Tuesday 15 April 2014

The Orthodoxy Study Bible

The Orthodoxy Study Bible.

I happened in all, to come across the Bible posted above, and while surfin' Amazon.com too. In many a way too, and as with regards even and to the Iconic Image (and as even representing Sainthood in all), I did therefore decide to simply grab it, and post it here, and as with perhaps telling those in 'Nairo' that [and considering that it in all, the Bible posted above that is, is a massive work of a kind], survival in Africa in all again, does not call for truly having a strong Religious Identity, but in all ways even perhaps, the gaining of an understanding of Religion, and at a Metaphysical level too that is [or in many a way too, the end result of not being truly Religious in Africa in all, does even speak of one and as Losing themselves, or in all ways even, speak of one and as having no Interest at all perhaps, and in Life too that is (and as with speak even of the term Malaise in all actually)][and Malaise too, and as speaking even and of not being a High Achiever and as with regards to anything too that is].