Wednesday 16 May 2012

Yaya Center

The so aptly named 'Yaya Center' (or even 'Yaya Centers' and as I so falsely even perhaps, do believe it once named that is), is probably one of the most useless, of Shopping Centers to be seen just about anywhere (it not being truly a Mall too either), for I cannot remember, ever hearing anyone (and within a distance too), say that 'I just bought something at Yaya Center(s)' {unless of course, it was some Ice Cream, or even some Cotton Candy for instance}.

In the attempt to make Yaya Centers perhaps, one of the more better shopping spots (and as with Anatolian Nairobi too that is), is to in all again tell those owning stores within it (probably still owning them, and as with the very beginning, and not actually running them either), that their stores in all again, could very well go, with the Software/Telecommunications Industry (Electronics, Computers, Communications Devices). What this does truly mean is that, one can conceive in all, a cultural existence (Geek), and as based around the Software/Telecommunications Industry. Meaning in all again, this is not all about selling anything to do with Software/Telecommunications (Electronics, Computers, Communications Devices), but in all ways even, stuff perhaps, that does in all too really, go rather well, with the three mentioned merchandise above {meaning in all again, if one loves watching Basketball or Rock Concerts on DVD, then it would be best, to sell a Basketball or three, or even, a similar Jacket to that worn by Jon Bon Jovi, and in a Rock Concert too, and one too at a readily available price even (and as with this even, what the core business of Yaya Center in all, should actually be)} {other fine examples does include, the selling of Spectacles for instance, that a Software Programmer would actually truly want to put on, or even on the otherhand, Hostel/Hotel Listings that could very well be made available, and via a Mobile Device even, or even truly again, the selling of Coffee Cups, and to go along with a movie showing of Shrek too for instance}.

Geek Culture:
