Wednesday 29 October 2014

The Conclave

The Conclave.

This post in all, does have to do and with the call to Attention, and for what does constitute and for the Law in Kenya, and as said going along in all and with speak even and of the Court or Justice System too that is. That in all, it is believed here and in the attempt to truly fight Corruption or Bribery, or speak even of Political Turmoil in itself, and in present day Kenya too that is, to in all even promote, the very idea or view in all that, the Church in Kenya, must possess Powers in all, and that do speak even, and of Military Authority that is.

In helping promote this view to all, is to then in all now associate the Church in Kenya, and with Organization and at its highest levels too, and that does speak even and of the Conclave that is [and as compared in all again, and to speak of the (Vatican) Council and in Italy, the Synod and the Egyptian Coptic Church, or even the Tabernacle and the Hebrew Church in Israel too that is].

In all, when one does think of the Church in Kenya, and as said African and in Myth/Theory too (Link), and as said organizing themselves and at the highest levels and in speak of the Conclave, then one in all then should perceive all this, and in spirit and name too perhaps, and with the above posted work, and of 'the African Bible' derived 'Gospels and Daily Prayers' that is.

In all, the above and as mentioned and in speak of raising Awareness in all, and as with regards to speak of having Kenya, and as said working in all, and right at this very moment too that is.