Thursday 2 October 2014



This entry in many a way, will simply attempt to have those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, simply learn just how to think and of not only life in Kenya/Nairobi, but in all ways truly even, but of life in East Africa / Africa that is. That Africa in all, is often simply presumed or said a hopeless or doomed Continent that is, but the belief here in all, is that, and by the Blogger here too, that it is possible, to be Optimistic about Africa, and in speak of 'Internet Africa' only, but that in all ways even, those in 'Nairo', should not truly consider making Africa a true Home in all, and in speak of Evolutionary Instincts too that is [meaning that, one should take life as easy as possible, and in speak of History in itself too, and not fear Death too much either].

In attempting to make the above clearer, is to perhaps in all attempt to tell one just how Africa, did come to be. That there are at the very least, Four known Models, and of thinking of life and in Africa that is.

The first of these, simply speaks and of Adaptation Models in themselves actually. That this in all, does speak even, and of African Explorers (and as with they having been Kenian/'Kenyan' too that is), and such as Livingston, Speke, HM Stanley, Mungo Park etc., and who in all did attempt to build African societies perhaps, and as best said Institutionally, speaking of 'Biblia ya Kiafrika' for instance [and by Paulines Press Africa too][and as with it even society too, simply said and to speak of an African Architecture perhaps, and alongside speak too and of African Packaging/Dress for instance][Link].

The second of these, does speak even, and of African Religion, and as speaking in all, and of Palo Mayombe for instance. That it in all, does speak of African Religion, and as primarily even, grounded in all and in speak of (African) Myth that is, and that in all ways even, it does speak of building African societies, and that do in all even go along and with speak of Egyptian Civilization too that is [Link1, Link2, Link3].

The third of these, does speak in all even, and of African Media [and as with it in all even again, said to speak and of truly defining perhaps, not only African (Perspectives of) Time in itself, but in all ways truly even, speak of African Communications too that is]. While African Media and from a Biblical perspective can be said associated and with speak of the Missal/Epistle (Link), or speak truly in all again, and of African Oracles and such as the Obi Oracle too (Link), it is believed here in all that, Africa, does not truly have a congruent or true future to it, and that is said to truly hold promise in all, but that in  all again, the very belief here in all that, Africa's future does lie and in speak of the Internet/Intranet, and that those in 'Nairo' in all, should not take any dialogue seriously, and that does speak of Africa, and away from speak of the Internet that is [that those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, should in all ways even not truly invest their Time and in thinking of a future Africa, and that is simply known in many a way said unbelievable that is].

The fourth of these, and speak too and of what does constitute for African Spirituality and Belief, does speak in all, and of what some do term Design in itself [and not Designs either]. That Design, does speak in all even, and of God too, and as simply said a Design that is, and that it does in all even speak and of just how in all, they did actually build the Pyramids in themselves that is [that if one was to understand or fathom truly that the Pyramids were a Design in itself, then, they in many a way, would be introduced and to African/Egyptian Spirituality/Belief, and that does in all even speak of Virgin Births for instance][Link].