Thursday 17 May 2012

The Five Pillars

The so called 5 Pillars of Islam, actually do in all, speak of the Islamic, and not Islam either, or even the Arab too that is. However though (and as with being an Arab too even), these 5 Pillars can be interpreted in many a way and such that, they can afford for anyone and who truly does attempt to study them, just about even, a million different ways in all, of thinking of just how to live life actually, and as with speak too even, of the changing Times that is. 'Ali Baba', and as an Arab too, is no different either, and as with he having studied these Pillars by himself, and decided in all again, to attempt to teach those who do call 'Anatolian Nairobi' a home, just how to go about surviving (psychologically), and in 'Anatolian Nairobi' too that is, and from more or less even, a sociological perspective actually {and as with speak truly even, of when one does believe life in all again, to be rather meaningless in all, or even truly again, when one is truly attempting to seek out, a direction in their lives actually (and as with this even, speaking of seeking out true Independence in all too really)}. In all, what is presented below, can best in all again perhaps, be called 'Anatolian Islam', as it does speak even, of using the 5 Pillars of Islam in all, and alongside selected readings/writing from Islam in itself, but having a core existence too, very much Secular, Private but with in all too even, some Christianity to it all too actually {and as with all this even, truly defining the Private Individual, and in 'Anatolian Nairobi' too that is}. In all, basic spirituality/religion, and to provide for even, everyday morality and to ensure too, that one simply keeps moving along a path even, that at the very least, has one questioning, the very choices in all, they do seek to make and take, and as with regards even, to everyday life too that is.

'Anatolian Islam':

1. Poetry: With this in many ways even, speaking of Shahaadah 'Declaration of Faith', it in many ways too even, does speak of borrowing Poetic works from Islam in itself (and not the Islamic either), and in many ways too, all this furtherly even, speaking of just what does constitute, everyday beliefs even, and as with not only with regards to Faith or Hope actually, but in many ways too, Values and Secular Beliefs even. In all, Poetry (and as with speak too even, of Swahili Poetry perhaps and such as that too, to be seen in a work such as 'Kujibizana' and by one Ann Biersteker), and in all again, Poetry too, deemed in agreement, with just how one in all, does actually view in all again, their daily life actually {and as with stating truly that, there is nothing truly much like Good or Bad Poetry actually}.

2. Instrument/'Acoustic Guitar': In order to get through life, and with as much confidence as possible, one in many ways even, must truly in all again, Master something actually {or in all, truly feel like, they do not truly know the 'Truth', and as with regards, to just about everything they do meet actually}. In many ways too, this speaking of Salaah 'Five Compulsory Daily Prayers', as while Salaah in all again, does speak of Self-Mastery in many ways truly, so in all too really, does the actual mastering of an Instrument (and as with the Acoustic Guitar recommended here that is), require Self-Mastery in all too really. In many ways, at the very least again, do seek out some 'Guitar' music in all, and from the very realms of Islam even (and not the Islamic either) {and as with music in Islam too, very much Sufi like in nature that is}.

Sufi-styled music:

3. Self-Study: With this in all again, referring to Zakaat 'Almsgiving', it in many ways too does speak of, truly being acquainted even, with one Subject actually, and that one can use too, to truly even, operate, and as a worthwhile member too even, of ones Community/City in all actually {and as with speak too even, of low levels of employment that is (and as with further speak too even actually, of Nairobi today that is)}. In all, what is advised here is that, it is very well known too that, most who do attend Schooling of any kind, and after 12 years even and of all this too, do truly realize, they don't remember much of any of their Schooling actually {and as with my truly knowing even, I only truly do remember in all, my Mathematics, and Physics to some extent too that is}. In all, for those who do not take Schooling seriously (and as is the case even, with many in Nairobi perhaps), it can be recommended that, you do in all again, study to the utmost, only one Subject: Physics. That in all, even in old Age perhaps, keep studying Physics in its various modes (and including branches of it too that is, and such as Physical Chemistry for instance), as it can be said in all that, knowing Physics well, does give one a good idea in all again, of just how to do just about anything else {and including, not only working with a Microsoft Spreadsheet program for instance, but in many ways even, fixing a water pipe should one explode or burst, and in ones home too actually}. In many ways again, Acoustics is highly recommended {and as with alot of problems faced in Nairobi and in many ways too, very much 'Hearing' based actually}, and furthermore, speak even, of the very hope that, someone will set up an Auditorium of a kind in all, and a place too, where folks in 'Anatolian Nairobi', can simply choose in all again, to hang out, and just mingle with each other actually {and as with getting introduced even, into 'Anatolian Nairobi' in itself that is} {the study of Physics here, should not be taken too seriously and in many ways, should be done, to the levels of ones understanding actually (and as with saying even that, Physics in many ways, is a Subject in all, that does truly deal with just how things are Presented actually (and as with speak too even, of Fundamentalist Islam in all), and unlike Mathematics too, is not highly based around attempting in all again, to gain full understanding, but in all ways even, attempting to Present just about anything, and as clearly as possible too that is}.

4. The Rosary: Everybody needs to pray/worship once in a while, and in order for them, to see themselves, and as they truly are {and not depend either, on a friend, girlfriend or wife even, and for all this too actually}. Gone are the days, when many a person in all (and speak too even, of the Glorious Ages that is), would spend a whole night, in Prayer/Worship actually, and with the attempt, to expose themselves, and for whom they truly were {and as with speak too even, of the old World in all, very much more civilized, than the present World actually is}. In all again, this speaking of Sawm 'Fasting during the Month of Ramadan', and in many ways too, engaging in worship/prayer, and as with the Rosary too {and as with it all about even, maintaining concentration at all times actually}, is not only somewhat similar to Fasting {and if done on a daily basis too that is} {and something too, highly impossible for many (and as with speak furtherly even, of just one week too that is)}, but all this too, speaking of the 'Rosary' in all, and as seen in Islam too actually {and not the Islamic either}.

5. Self-Help: Truth be said is that, no matter how rich or wealthy in friends or actual wealth one is, living in Nairobi in itself, does ensure that, none of this, does actually truly make for Happiness and in all ways too even. In many ways, while in 'Anatolian Nairobi' in itself too, one will truly find that, Happiness in all too really, only does come, and as with regards, to one attempting to improve oneself, and at just about every waking moment too that is {or is it, every 'walking' moment for I just can't seem to remember actually}. In all, speaking of Self-Help, does not only speak of referring to works originating in Islam in itself {and such as the Koran for instance}, but from a generic perspective too, speaking in many ways even, of engaging in extracurricular activities, and as with principally even, referring to not only Aerobics in itself actually (and everything that does go along with it), but in many ways too, speaking in many ways even perhaps, of engaging in Weapons based Martial Arts practise {and such as the 'Kali Escrima' Martial Arts for instance}. In all, the belief that {and as with a Marathon or three even}, that engaging in all this, will see to it, that life in "Anatolian Nairobi', is far much more easier for one (and as with energy consumption/levels too that is), than simply in all again, truly attempting in all, to feel good about oneself, and by seeking out Money or Wealth even, or even truly again, attempting to Party all over town that is {and with 'Who is not Who', and in the whole wide World too that is}. In all again, the above, is what, Hajj 'Pilgrimage to the Holy Sites in Makkah', is actually truly all about {self-improvement, and in just about every way too that is}.

In many ways even, the above, to simply in all help with steering one, and in a direction one will truly find favourable, and as in saying that, engaging in the above and as with regards, to levels of enjoyment that is {and such as playing a musical piece one does truly like even, reading a book on Fundamentalist Islam perhaps and one deemed rather useful even, or even truly again, learning just how best to concentrate and while saying the Rosary}, will truly see to it, that just what does happen outside in ones life, very much in all again does mirror, the levels of enjoyment, to be found, from Learning in all again, on just how, to engage in the above 5 Pillars {meaning that, one has to learn in all, just how, to make the above enjoyable, and as with this even, the primary goal, of engaging in the above actually (and on doing this, everything in ones outside life, does become rather enjoyable in many ways truly)} {as a hint perhaps, all this three even, referring to seeing oneself wholly even, and within the 5 Pillars of Islam, and as just described/mentioned above too that is}.

On the otherhand now, some 'Anger management' music, and for those too even, who might just go 'off the rocker' in all actually, and by chance too that is:

Asante sana.

'Ali Baba'