Wednesday 23 May 2012


Many who do reside in Nairobi permanently, do know very well too that, its an existence/universe in all, and of its very own kind too actually. That Nairobi in all again, is actually truly in all, rather distinct from the rest of Kenya (and culturally speaking too even), and such that, those who do grow up in all, and in Nairobi too only, tend to feel rather isolated in all too even, and from not only the rest of Kenya too, but also East Africa, and even Ethiopia and Somalia in themselves actually.

In attempting to make all this much clearer (Nairobi's unique cultural existence), is to in all again perhaps best say that, the answer to all this, can be sought out in Astronomy/Astrology, and as in saying truly that, it is believed in all again that, Nairobi as a whole, is actually ruled over by the Planet Saturn.

In many ways too, it is also advised that, those within Anatolian Nairobi (or 'Nairo' too even), could in many ways too, best view Nairobi as a whole, and as coming in and in all too even, from Karen, Lavington, and also Runda in itself too actually.