Wednesday 30 July 2014

the Interior Life

The Interior Life.

This post or entry, is in many a way, truly difficult to explain, and in concept, and in speaking of those in all, and in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi too, and who have never truly attempted, and in engaging in all, and in many an endeavour, and that does have to do, and with ones Internal states of Emotional life that is.

To better explain this, is to hold in mind/thought, the very belief that (and as mentioned in one or another previous post in all), that Kenyan life and as lived in all, and at this very moment too, does call for us, and to have a proper sense in all, and of Order and Communications, in that, speak of this very moment in all, does speak in all perhaps, and of an interruption to ones life, and as calling for one, and to have a sense of Order and a change in Communications too, and as with regards in all too even, and to a problem, and as readily presented to one that is. Having said all this, is to also present the other view and in all that, Kenyan life, and as with regards to speak of 'Nairo' or even Anatolian Nairobi too, does go along and with speak of Sanctity in all [Link] [that the wish or goal and of many a person, and in 'Nairo' or Anatolian Nairobi too, is to in all ways even learn just how to truly freely Express oneself, and not in a manner and that does speak of Artistic pursuits, but in all ways even, and in speak of EQ in itself too that is][or speak truly and in all again, and of being readily attuned, and to ones environs that is].

Having said all this, is to also present an interesting view of Kenyans, and as said Knowledgeable of others, and from the very perspective of Communications and Order, but that funnily enough, most Kenyans in all, tend to be ignorant of themselves and other Kenyans, and as with regards to speak of Communications and Order, in that, they do freely express themselves as such, and when not interacting in all, and with other Kenyans that is.

Having said all this, is to now speak on, what some do term the Interior Life. That the Interior Life in all, and from a Kenyan Context too perhaps, does basically speak in all, and of life and as said lived With-in, and not With-out truly either that is. That in all again, life and as lived With-in, does speak of what some do term the Inner Psyche [Link], in that, it does in all refer, and to whom we are, and when it does come to speak of Emotional Turmoil, and as basically in all referring, and to our not finding Satisfaction in all, and in just about everything we do that is [and speak in all again, and of many a Subconscious or Unconscious Inhibition that is][and that does in all again, pass for a Fear of Success, Fear of Trying or Fear of Failure too that is].

In having said this, the above that is, is to now present the view that, the Interior Life and as with regards to speak and of those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, does in all refer and to Emotional Turmoil, and as said to go along, and as with regards to whats With-in in all, and as said disorganized perhaps, and as with regards to Communications and Order. That in all again, applying just what has been said and to an everyday setting in all, does go along and with speak of Sanctity too, and speak in all again, and of our inability to freely or truly express ourselves [and in speak of Intelligence and said in all, and as with regards to those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi too, and as said in all, and to primarily speak of EQ that is], and that in all again, unless one in all, does deal and with the Emotional Turmoil in oneself, and as said to speak of the Inner Psyche, and the inability in all, to find Satisfaction in life in itself, and as with it all truly speaking in all, and of the attempt to simply appease oneself, and via the attempt and of putting our Interior/Inner Life, and to a certain said Order and further speak of proper Communications (or Clear Thought), and such that, on this happening, one does see their Realities, and for what they truly are that is.

That in all perhaps, the above does speak of learning how to express our Inner Feelings in all, and from speak of Order and Communications, and such that, one and as said dealing with such Emotional Turmoil, and as said to speak of one and as having a well-functionable Inner Psyche, and which does in all result, and with one and as said a Creative Talent and in Thought too, and such that one is said rather Intelligent in all, and in thinking of just about anything, and from a Communications and Order perspective, and which does in all actually speak of EQ too that is. 

In having dealt with the Inner Psyche, the belief in all that, one is in many a way, exposed to a kind of Vision and as born of Clear Thought, and from which many an Idea in all perhaps, does actually emanate, and as in speak even, and of that said Night Dream, and that is truly capable and of transforming, one that is, and from the very perspective and in the very least, and of ones Feelings that is [that one perhaps, is not too scared and in taking many a chance, and all this too speaking of one and as said in all too even, a Medium of a kind, in that, dealing with ones Inner Psyche, can lead to a world, and just where one in all again, does have Night-Dream after Night-Dream, and as said in all transformational that is].

The sounds of the Interior Life:

(Madonna - Papa Don't Preach)