Wednesday 16 April 2014

The Hero and the Outlaw

The Hero and the Outlaw.

Those living in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi in all, might truly wonder just what prospects, Kenya today in all again, does have to offer. In many a way, it does speak even and of just why in all, any of us in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi, do seek in many a way even, to simply get up every morning, and aspire for Success in many a way that is.

This in all, does speak even and of just how we do seek to Present ourselves and to society/Society, and at just about every given day too that is. That for most who do seek out to live life in this manner in Kenya or Nairobi that is, they do find themselves in all, living in angst even, and as with speak even of a further belief in all, and of wanting or seeking to live out life in Europe for instance, and where in all again, the 'Game' of Presentation in all, and to society/Society, and on a daily basis too, is pretty much appreciated it is believed in all that is [and as with all this even speaking of minimal Success too actually]. For those in Kenya though, or in 'Nairo'/Anatolian Nairobi too, a difficult world to live in, and as most Kenyans in general, are simply known to be Callous by nature that is.

There are those though, and who do believe in defining themselves, and alongside speak even of American Business Thought [and as with it Evangelical too], and as with all this even referring to those who do believe in owning a Business or an Enterprise, and all and as with regards even and to defining Success, and as based around speak of Customer Satisfaction, Quality Service or even speak of Benefits/Returns and in all their forms too that is [and from those said Religious, and to those furtherly said Social or Economic too]. In all, a way of defining Success and that has very much failed in Kenya today, and as with stating that Kenya today in many a way, does face a Crisis in all, and as with regards to Human relations, or furtherly speak even of Kenyans, and as simply not caring to know each other too much that is.

In all, how best in all again to go about defining Success in Kenya today [and as it is at the moment], and as with regards to speak even of Appeasing oneself that is. In a basic sense, it could all take African Dimensions in all, and as with truly even having one in all again, simply participate and in a Ritualized Space too that is, and as with this even speaking of a place in all, one can simply freely Express themselves, and in the name of seeking Approval and not Acceptance truly either. Furtherly though, one could also speak of one and as very much defining Success, everyday too, and as simply in all seeking to ground life, and in speak of the search for Solitude too for instance [and all this even and as going with speak of creating Identity and as based around speak of Authenticity (and further speak even of Brands too), and as compared to speak of Legitimacy in all actually].