Thursday 17 May 2012


We do live in many ways, in what some do term, the Global Village actually {and as with the not very true belief even, that we all do face, the very same problems actually}. However though, this might just be true, for a few other peoples here and there, and as in asking truly those in Anatolian Nairobi that ('Nairo' too that is), to forget any (internet even) obsessions, with America, New York, California, London/England, Paris, or even Israel or Tokyo too perhaps, and in many ways even, concentrate on focusing all their efforts (and as with the 'Global Village' even and not Internationalism either), on Brazil actually (Sao Paulo), and in many ways too even, at the very worst, see it as a distant home actually {and as with the desire even, to never want to meet or speak again, to anyone in Anatolian Nairobi that is}.

At the very 'worst', this does entail, masquerading very much as a Brazilian, and on the Internet too actually.

Some Brazilian Folk:

*no Rosa here though.