Monday 21 May 2012


Nairobi in all, is not the most habitable of places actually. Most who do choose to live in the place in all, do find it rather difficult even, to make a home of it all actually {and as with speak too even specifically, of family life that is}. They in all even, do find that raising teenagers in the place, can be somewhat hazardous even, and to ones health and in many a way or three even. In all, the place cannot be said to be truly habitable, but in many ways even, can be said to be highly socially habitable {meaning in all again that, it can be said to be a city/Town in all, that did arise, and from a deal-making culture too, social in nature, and that which, was once in all, rather prominent and all over the place too actually}. Nairobi in all and to this day, continues to function as such in many ways even, and as in saying truly that, many a person who do make their way into it, are in many ways too even, specifically in search, for a deal or three actually.

For those in Anatolian Nairobi though, and who do choose in all, to make 'Nairo' in all again, a home of a kind actually, the question then becomes, just what kind of guiding principle in all, is truly needed, to make it as liveable as possible that is. While for instance, many an Egyptian City in all, was highly built/based around Shamanism in itself, and Greek Cities too, built around Esotericism in all, and Italian Cities on the otherhand, highly based around indulging even, and in the passions, emotions, sensuality etc. {and as with seeking out too that is, the rather memorable actually}, and finally, European Cities in all again (and as with speak too even, of Paris primarily and rather than London too), were built around seeking out the Ultimate Experience in all {and of the Love variety too actually}, how then, is it best for those in Anatolian Nairobi {and as with Nairobi even, rather decentralized in its ways actually}, to go about in all, designing life and such that, it can truly make for all the meaning? The best answer in many ways, truly does lie with living a life, heavily based around Maxims actually {and as is the case too even, with the Good News Bible (Bible Society of Kenya), and written too, from a Maxim perspective that is}, and in all ways too even, all this said for those who do believe that, life in Anatolian Nairobi in all, does somewhat even, mirror that seen in an American City or two {and as with traditional American Cities that is, built in an Italian fashion actually (highly based around passions, emotions etc.), but built too, from more or less the fun/enjoyment perspective, and rather than the memorable that is} {and all this said too, as with attempting to create an Anatolian Nairobi Social Image in all too even, and as with saying truly that, its not American-like either}.

'Ali Baba'

Geeks and Popular Maxims: