Thursday 24 April 2014

African Civilization: The Quest

African Civilization: The Quest.

What good reason in many a way, does truly exist, and as with regards to the Building of society or Civilization in itself actually. To speak of this in a Historical format, is to in many a way even associate the Building of Civilization in the past, and with basic speak of Drama in itself too [and as said Philosophy in all actually].

Things have a changed in many a way though, and since the coming of the 'Modern Times' in all, and as with Civilization now, said in all even, and to speak of life in all again, and as now truly said Institutional in all, and as versus speak even of Religious, Political or Cultural Symbolism in all that is. In all again, life and as said Institutional, does beget in all too even, the very question and of just whom/who in all, does rule over these Institutions, and as with they even said now, to rule over Human life [and other than speak of the UN that is] [and as with Human life here said Psychological only and not Psychic truly either], but that in all ways even, the ability to survive today does have to do and with one being truly acquainted with these Institutions, and via a culture in all again, and that does speak of Presentations, Introductions, Inceptions, Commencements, Debuts etc. [and as with all this even speaking of the known said rumour that, it is not the Grades you do receive/get in all, and in 'School' that do matter, but that in all again, it is just how well one in all, does perform/do and at a Job Interview too, or even speak of ones CV, and that does in all again truly decide, just what Job Opportunities are open to one that is]. In all, Western Materialism, and as very well said to go along and with speak of the above [and as with it all Psychological too that is].

For those in 'Nairo' though, and in the attempt to turn Kenya in all and into Civilization in itself, does speak in all even and of simply just knowing that Kenya, is actually a part of Africa too that is. What this does mean is that, if one does attempt to build Civilization in the place, it will very well unroll in all, and as African Civilization too actually [and as with Egyptian Civilization used as a guide here too].

In all, and as with speak of thinking about all this and in a strategic manner, African Civilization in all, and as said even to speak of 'The Quest', but that in all ways even and as with regards to simplifying all this, is to first off speak of the Swahili term Kilio, and which does speak even and of life and as highly defined and as based around speak of Shock & Exclaim, and as with basic speak even of the terms Varieties, Kinds and Sorts too. In all again, further speak too, and of Thirst in itself (and as with speak even of 'The Thirst for life'), and as with all this even speaking of someone and as not as having Experienced it all truly, but in many a way, one and as having been Exposed to it all actually [and further speak even of the Kiswahili term/slang 'Diambo' for instance]. Finally, speak even of developing a Consciousness and that does truly speak of Civilization, and as with this not only basically referring to knowing whats Good or Bad, but in all ways even Consciousness and said even represented truly, and by what some do term Emblems in all that is.

In all though, 'The Quest' here, and as speaking of life and as lived based around the Psychic too [and the true Identifying in all, and with Religious, Political and Cultural Symbolism that is], but with all this even speaking, and of the Mythic belief, and in the so termed 'Tree of Knowledge', and all this too, and as furtherly speaking even of Brand Identities that is [Link] [that in all, and as with speak even of Local Industry, the quest for Kenian/'Kenyan' originating Symbolism, and as said even to speak of the 'Tree of Knowledge', and as based on the Christian belief that, the 'Tree of Knowledge', could very well be located in Kenya in itself actually].