Wednesday 3 September 2014

The Goblin Emperor

The Goblin Emperor.

This entry in many a way, has very much to do, and with speak of an Alchemical Transformation, and as going along with the Heart, and not Psyche truly either. That those in 'Nairo' in all, or 'Anatolian Nairobi' too, are probably not in touch with their selves or realities too, and from speak of Geneticism in itself too that is. That the World today, does not truly function in all, and in a manner that the Psyche of those in 'Nairo'/ Anatolian Nairobi, do truly understand. 

In many a way, this very much has to do, and with just whom or who in all, those in 'Nairo' are, and when it does come to Dress & Custom in itself too that is. That the World today, and in Dress & Custom, is said in all, and to function in all truly, and as with regards and to speak of Modern History, and the Western Timeline too that is. There is however another manner of viewing Dress & Custom, and that does speak and of just how those in 'Nairo' /Anatolian Nairobi do tend to in many a way, and to view themselves, and as with it all going along, and with speak of Religious Philosophy in itself too that is.

In many a way though, and in speak of an Internet Psycho-Therapy here, the very belief here that, those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, do still in all very much suffer and from a Psychic condition, and that in many a way, does arise and with their in all, associating Dress & Custom, and with the very world of Myth that is [and as said expired/extinct too by some]. That the Myth here in all, does actually speak of the very world of the Knight (Link), and whether he be Samurai, Jesuit, Hospitaller, Crusader, Templar, Knights Templar, the Black Knight, Ivanhoe, Musketeer, Conquistador (Don Quixote), or speak truly even, and of those unknown, unforgettable, unbelievable, undetestable, uncompromising, and truly lovable perhaps, and famed too, 'Knights of (Arthurian) America', or truly in all again, simply known as, the 'Knights of America' in all actually [Link1, Link2].