Wednesday 29 October 2014

The Conclave

The Conclave.

This post in all, does have to do and with the call to Attention, and for what does constitute and for the Law in Kenya, and as said going along in all and with speak even and of the Court or Justice System too that is. That in all, it is believed here and in the attempt to truly fight Corruption or Bribery, or speak even of Political Turmoil in itself, and in present day Kenya too that is, to in all even promote, the very idea or view in all that, the Church in Kenya, must possess Powers in all, and that do speak even, and of Military Authority that is.

In helping promote this view to all, is to then in all now associate the Church in Kenya, and with Organization and at its highest levels too, and that does speak even and of the Conclave that is [and as compared in all again, and to speak of the (Vatican) Council and in Italy, the Synod and the Egyptian Coptic Church, or even the Tabernacle and the Hebrew Church in Israel too that is].

In all, when one does think of the Church in Kenya, and as said African and in Myth/Theory too (Link), and as said organizing themselves and at the highest levels and in speak of the Conclave, then one in all then should perceive all this, and in spirit and name too perhaps, and with the above posted work, and of 'the African Bible' derived 'Gospels and Daily Prayers' that is.

In all, the above and as mentioned and in speak of raising Awareness in all, and as with regards to speak of having Kenya, and as said working in all, and right at this very moment too that is.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Kenyan National Security

Kenyan National Security.

In speaking of Kenyan National Security in all, is to in all again, not associate it all and with the frequent reference, and to speak of Resources that is, but speak truly in all again, and of Kenyan National Security, and as going along in all, and with speak of Public Service in itself, but in all ways truly even, speak and of it all, truly grounded in all again, and in truly defining Authentic and Genuine, Kenyan Ritual/Rite that is [and as with it all, going along truly, and with speak of many a Masterplan or Blueprint too for instance].

the Invalid

the Invalid.

This entry in all, will attempt to have those in 'Nairo' /Anatolian Nairobi and if not Kenya in itself too, and as thinking of Sex, Love and Intimacy, and a way from speak of Western Ideals in all that is [Link]. That in the very least, speak of Sex, Love and Intimacy, and from speak too of Kenya and Modern Africa in all, has led to them all, and as said truly associated, and with speak of Money/Finance in itself, and as said referring in all, and to speak of the Invalid/Disabilities that is [Link].

However, and as in perhaps attempting to make Kenya in all, not said Ethnic or Nationalistic/fanatic and as with regards to the above, is to in all even attempt to now associate speak of Sex, and with speak and of just how in all, one does perceive Marriage (and as said a Sacrament or Rite too) [but with it all even speaking of Historical African Ancestries in all], while speak of Love is now truly associated and with Adventurism in itself, and with speak of Intimacy, truly referring and to speak of Phobias/Abnormalities in themselves that is.

In all, an attempt to have those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, and if not Kenya in itself, rethink just how in all, they do perceive Success, and as with it even now oftenly closely tied, and with speak and of just how in all, we do truly perceive Sex, Love and Intimacy in themselves that is.


Lavington Hill House - Nairobi, Kenya.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

The Private Collection

The Private Collection.

When most do hear the name or term Africa in all, they in all even tend to associate it in all again, and with speak of its Languages, Music/Dance or even Religious Beliefs to some extent that is. 

There is however, another manner or way, and of thinking and of the name Africa, and that does in all even speak of the Continent of Africa, and as traditionally in all even, simply perceived, and as a 'Dark Continent' of a kind too that is.

This in all, does speak even, and of Africa, and as said in all again, the very home in all, and to many a virulent form of Virus, Bacteria, Bacillus, Pathogen etc., such that, many of these Viruses in all, are actually said airborne in their ways, and in transmission too, and as in speak even and of the known HIV Virus, which is actually not truly in all, Sexually transmitted and as most do believe, but actually in all again, can be said transmitted in all, and from an airborne perspective that is [and with AIDS on the otherhand, more or less a Psycho-somatic condition, and that does in all even speak of one and as simply said viral/'infectious' in their ways that is].

In all, when one is made aware of the above, the very fact that, Ebola, can be simply said to be coming around the corner so to speak [and in speak too here in all even, and of Kenya, and as said the more Tropical of African Countries that is], many in Africa though, have often failed to simply know just how best to deal and with many a Virus or speak truly even, of the Viral Condition in itself, and as Pathogens, Bacteria, Viruses etc. in all, do very much induce Viral Condition / Infections in one, and in speak of the African experience in itself too, but with it all even poorly perceived and as a Physical Condition, and when in reality, it is best perceived and as said, a Spiritual Condition in itself that is [that the state in all, and of being Viral in all again, is best said Spiritual in its ways, and not Physical either that is].

In helping awaken one then, and to Africa, and as described above, is to in all ways even, best proscribe, what they do term or call, a Private Collection perhaps, and as with it in all even simply said to speak of the Viral in all, and as said a Condition too, and from a Spiritual perspective, and as most in all, do in all ways even not understand in all, just how best, to deal with just about most Viral or Infectious conditions (and speak too of one, and as simply said lacking in Interest, and in just about anything), and as with it in all even said, not recurring in all, but truly Perpetual in its ways that is [but with the Private Collection, in all simply known to speak even, and of the Private Stash that is].



Home sweet Home.

Friday 17 October 2014

Adaptation vs. Acclimatization

Adaptation vs. Acclimatization.

To speak of Adaptation and as versus Acclimatization in all, is to speak of two differing Models in all again, and of existence, and in Kenya/Africa too that is. That the latter, that of Acclimatization, is known to go along in all and with speak of Government in Kenya too, and as with it in all even associated truly and with Symbolism, and that is believed in all, and to speak of Acclimatization, and in Kenya today too that is [but with it all said not truly successful as such in all]. In speaking though of Adaptation, is to in all ways even, speak of creating life in Kenya/Africa, and in speak in all again, and of Myth/Theory in itself too that is.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Family Spirit

Family Spirit.

This post in all, is targeted towards those in Anatolian Nairobi (and as said Anatolian too), and not 'Nairo' in itself that is. It does in all even, speak and of my having attended Karen 'C' Primary School in Karen, Nairobi (Link), and in having spent some time there, having made too, many an acquaintance, and such as speak even of Edwin Kiobo, Wyclef Chege (and as apparently said now working for Government in Kenya that is), one said Bernard (and last seen in Std. 5), another said Musa too perhaps, or speak even, and of one Githinji too, and as now in all telling them that, and if they do ever read or come across this that is, and of many a plan, and in making Wealth, and in speak of African Banking too, and as going along primarily, and in speak of Securitization in itself that is (Link) [and as said even and to speak of a humongous opportunity/promise, and in Africa/Kenya too that is, and all this too, and in approximately 7 Years from now]. In all, speak truly even, and of the very attempt to truly define African Wealth in itself, and as said even, the only thing one could truly wish for [Link].

[Paul Simon - Call Me Al]

"African Banking, Askaris and African Adventurism":

Twenty Years After

Twenty Years After.

For those in 'Nairo' /Anatolian Nairobi, and as in all ways even now, said having given up on life, and in Kenya/Africa too that is, then in all ways even, it is Toulouse, you would probably want to seek out, and in speak even and of summarizing ones life in all that is.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera.

For those in 'Nairo', a true problem in all perhaps, and as with regards to thinking of life, and in speak of not only the Future, and as said Evolutionary too, but in speak and of just how best in all, to truly define, and what does pass for (and in notion too), for Love, Trust, Friendship, Hope, Enmity, Loss, Family, Wealth, Totality, Recompense, Ingenuity etc., and in a World today in all, and just where in all again, many a famed work of lore/old, and such as speak even and of Don Quixote in itself, the Count of Monte Cristo, Ivanhoe, War & Peace, Twenty Years After, are said in all, and to be defunct in their ways, and in the attempt in educating us perhaps, and on the forementioned 'Virtues' in all, and as with they in all even said the very reason why we do choose to go to bed straight at 12:00 Midnight in itself, and then simply seek to awake at 5:00 A.M for instance, and very much filled with Enthusiasm and a Zest for life too that is.

In all again, one does find that, it is American Media in all, and which in most ways can be said to best educate us on the above (and in a realistic manner too that is) [Link], but that in all ways even, in speak of the name Britain and even Europe, the Tale of William Tell for instance, and as now used here even and as a landmark of a kind, and in speak of Time and as said in all, and as truly said having passed by, and in speak and of what does constitute for being Human/'Virtuos' in all, but that in all ways even, speak of civilization and as said Celt/Britain in all again, grounded in all perhaps, and in speak of the Crossbow in itself, but that for those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi in all again, speak now perhaps, and of the desire to truly live life boldly, and as said of one simply filled with energy too, speaking in all, and of grounding ourselves in all again (and in speak of EQ for instance), and in speak of Aloe Vera in itself that is.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Pate Island

Pate Island.

Of all the Islands and that do make for the Swahili lands in all, it is Pate Island, and that is most similar to Kenya in all, but that in all again, it is an Island and that does in all even, very much in all go along and with speak of the History of the Zanj, and the Zanj too, and as said very much 'Moor' that is. In all, the History of the Zanj, and as speaking of Zanzibar, Iraq and even India too (Murud-Janjira), for speak of the Zanj in Kenya, and as said Moor too, does in all even speak of the unknown History of 'Fort Jesus', and as with it in all even, not truly Portuguese, but in all again, it all said a Fort, similar in look and Design, and to many a Fort seen in India, Iraq and even 'Persia' too that is. 

In all again, the very History of the Zanj, and as with it said African too, speaking in all, and of Regret in itself that is.


Thursday 9 October 2014



Dementia, and as with it in all even, truly said at the core in all, and of Spirituality in Africa, and as going along and with speak of Imagination, Hallucinations, Dreams or even Possession in itself too that is. 

Banki Kuu ya Kenya

Banki Kuu ya Kenya.

'Banki Kuu ya Kenya' in all, can be best said, a slogan in all again, and that is in all, not said truly, comparable, and to speak of the Central Bank of Kenya that is. For while the latter is in English, it does speak in all even, and of a Post-Independence/Colonial Kenya, and as with it in all again, speaking in all, and of defining Kenya in itself and in the most simplest of terms too, and in speak of Economic Status that is.

'Banki Kuu ya Kenya' though, can best be said and to go along and with speak of Pre-Independence Kenya, and as with it in all even now, associating Kenya, and with many an Imperial Design/Identity that is, and that does speak truly even and of just what does constitute and for Chaos & Disorder for instance, and in Kenyan society too, and as said acceptable or not that is [that in all again some forms of Chaos & Disorder, are in all even, deemed acceptable, and in helping many a Kenyan for instance, simply learn about life, struggle, and Independence in itself too that is].

Friday 3 October 2014



Rafiki in all, is a Swahili term, and that does refer in all even, and to a friendship (or bond too), and which can be said truly Spiritual in its ways [and according to the Blogger here that is]. Spiritual in all in that, it does open up one, and to many a belief in all again, and that does have to do with Spirituality in itself, and as including speak of Mercy or Kindness too that is. That Rafiki in all, is simply said even here, the very first step, and in understanding Swahili Religion [and as said to speak of Jinnis or Malaika/Angels too that is, and as with they even said beings, one does befriend in all, and in the spirit of Rafiki too that is].

Thursday 2 October 2014



This entry in many a way, will simply attempt to have those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, simply learn just how to think and of not only life in Kenya/Nairobi, but in all ways truly even, but of life in East Africa / Africa that is. That Africa in all, is often simply presumed or said a hopeless or doomed Continent that is, but the belief here in all, is that, and by the Blogger here too, that it is possible, to be Optimistic about Africa, and in speak of 'Internet Africa' only, but that in all ways even, those in 'Nairo', should not truly consider making Africa a true Home in all, and in speak of Evolutionary Instincts too that is [meaning that, one should take life as easy as possible, and in speak of History in itself too, and not fear Death too much either].

In attempting to make the above clearer, is to perhaps in all attempt to tell one just how Africa, did come to be. That there are at the very least, Four known Models, and of thinking of life and in Africa that is.

The first of these, simply speaks and of Adaptation Models in themselves actually. That this in all, does speak even, and of African Explorers (and as with they having been Kenian/'Kenyan' too that is), and such as Livingston, Speke, HM Stanley, Mungo Park etc., and who in all did attempt to build African societies perhaps, and as best said Institutionally, speaking of 'Biblia ya Kiafrika' for instance [and by Paulines Press Africa too][and as with it even society too, simply said and to speak of an African Architecture perhaps, and alongside speak too and of African Packaging/Dress for instance][Link].

The second of these, does speak even, and of African Religion, and as speaking in all, and of Palo Mayombe for instance. That it in all, does speak of African Religion, and as primarily even, grounded in all and in speak of (African) Myth that is, and that in all ways even, it does speak of building African societies, and that do in all even go along and with speak of Egyptian Civilization too that is [Link1, Link2, Link3].

The third of these, does speak in all even, and of African Media [and as with it in all even again, said to speak and of truly defining perhaps, not only African (Perspectives of) Time in itself, but in all ways truly even, speak of African Communications too that is]. While African Media and from a Biblical perspective can be said associated and with speak of the Missal/Epistle (Link), or speak truly in all again, and of African Oracles and such as the Obi Oracle too (Link), it is believed here in all that, Africa, does not truly have a congruent or true future to it, and that is said to truly hold promise in all, but that in  all again, the very belief here in all that, Africa's future does lie and in speak of the Internet/Intranet, and that those in 'Nairo' in all, should not take any dialogue seriously, and that does speak of Africa, and away from speak of the Internet that is [that those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, should in all ways even not truly invest their Time and in thinking of a future Africa, and that is simply known in many a way said unbelievable that is].

The fourth of these, and speak too and of what does constitute for African Spirituality and Belief, does speak in all, and of what some do term Design in itself [and not Designs either]. That Design, does speak in all even, and of God too, and as simply said a Design that is, and that it does in all even speak and of just how in all, they did actually build the Pyramids in themselves that is [that if one was to understand or fathom truly that the Pyramids were a Design in itself, then, they in many a way, would be introduced and to African/Egyptian Spirituality/Belief, and that does in all even speak of Virgin Births for instance][Link].

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Kim Basinger

Kim Basinger.

The Rift Valley

The Rift Valley.

Kenyan Nationals:

The idea in all, and of Nationality, does defer in all again, and from that of the National, in that, Nationality, does speak even and of Religious Identity formation (Link), while that of the National, does speak even, and of Cultural Identity formation that is.

While Nationality does remain a problem and for the Kenyan Government in all, that of the National, has been known to exist, and in speak of differing (Physical) Views of Kenya that is:

1. Kenyan Nature: and as with it even said divided and into 'the Savannah', the Plains/'Forested areas', and even 'the Semi-Arid areas' [and speak too, and of just how Kenya in all, and Culturally too, does connect to Ethiopia that is].

2. The Swahili Coastline: and speak too and of Kenya and as simply viewed a Landmass in all, and as connected to the Swahili Coastline that is [and a view of Kenya in all, and that does connect Kenya, and to Somalia in itself too that is].

3. Kenyan Cities: and speak too of a (Physical) View in all, and that does connect Kenya, and to East Africa too [and with Nairobi for instance, having more or less developed as an East African City, and not a Kenyan City truly either].

4. Kenyan Dress & Custom: and speak too of a view of Kenya, and that does connect it all, and to speak of Eastern Africa that is [and further speak even and of Christianity in Kenya, but in many a way too, speak of Kenya, and as said poverty ridden, and as furtherly said lacking, proper Institutions that is].

5. The Rift Valley: and speak truly even and of Kenya and as simply said Kenya (and as not connected to its neighbouring Countries in all that is), but that in all ways even, speak truly even and of Kenyan Symbolism too that is.