Tuesday 2 September 2014



Relativism and 'Nairo':

Those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, might very well know of Devotion in all that is. That it in all, does speak and of the One thing perhaps, and that one does believe to be the Truth, or hold the Truth in itself too, and such that, by acquainting oneself with it all, one then simply experiences life, and as said lived around, what one does hold to be of the Truth that is.

In speaking of Devotion though, is to in many a way too, ascribe to the very belief that, most today, don't seem to care, and about Devotion in itself anymore that is. That in all, speak of Devotion in itself, has been replaced in all again, and in speak of Empiricism, Rationalism, Reductionism, or even Relativism in itself too that is [and further speak even, and of what some do term the Scientific Age in all] [but with Relativism too, simply said in many a way, just how those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, are believed said to think of the Truth and Reality that is].

However though, in speaking of Devotion, is to first off associate the Discipline in all perhaps, and that is associated and with the study of Devotion in all, and as said speaking in all again, and of Hermeneutics for instance. In many a way too, Devotion in all, and as suffering and from a backlash of a kind, in that, we do live in a World today and as said proliferated and by all kinds of Media, and which in many a way too, has led to those who do still ascribe to Devotion in all, and as suffering in many a way, and as the Truth they do adhere to in all, might not be readily or widely accepted, and by most in society today too, and such that, they do in all find themselves, facing many a difficulty, and in having many a Reality/Truth, and that does go along and with the Truth adhered to in all, and as said becoming Real for instance.

To speak though in all and in an American parlance here too,  that 'Devotion Still Rules' that is, is to perhaps present a Devotion in all, and below too that is, and which in all again, can be said and to very much go along and with Media, and as seen/found in the World today that is:

1. Dragonology.

2. Ifa.

3. Hosanna (Holy Spirit).

4. The Rosary.

5. Jannah.

6. Masks.