Thursday 23 October 2014

the Invalid

the Invalid.

This entry in all, will attempt to have those in 'Nairo' /Anatolian Nairobi and if not Kenya in itself too, and as thinking of Sex, Love and Intimacy, and a way from speak of Western Ideals in all that is [Link]. That in the very least, speak of Sex, Love and Intimacy, and from speak too of Kenya and Modern Africa in all, has led to them all, and as said truly associated, and with speak of Money/Finance in itself, and as said referring in all, and to speak of the Invalid/Disabilities that is [Link].

However, and as in perhaps attempting to make Kenya in all, not said Ethnic or Nationalistic/fanatic and as with regards to the above, is to in all even attempt to now associate speak of Sex, and with speak and of just how in all, one does perceive Marriage (and as said a Sacrament or Rite too) [but with it all even speaking of Historical African Ancestries in all], while speak of Love is now truly associated and with Adventurism in itself, and with speak of Intimacy, truly referring and to speak of Phobias/Abnormalities in themselves that is.

In all, an attempt to have those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, and if not Kenya in itself, rethink just how in all, they do perceive Success, and as with it even now oftenly closely tied, and with speak and of just how in all, we do truly perceive Sex, Love and Intimacy in themselves that is.


Lavington Hill House - Nairobi, Kenya.