Friday 19 September 2014

Edwin Drood

Edwin Drood.

One in many a way, should not be in all, probably that is, be promoting many a Dicken's work on this Blog, and as Dickens in many a way, is often said quintessential England/London that is. However though, this post in all, does have to do, and with just how those in 'Nairo' or even Anatolian Nairobi in itself too, do in all define Comfort, and as with it even said to go along and with speak of Safety in itself, Sereneness, and even Prospect in itself too that is.

That there are those in 'Nairo', and who don't in all believe in the 5-Day Work Week, getting up everyday at 6:00 A.M, working on a Yearly basis, or even viewing Marriage in itself, and as going along and with speak of Security in itself too that is, but that in all ways even perhaps, would rather at the very least too, spend their time reading Mathew Pearl for instance, but that in all ways too, speak in all again and of gaining, what some do term 'gainful employment', and in the name of being an 'Idea Man' too that is [or speak too perhaps, and in the very least too, and of one and as buying into the Napoleon Hill world in all, and if not speak of Dale Carnegie too, and speak too in all again, and of simply knowing just how to put the most simplest of equipment, and to the most profitable of use that is]. In all, an existence not believed true in its ways, other than speak of the very belief that, most out there, are simply not of this way of life, and as with their viewing Marriage in all, and as truly offering Security in itself that is [and further speak too and of Financial Security in the very least too][but in many a way too, the viewing of Relationships, and from the very perspective and of Involvement too that is]. In all, the above stated, and as speaking for instance, and of one and as simply said a Draftsman of a kind (Link), and in speak of Penmanship too that is (Link).

In all, Comfort redefined here, and as now said even somewhat Victorian in its ways too, and as it does go along and with speak of the Armchair Lounge for instance (Link), Nicotine, Brandy, Sour Sweets, Chocolate/s/, Barleycup, Heineken, Soy Sauce / Vinegar, Khaki Pants, but speak even and of (Corduroy) Coats in themselves that is.

In all, a way of life believed said admirable in its ways, and as with those in 'Nairo' or Anatolian Nairobi too, and as living as such, do in all ways even, believe in paving the way, and in truly helping unveil perhaps, what a life filled with Potential in all, does truly refer too, and in speak of Kenya today, and as simply classified 'Third World', but as with it all even believed said here in all, and to speak of Ignorance, and in the form of Hatred too that is.

The Aberdare National Park: