Saturday 19 April 2014

The Primer

The Primer.

Modernity and Kenya:

The Primer, and as with it all even a form of Media in all, and that one can choose to live or survive by that is. In all, speak even of the Primer and as going along and with a Media, and that does speak even of Africanisms/Popularisms/Expressionisms, and as with this Media even and as with speak furtherly even of everyday Interactions, more suited to those in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi too, and as compared even and to speak of Contemporary Art/Media, and which is the kind of Media shown on Television in Kenya today that is [and as with it even Touristic in its ways, and very much Ethnic/Tribal too that is][and all this and as with speak even of the attempt to create an Identity one will/would very much like, and in these Modern Times we live in too that is][In all, past Public Media in Kenya (60's-early 90's), did very much speak of Home life in all, and as compared to Media today, and which in many a way does center Kenyan life and as based around Kenyan Streets too that is].

However though, there is still another way of thinking of creating Identity in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi in all, or even Kenya as a whole too, and that does speak even of defining ourselves and as based around speak of Humour, Visage, Voice and even Din/Authority too [and further speak even of being Verbal that is]. In all ways even, this kind of Identity creation, and as traditionally seen in Kenya and as based around speak of GEMA that is, but as with regards to 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi, speak in all ways even and of Saints and even Names too that is [and with the example of Names and such as Valdemeer or even Alvarez too that is].

In all, those in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi, and as very much not a part of Ethnic/Tribal Kenya, and as with further regards even, and to the contents of this Blog too that is [that it in all again is perceived by the Blogger that, those in all housing Ethnic/Tribal Identities, are actually pretty much backwards and as with regards to Identity creation, and as based around speak of Institution, while the creation of Identity and as based around speak of Consciousness in all (and as with speak even of this Blog), is far more even perhaps, advanced or superiornway of creating Identity, and in Kenya (today) too that is][and as with the belief that, creating Institution in Kenya, does in all ways even speak of being Indigenous/Indigenes, and not Ethnic/Tribal either, and which does speak even of poverty in Kenya, and as with regards to speak of the Intellect too that is].