Saturday 6 September 2014



This entry in many a way, does suppose and to present in all, what does constitute and for an African Identity in Kenya, and as versus that said in all, Black African in many a way too that is.

That in all, Theosophy, is basically said and to speak, and of just whom or who in all, we are, and when it does come and to speak and of an Emotional Response that is [and to anything in all too]. That Theosophy, and as said African or Kenya truly too, does speak in all, and of just how we do seek to Classify many a thing, or speak truly even, and of the Communications and Order we do adopt in all, and once exposed to many a thing that is.

That Theosophy and as described above, does truly in all again, differentiate those said African in Kenya, and those said Black too, and as African Identity in all, does go along and with speak of seeking out Acknowledgements in themselves (and with African Identity in all, now tied and to speak of Egypt that is), while Black African Identity, is often known and to speak and of the search for Independence that is [and as with it even an Identity, and that does attempt to glorify the presence of Black people in all, and in the Middle East too that is][Link].

In all, what does Theosophy truly speak of or represent and for those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi too? It in many a way in all perhaps, does initially in all, attempt to speak of Autonomy in itself (and speak of one and as said distinct from the rest), and further speak here too, and of what can be termed a Diseased Mind perhaps, and one and as said in all, and as having one in all, and as said not able to Classify many a thing and in proper manner or order too, or even truly in all again, one and as said lacking and in the proper Response, Emotional, and in speak of Communications and Order adopted too that is.

In having said this, is to now in many a way, attempt to present in all, a Kenyan Theosophy (and with Theosopy too, pretty much Italian Religion in all), and as said speaking and of Suicide in itself (Link) that is, and as with regards, and to those who do seek out Acknowledgements in their lives, and as said in all, and to speak and of Success in itself too that is.