Thursday 3 July 2014

Pop Religion

Pop Religion.

African Worldviews and Modern Kenya:

This post in many a way, has to do, and with what is believed to be the harmful effects, and of Modern lifestyles in all that is. That the Age of Modern Transport and Telecommunication/Communication Systems, has resulted in all again, and in the limiting of many a person, and in developing a proper Worldview of themselves, and as with regards even, and to speak of Nature, and in a place inhabited too that is.

In helping those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi develop proper Worldviews in all, and in these Times we do live in too, and that do go along and with Televised News Broadcasts in all again (and alongside speak even of Conventional News Media too), is to in all again even, speak of the rise of Atheistic Beliefs (and as versus those said Monotheistic or Polytheistic too), and in Modern Educational systems and Modern/Western News Media too, and in truly helping one develop proper Worldviews in all (or views of themselves, God or Others), and in these Hedonistic (Pleasure seeking and at all costs too perhaps) Times we live in that is.

To understand all this better, is to perhaps question in all, what does constitute for Religion today, and as Religion in all, and Traditionally too, and as said truly Legit in its ways, has always had to do, and with offering its adherents, proper or truly liked even, Worldviews, and by which they can live by. In these Times we do live in though, Religion, and as with this all even referring and to conspiracy theories, and of many a Madman and as said out to rule the World by themselves, has suffered a backlash of a kind, and as with regards to the constructing of proper Worldviews [that the Worldviews that Religion does has to offer it is said, do not go along, and with speak in all, and of Modern Technology/Technologies, or even Modern Communications/Transport that is]. 

The very rise in all, and of Modern Religion, does speak of attempts in all again, and in creating Worldviews, and that do in all, at the very least accommodate, speak of Modern Technology/Media that is. They in all again though, attempt to do all this, and as with regards even and to speak, and of too many an Argument that is.

What though, is Pop Religion? It in all, does have to do, and with speak truly even, and of Worldviews, and as compared to speak of Religious Beliefs in themselves that is. That the Modern/Western World, has brought with it, an Evil in all, and just where in all again, Consciousness in all, and as with it said to refer to History too, has been destroyed to say the least, in that, most are not conditioned in all again, and in having poor Beliefs of a kind (and as including those said Religious), but that in all again, most are truly conditioned and in having poor Worldviews actually [and further speak even and of the World, and as said crime ridden, unsafe or even highly discriminatory too for instance].

In all again, when many do speak of the belief that, Africa's Time has come (and as compared to speak of Asia too), is to perhaps state that, Africans in all, might have proper Perspectives, and on just how best to go about constructing Worldviews in all, and that are beneficial, and as with regards to all this that is [but speak in all again, and of Resources in all, and as said readily available too that is].

In helping those in 'Nairo' understand Pop Religion, and as with it even differing from Popular Religion too [and which in all, did lead, and to speak of Revolution, and in a France ruled over by Popular Religion that is], is to in all again state that, Pop Religion, is actually something African, and alongside speak even of Popular Religion too that is [and which is what makes French people, somewhat African in their ways actually].

In speaking of African Religion and as popularly known in all, and by many too, is to not only speak of Ancestor Worship & Veneration, but in many a way too, speak even of Spirit Possession, and the ability to be Possessed by certain Spirits/'spirits', and in helping one solve many a problem that is [and as with they in all, said to give one a clear picture, and as with regards to any problem faced that is]. African Religion and as stated above though, does face a problem in all, and as with regards to adherents, in that, it all does speak even and of someone and as undergoing Initiation, or going through many a fearful/painful/problematic situation or period too in all, and before in all again, one can open up, and to being Possessed, and by many a Spirit too that is [and all this too, and as differing even, and from Religion and as seen outside Africa, and which does refer and to Possession in all, and as going along in all again, and with one being Institutionalized, and by many a differing Religious Institution too that is] [and all this too, and as referring and to a Religious Education, and further speak too, and of Conscious States that is].

In all, Pop Religion, and for those in 'Nairo', and as believed even going along and with speak of Rote-Memorization, speak of Immortality too (Link), Maombi (and as with it all even differing from Prayer in all), a belief in Cherubs perhaps (and speak even of concrete Worldviews too),  the 'Catholic' Rosary, or even speak of Hallucinatory/Medicinal Plants that is [and all this too, and as referring and to speak of holding the greatest of Parties perhaps, or truly in all again, all this too, and as compared to speak of being a Philosopher, and having a Vision, and as born of Study too that is] [that the world of Pop Religion, does speak of being exposed to a whole new Worldview, and not a whole New Belief truly either that is]. 

In all again, Pop Religion, and as going along, and with speak of the belief or Belief that, the Modern/Western Times, do speak in all, and of peril too, and as societies today in all again, do face many a continuity issue in all, and as with regards to speak of Worldviews, and as said today in all even, and as drastically differing, and from those seen in the past too that is [and further speak too, and of the very world of Joseph Lumpkins, 'Lost Book of Enoch' that is].

The sounds of Pop Religion:

(Counting Crows - Mr. Jones)