Saturday 27 September 2014



Those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, have truly heard of the Swahili term 'Kifo'. It in all again, does not speak of the term Death in itself, but in many a way too, can be said to best speak of the term 'Sudden Death', but as with it in all even, not taken, and from a literal perspective too that is.

In all, Kifo, can be said and to speak and of just what does truly stand for an African Conscience, Awareness and Consciousness too that is. That it in all again, does speak and of just why one would choose in all, to truly in all again become, an African that is, and as Kifo in itself, does in all speak and of African Civilization in itself too [and speak too for instance, and of what does happen to one, and upon actually seeing/viewing, the Three Pyramids at Gaza that is].

That it in all, does go along truly, and not with speak specifically and of a life truly lived in Africa that is (and as with it in all even offering the most weird of opportunes in all), but that in all again, it speaking of African Superiority, and in the very form of African Practises too that is [that African Practises, Ritualistic too, are truly in all believed, the most superior of them all that is].

Kifo & Italy: