to just how those in Kenya do define the Global, the International and even the Wordly too. That in all, the forementioned three are viewed by most Kenyans in all again, and from the perspective in all and of Black Power Movements (and the Global), Black Liberationist Movements (and the International), and even Black Separatist Movements (and the Worldly too). In all again, the forementioned three again, and as grounded in the Education, Health and Law Industries/sectors too actually [and further speak even and of Kenyan Statecraft, and as dealing with many a Social or Political issue/matter in Kenya that is].

In all again, the very reason why the three mentioned sectors in all, have not truly fulfilled their potential in Kenya, and as with regards even to speak of Business Acumen, Innovation or Originality too.

In all ways even, the above posted work and as helping rectify in all, and for those in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi too, just what a Nation-State in all, truly is like.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Saturday 5 April 2014



Scripture, and as with it even speaking of the very world and of attempting to put everything heard or known together in all, and as with speak even of Connecting the Dots and in thought too [and further speak even of Interdisciplinary or Multidisciplinary thought too that is], and as with it all viewed even from a Religious basis too, and that does speak even of the Bible too that is [and as with the Bible even said to exist in innumerable versions too actually].

In all again, the above, Scripture, and speak even of Anatolian Nairobi in a Nutshell too that is [and outside 'Nairo' too actually].

The Lives of the Saints

The Lives of the Saints.

To speak of the Lives of the Saints, is to in all ways even speak of just how in all those in 'Nairo' should approach the worshiping in all, and of Saints too that is. That in all, this does basically speak even of, Spirit possession in itself actually.

The first of these does preposition the view that, Saints in all can be viewed in all again, and from speak even of their perceived in all as Icons/gods too that is [that this in all ways even does speak of success today, and as with it even said to go along and with speak of one and as said Angelic in all, and in Physical looks too that is]. In all again, speak even of viewing Saints, and from the symbolism that does go with them in all [Link].

The second of these does proposition the view that, Saints in all can be viewed and from speak of their Tabia (or the Behavioural too), and as with this even simply speaking and of just whom Saints in all again, are, and from the very perspective of Speech/speech patterns too that is [and all this too, and as speaking even of the Saints and as now said becoming very much African that is] [Link].

The third of these, does view Saints in all even, and from the very perspective of Masks in all [and of God too], and as with the Saints even said in all to speak even of Creative Genius, and via in all again grounding such Genius in all, and in just how one does define Custom, Ritual, Lingua Franca and even Conventionalism too that is [Link].

The fourth of these, does speak even and of viewing the Saints and as very much Messianic, and as with they in all even said Ordained, and as with it all even said to speak of Spiritism, and the very world of Saints, too and as merging in all even perhaps, and with speak of Spirits and as seen in Vodou too for instance [and in many a way too, speak even of the work above, 'the Dante Club', and as with all this even, speaking of issues or matters and as pertaining to Citizenship for instance, and all over too, and the very world even of Syncretism too perhaps, and as with speak even of those who might be understanding of American Philosophy and from the very perspective of Spiritism too, and furtherly in all again, speak even and of idealistic beliefs and in one being a World Citizen too that is].

Character is Destiny

Character is Destiny.