Tuesday 21 October 2014

The Private Collection

The Private Collection.

When most do hear the name or term Africa in all, they in all even tend to associate it in all again, and with speak of its Languages, Music/Dance or even Religious Beliefs to some extent that is. 

There is however, another manner or way, and of thinking and of the name Africa, and that does in all even speak of the Continent of Africa, and as traditionally in all even, simply perceived, and as a 'Dark Continent' of a kind too that is.

This in all, does speak even, and of Africa, and as said in all again, the very home in all, and to many a virulent form of Virus, Bacteria, Bacillus, Pathogen etc., such that, many of these Viruses in all, are actually said airborne in their ways, and in transmission too, and as in speak even and of the known HIV Virus, which is actually not truly in all, Sexually transmitted and as most do believe, but actually in all again, can be said transmitted in all, and from an airborne perspective that is [and with AIDS on the otherhand, more or less a Psycho-somatic condition, and that does in all even speak of one and as simply said viral/'infectious' in their ways that is].

In all, when one is made aware of the above, the very fact that, Ebola, can be simply said to be coming around the corner so to speak [and in speak too here in all even, and of Kenya, and as said the more Tropical of African Countries that is], many in Africa though, have often failed to simply know just how best to deal and with many a Virus or speak truly even, of the Viral Condition in itself, and as Pathogens, Bacteria, Viruses etc. in all, do very much induce Viral Condition / Infections in one, and in speak of the African experience in itself too, but with it all even poorly perceived and as a Physical Condition, and when in reality, it is best perceived and as said, a Spiritual Condition in itself that is [that the state in all, and of being Viral in all again, is best said Spiritual in its ways, and not Physical either that is].

In helping awaken one then, and to Africa, and as described above, is to in all ways even, best proscribe, what they do term or call, a Private Collection perhaps, and as with it in all even simply said to speak of the Viral in all, and as said a Condition too, and from a Spiritual perspective, and as most in all, do in all ways even not understand in all, just how best, to deal with just about most Viral or Infectious conditions (and speak too of one, and as simply said lacking in Interest, and in just about anything), and as with it in all even said, not recurring in all, but truly Perpetual in its ways that is [but with the Private Collection, in all simply known to speak even, and of the Private Stash that is].