Thursday 27 February 2014



Candles, and as with Candle Light even, speaking and of just whom those in 'Nairo' in all, are, and as with regards even and to issues and matters and as pertaining to Exposure and Disgust in itself, and as with further speak even of Cleansings in all, and as with Exposure and Disgust too, speaking in all again and of just whom those in 'Nairo' are, and as with regards to Visions, Dreams and Timelines too that is.

Civilizational Myth

Civilizational Myth.

African Consciousness & 'Nairo':

For those in 'Nairo', is to perhaps introduce them and for what does constitute for an African Consciousness in all (and outside Egypt and South Africa too), and as  with this speaking even, and of what does constitute for Civilizational Myth in all again that is. That in most parts of the World and outside Africa too, Civilizational Myth does speak even and of defining life in all, and as based around Standards of living, Quality of life, and even Standards of Excellence too that is. In Africa though, and outside Egypt in many a way and South Africa too, Civilizational Myth in all, and as primarily even defined based around speak of  'Better things to come' [known or unknown too] [and as with this even referring to everyday humour too actually].

In all, the above, and as speaking even of life in itself and as perceived from the very perspective of being Steadfast that is.

Wednesday 26 February 2014



Mischief & 'Nairo'.

Brit Music

Brit Music.

Tonight, and with NKOTB (The New Kids On The Block), and in many a way, a Brit Pop song in all, and as with it even having the same Sound in all again, and such as that seen in Alternative Rock and Alternative Grunge music too, but with it in many a way even, speaking in all and of just whom those in 'Nairo' were/are and in many a way too, and as with further speak even of hidden aspirations in all and dreams too, and while growing up that is. 

Tuesday 25 February 2014



Diversity & 'Nairo':

One of ways in all, and of thinking of life in Kenya and for those in 'Nairo', and especially Anatolian Nairobi too, is from speak in all, and of Formalities, and from the very perspective even, and of culture that is. That this in all again, does speak of interacting or engaging others in all, and from speak even and of terminology, and such as Presenting/presentation, Introductions, Openings, the Launch, the Debut, Commencements, the Inception etc. That Kenya in all, and as once said civilized in all again, did go with a general culture of Formalities in all, and as based around Introductions actually (and as with speak of taking the time in all, to breach many a topic and at a party too), and Introductions too, very much Victorian in their ways that is. This culture though did very much die down, and alongside all forms of Civility to be seen in Kenya too (and as with speak even of readily getting help and from a Government Ministry, and upon introducing oneself in a rather civil manner), but that in all again, life in Kenya today, can best be said to go along in all, and as with speak of Formalities too that is, and as based around the Opening in all actually.

Monday 24 February 2014

The Magnanimous

The Magnanimous.

To speak of the Magnanimous and 'Nairo', is to in all ways even, speak of a life truly lived, and as with speak even of the tumultuous in all, and as with this furtherly speaking even, and of having ones Name engraved or etched in all again, and in a surface of a kind actually, and as with all this furtherly referring even, and as having gone through life, and as only truly knowing those one could term Consorts in all actually.

(Meatloaf - Its all Coming Back to Me now)

Saturday 22 February 2014

Friday 21 February 2014



Renunciation, and for those in 'Nairo' and even Anatolian Nairobi too, and as with it even speaking of just what it truly does mean to be Christian in all, and also truly African too, and while living in Kenya/Africa that is.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Do the Bartman

Do the Bartman.

Pre-Anatolian 'Nairo', and as with it even speaking of growing up in many a way, and in 'Nairo' and back in the 90's in all, and in many a way in all again, is to perhaps send a special shout-out to B.K (Brian Karanja), and even Victor Okello (V.O), and as with all this referring even, and to just how the Times have changed, and as with speak even and of a Memory wipe in all, and simply in all again speak of forgetting the good side of us all, and while growing up in a Kenya too, and as very much now decadent in its ways actually.

The Christ

The Christ.

Speak in all ways even, and of Christian Dogma, and further speak even, and of 'Nairo', and as home to the moniker in all, and of 'the Christians' that is.

Monday 17 February 2014

The Cutlass

The Cutlass.

The Cutlass, and as with it even the Weapon of choice in all, and for the World today, and as with regards even, to speak of Life in all, and as perceived even from the perspective of being Cautious, or even speak in all again, and of Death too, and as perceived from the very perspective of being Transparent in all that is.

All this said too, and in a World today, which does still in all, very much worship American Ideals of living, and as with speak even of American Constitutional Ideals and Principles too (and as with Americans even taken as the most perfect of Human Beings in all), and as with in all stating that, America's rise today and to pre-eminence in all again, and as with speak even of Culture in itself too, does speak in all ways even and of the very fall and of the Christian World actually [Italy, Abyssinia/'Byzant' and Europe too] [and all this and as said from speak of Culture and Identity in all that is] [and as with further speak even, and of those who don't care to know too much of America that is].



Speak in all ways even, and of perceiving History in itself, and as with speak in all and of issues or matters and as pertaining to Continuity in itself too, and of History in itself that is, and from the very perspective of the Seen, the Foreseen and the Unseen too, and as compared in all again, and to viewing Continuity in History in itself, and from the very perspective of Faces too that is.

Friday 14 February 2014

St. Matthew

St. Matthew

Eternalism (and as with speak even of the Focal in all) & 'Nairo'.



Worship (and as with speak even of Celebratory moods) & 'Nairo'.

St. Mark

St. Mark

The Apostasy (and as with speak even of Internalization) & 'Nairo'.

The Acts of the Apostles

The Acts of the Apostles.

The Generic (and as with speak even of Communications too) & 'Nairo'.

King David

King David.

Concurrency & 'Nairo':

In many a way, the term Concurrency here does speak even and of anything significant that does happen, and which in many a way even, does come to be a part of the overall Consciousness, and of many a person and who does hear of it, and as a result, is affected by it in one way or another that is.

To speak of Concurrency as such, is to in many a way even, speak of just about how in all again, to go about really, attempting to do anything, and as with speak of success in itself too, and with the least amount of energy, effort, or time exerted that is, but still in many a way even, having or making an impression or impact, and that does in many a way too, appease one in all that is.

In all again though, this does speak even, and of just how one in all, does become a famous or reknowed figure actually. In many a way too, and as with attempting to not speak of Planning & Organization in all, is to present all this, and from the very perspective of Psychological thought in all [and as with speak even of the Body and its functions too that is].

The first of these, does speak even and of what some do term Ethnicity in all. In all again, success in all, and as sought out based around ones Ethnicity, and as with other peoples or Ethnicities in all again, very much envying one, and wishing in all again, to attain success on their own, or even replicate the success of a said Ethnicity that is. In all ways even, this does speak even of defining Ethnicity in all, and Psychologically too, and from the very perspective of Body Systems, Body Networks and even Body Organs too that is [and as with coming in all, to define oneself as such, and as with this speaking even, and of showing superiority in all, and as compared to others, and as with regards even to speak of speed in all again, being quick, being fast, or even in all again perhaps, simply being automatic in ones ways that is]. In many a way, this manner of defining success in all, and as very much glorified by the Media today too actually.

The second of these, does speak even and of fame in all, and as coming to oneself in all again, and via the creating even, and of an Identity, and that is very much Regional or Local in its ways too actually. In all ways even, and from a Psychological point of view, this does speak even and of what some do term Bodily Mechanisms in all, and especially speak of the Trigger and Re-set Mechanisms too that is [and as with this even speaking of someone who can Trigger many a happening in all, and as with defining success this way, and on that something happening, one in all again does reap rewards, and in one way or another too that is] [and as with all this even speaking of the Re-set Mechanism, and as a kind of security protocol too that is]. In all again perhaps, a manner of attaining success, that many in all have come to associate with crime in itself, or even truly again, speak of those, and who do believe in Instant Success that is.

The third of these, does speak even, and of what one could very well refer to as Body Poses, Postures and even Stances too. That in all again, and unknown to most in 'Nairo' perhaps, or even Kenya truly even, it is this manner of defining success in all, and that does serve as a path in all again, and to succeeding in Kenya today too that is. In all, what this does refer to is the very belief that, holding certain Body Poses for instance, and as in exhuming Confidence that is, does result in many a thing happening to one that is [and in all, and as with speak even of everyday success too that is] [and as with basic speak even, and of Body Poses, and that do easily attract Feminine attention that is]. In all again, and as with regards to speak of Kenya, you have Stances too, and which in all again does speak even, and of having a strong opinion on anything, and being adamant in ones ways, and despite any opposition faced, and in attempting to attain in all perhaps, success in itself actually. What of Postures? It in all does speak even and of just whom one is when defeated in all again, and as with speak even of being able to make a comeback, and even when beaten down that is. In many a way though, speak even and of those who do hold Gang Mentalities for instance, but in many a way too, romantically speaking even, and of Romeo & Juliet too for instance [Link], but in all ways even is to tell one that, it is this manner of seeking out success, which in many a way does make Kenya today, an Eastern African Country in all that is, and as with peoples from the Sudan said even Kenyan perhaps, and due to the very fact that Body Poses, Postures and Stances too in all, and in Kenya today, have come to be defined in many a way even, and by Eastern Africans in all that is [and even some Southern Africans too actually] [and as with further speak even of Kenyan Media today in all]. In all ways even, and in a Kenya where what some do term Ubaguzi is rather common, and as with this even speaking of racial stereotyping in all, is to perhaps tell one that, when they do think of themselves as such, in a Kenya today that is, and as ruled over by the Stances one does hold, then let them think of the following link, and as an Indicator in all, that all will be well actually [and as with it even serving, and as a memory of ones past in all again, and while growing up in Kenya, and in these Modern Times too actually] [Link].

This entry though, has in many a way to do, and with defining success in all, and from speak even and of the Human Mind actually [and as with this referring even, and to Bio-Rhythms, or even ones Reflexes too that is]. In many a way, this does speak even and of the story of King David too actually. In all again perhaps, all this even and as referring to seeking out success in all, and via what some do term Evocation actually, and as with this even not only referring to Spiritism in all, but in many a way truly even, the ability in all again, to evoke an emotional response of a kind, and as with speak even of awe too, and via the manner one does for instance, hesitate in all again that is. In all again though, a manner of seeking out success, and that does even speak of the Movie Industry for instance.

Thursday 13 February 2014



Ritualism, and as with speak even of Individual and Collective Memory, and in 'Nairo' and also Anatolian Nairobi too.

The Iconoclast

The Iconoclast.

The Iconoclast, and as with this speaking even of Mastery, Discipline and Responsibility too, and as with regards even, and to Self-Organization in all, and in 'Nairo' too that is.

Classical Music

Classical Music.

Jean-Baptiste Lully, and speak even and of not only Classical Music and 'Nairo' too, but in many a way even, speak even of Duality (and as in Opposites, the Inverse etc.), and in 'Nairo' too that is.

Wednesday 12 February 2014



Belief [and as with it even basically speaking of just whom we are in all, and as Interactional, Knowledgeable or even Behavioural beings too that is] & 'Nairo'.

Ben Jonson

Ben Jonson.

Speak of Ori [Link] & 'Nairo'.

Lake Turkana

Lake Turkana.

Lake Turkana, and as formerly known as Lake Rudolph too, and as Truly Kenya even, and as versus speak of Mt. Kenya too that is.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

The Cherubim

The Cherubim.

The Cherubim & 'Nairo'.

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

The Pied Piper of Hamelin.

The Trickster & 'Nairo'.



Gesundheit & 'Nairo':

Getstalt in many a way, is a term said German in all, but is actually truly Russian. It does speak in all again, and of defining oneself and as highly based around Shape, Form and Features too. It in all ways even, does speak actually and of attempting to fit into just about any place, and from a Psychological perspective too that is. In many a way really, Gesundheit and as an evil theory in all, does speak even and of those capable and of doing something harmful to one, and on receiving punishment in many a way even, do simply fit into it all, and as with speak even of those capable of withstanding torture in all that is.

In all again, Gesundheit, does actually speak and of just whom those in 'Nairo' are, and as with regards to Getstalt theory, or even simply speak of attempting to fit into any place that is. In all again too perhaps, Getstalt, and as very much speaking of Russia as an evil place, and after the 'Fall of Europe' too in all, and as with this furtherly speaking even of the rise of Stalin, and even the very known world of Russian racism, and as with speak even of street beatdowns and by so term Russian Skinheads too that is.

In all again, the reason for this 'long-winding' post, very much has to do, and with just how those in 'Nairo' do perceive Nairobi, and from an Infrastructural perspective too. That in all again, some do still view Nairobi, and from speak of terms and such as 'Nai' and even 'Mtaa' too actually [and as with the former speaking of the attempt, to turn Nairobi into a city, and as mainly defined along the lines of Corporate Worklifestyles in all actually, and with the latter, speaking of Nairobi in all, and as defined mainly in all, and from speak of Entertainment spots that is].

In many a way though is to tell one that, Nairobi is not actually truly a bad city or place, and if perceived, and from the very perspective of Durnham-Nairobi [Link1, Link2, Link3] [and as with this even speaking of centering Nairobi in all, and from speak of Westlands, and not Parklands or the city center either] [and as with speak even of the belief that, Nairobi's Infrastructure, is best built around Durnham-Nairobi, and not 'Nai' or 'Mtaa' either that is].

In all, Nairobi as it currently is, and as capable even of having Italian Sportscars, fit into it, and without their looking pretentious that is.


Monday 10 February 2014



Those living in 'Nairo', might wonder in all, and of what does constitute for Friendship, and in Nairobi in general too. This in many a way even, does speak in all and of just how one is treated, and when one does attempt to bond with others that is.

That in all, there are four main kinds of Friendships in all, witnessed in Nairobi, and on the average too. The first of these does speak of those who are American and in the manner they do attempt to bond and create Friendships, and in a general manner too that is, and who are in many a way even, very much the Wealthy even, and in Kenya today too that is. There are those too, who do attempt to bond in all, and create general Friendships in all again, and in a British manner too, and as with they even the Nairobi of social turmoil and poverty even, and as with speak even of a basic mentality in all, and of escaping the Slums in all that is. Thirdly, there are those who do seek to create general Friendships and even bonds in all, and in very much a Swahili manner, and as with telling those in 'Nairo' that, it is this group that does in many away, constitute for the reliable Workforces and Labour, lowly paying even, and who do in many a way too, run Kenya's Industries that is [and as with speak even of Agriculture and Farm Labour too for instance].

For those in 'Nairo' though, when they do think of general bonding and initiating Friendships in all, let them in all ways even think and of just what is German in Kenya actually, and as with some Kenyans in all too even, basically known to interact, and in a manner similar to the Germans that is.


the Dichotomy

The Dichotomy.

The Dichotomy & 'Nairo'.

Sunday 9 February 2014

The Treatise

The Treatise.

For those in 'Nairo', Anatolian Nairobi or even in Anatolia and as whole too perhaps, and who do wish to view themselves as rather Intelligent even, and as with 'Nairo' in all again, said to have its own Historical or Intelligence records in all, and as with further speak even, and of truly getting to the root of a problem that is, then in many a way, learning just how to write a Treatise, is the key to discovering oneself as a true Renaissance Man, and as seen even, and in Italy once too that is [and as with further speak even of Leonardo da Vinci too for instance].

''The Treatise'':



Cryptography, and as with it even, said to represent in all, all said existences, and at any given moment too that is.

In all again, something to be studied as a hobby even, and in Anatolian Nairobi and 'Nairo' too that is.

St. Giles Cathedral

St. Giles Cathedral.


[and for those in 'Nairo' and Anatolian Nairobi too].

Saturday 8 February 2014

Thursday 6 February 2014

Tuesday 4 February 2014



Shock & Exclaim and 'Nairo':

For those in 'Nairo', is to perhaps in all speak of, the very issue/fact in all again, and of what does constitute for Shock & Exclaim, and in our lives too that is. That most in all do fail to often truly realize that. Kenya or Nairobi in all, is actually in Africa, and as with speak even and of many a said African Religious Belief that is.

In many a way though News Media in all, and even many another form of Formal Media in all again, and as somewhat even, coming to define Shock & Exclaim, and in our lives too, and as with it all even in many away, speaking in all again, and of our lives in all, and as turning out in many a way too, and along the lines of many a belief in all, and on whats truly possible and whats not (and as with speak of Potential in all that is), and as seen in Western Media too perhaps. 

In all again, while many in 'Nairo', and as subscribing in all, and to American Media too perhaps, have come to generate, many a Belief in all, and as seen in American Media too, and by which they believe in all again, could truly represent Reality in itself actually [and as with speak even of wishful thinking that is].

However though, knowing Kenya to be in Africa, but still very much Christian in its ways, is to in many a way even, speak of what some do term Conjuring actually, and as with it even a Spiritual belief in all, deep-set in its ways even, and when held in all again, and as a Private belief too, will result in its manifesting into Reality in itself actually. When one does think as such, of Conjuring in all that is, let them think of the Christian tale of Dracula in all, and as with it even speaking perhaps of the boundaries in all again, and for those in 'Nairo', and as with regards even to Shock & Exclaim, and as with speak truly even, and of any sentimental belief held, and that is truly believed even, to truly represent Reality in all that is [and as with speak even of hopeful thinking in all, and as versus wishful thinking too that is].


Monday 3 February 2014



Political Identity & 'Nairo':

For those in 'Nairo', perhaps in all again, speak of, just how they do envision, Survival in itself, and in Nairobi or Kenya too. That Survival in Kenya, and as with speak even and of a Mental reference in all, and of what does constitute Poverty in Kenya too, is all often perceived or presented, and from the perspective of Domesticity [and as with this even speaking of Rural Kenya, and the owning of a small farmyard perhaps, and as with speak even of being a Horticulturalist or even an Agriculturalist too, and when in reality, Survival in Kenya, is best viewed and from the very perspective of being a Pastoralist in all]. 

In many a way though, Pastoralism, and as speaking even of Sheltering in all, and as versus Domesticity too, and as with Sheltering even, not speaking of meeting ones basic Needs, Wants or Desires in all again, but in all ways even, and as with speak of Survival and in Roman Civilization too, speaking in all, and of defining oneself in all again, and as with regards to what we Like, Care (to Know), and even Interest too [that knowing oneself as such, does in many a way even, lead to one not caring in all perhaps, and in just what others do think of one, and as a Survivor too that is]. In all, the Portable Roman Reader, and as perhaps even simply helping one know themselves ('Man Know Thyself'), and as with regards and to just what Survival truly is. 

In all again, speak of oneself as above, and speak in all ways even and of those in 'Nairo', and as now becoming even, active perhaps, and in Kenyan Politics too that is.



Routine life & 'Nairo':

Most in 'Nairo', must be of admittance in all that, living in Nairobi today, is not what it appears to be. That in all, while believed a city/place on the move, living in Nairobi in all, can be rather stressful even, and if one does not know just how to organize or plan out their daily lives that is. This in many a way, does speak even and of finding suitable work or employment for one, and as with truly believing in all that the work one engages in , will at the very least bring financial security or success in all, and that one does aspire for that is [and as with this even speaking of those in 'Nairo', simply wanting to make just enough Money, and to basically live out life pleasantly that is] [and as with all this even, speaking of base existences, and in Nairobi too that is].

To understand all this better, is to perhaps know in all again, and of the term Dissonance that is. That it in all, speaks even, and of the afflicting or affecting even, and of our Mental processes in all, and such that we don't see Reality in all again, and for what it is, and as with speak even of the obvious, the difficult, or sheer madness in itself too actually [and as with speak even of those accepting in all, and of those who do seek to strongly drink alcohol, and in the early hours of the day, and as with speak even of before Lunch that is]. In all, the afflicting and affecting and of our Mental processes in all, speaking even and of Distortion in itself, and as with this even speaking of the ancients and those who did live in the old World too, and as with asking oneself even, what would they truly make out of our present lives in all, and as with speak even of progress, and chaos & disorder in itself too actually [and as with this even basically speaking of Ancestor Worship & Veneration that is] [or simply in all again, whom we all are, and in Memory too that is].

To understand this much better, is to not speak of the World and as perceived as First-World, Second-World, or even Third-World too [and which does speak of a Knowledge Divide, Western too, and as with telling those in 'Nairo' that, Kenya in all, should be best perceived as being truly operational even, and as based around Biblical Knowledge that is (and speak even of the Vatican too)], but that in all ways even, this does speak of the terms Developed, Underdeveloped, Lowly Developed, Developing and even Poorly Developed too that is. That in all, this does speak even and of how Routine life in all again, is actually organized in all, and as with this speaking even, and of Dissonance, and in the form of Chaotic environs in all that is [and as with speak even and of the difficulty in all, and in doing just about anything that is].

To speak of Kenya as such, is to know that life in Kenya, the Horn of Africa and as region in all, or even Africa too, does differ and from many another place in the World, and as with life in Kenya in the very least, lived around what some do term Fastidiousness [and as with speak even and of holding on and as long as one can that is]. This differs and from other places in the World, and where Routine life in all again, is actually based around what some do call Sentiment actually. Sentiment in all, and as speaking even and of how we do perceive ourselves and others, and as based around our upbringing or how one was raised in all, and as with further speak even and of Sentiment in all, and Routine and Worklife too, and as not only speaking of how we do define Satisfaction in our lives, but as with regards to example in all, speaking in all for instance, and of Napoleon Hill's work, 'Think and Grow Rich', and as with this even speaking of perceiving ourselves in all, and in the name of satisfaction too, and from the very perspective of perseverance or persistence too, or in many a way even, speak furtherly of those in the Western World for instance, and as defined to be of the Lower Classes, and as defining Sentiment in all, and as with speak even of Satisfaction too, and as based around hateful feelings and spite even, and of what is believed a rather unfair System that is [and as with speak of Preferential Treatment too actually] [that in the Western World, a Minority on succeeding, can still not truly gain the respect, and of the Masses in all that is].

Kenya is different though, and as with speak even of those who do think of it and as developing and along Western (World) lines too that is. That life in Kenya in all, is actually based around Fastidiousness, and as versus Sentiment too, and as with Fastidiousness in all, and as with regards to Satisfaction perhaps, speaking of Discipline too, and as with regards even and to just what to concentrate on, or focus on, and on doing just about anything that is [that to gain satisfaction in all, having a late lunch, might bring more satisfaction to ones Worklife, and as versus taking Lunch and at the appointed time/hour too that is].

In all, speak in all again and of Fastidiousness, does speak even and of Routine life in Kenya, and as chaotic too perhaps, and as defined and as based around what they do call Pangs actually [and as with speak even of Hunger Pangs, or even Pangs of Panic, Anxiety etc.]. That in all, these Pangs in all again, are believed aroused in all, and by many an indefinite factor, and as with speak even of noise levels perhaps, and which in many a way do determine just how many a Kenyan in all does plan out their lives [and as with speak even and of one and as always running late, and at just about every minute of ones life too that is]. There are others though, and who do view Fastidiousness, and as based around defining ones Rights that is. That in all, it does speak even and of those rather Hardworking in their ways perhaps, and in Kenya too, and as with speak of being a Big Dreamer even, and as based around their being perceived in all, and as reknowed that is [that they in all, and as with speak of Conjugal Rights, are in the perfect marriage for instance, or even those in all again, and who are in many a way Favoured in society in all, and as with speak even of jumping lines too that is, or speak even of those easily given a Bank Loan for instance, or even those who do believe that on failing in many a way, someone will easily help them that is]. In many a way, all this speaking not of Individuals in all, but of many a favoured Family in Kenya perhaps, and such as the Githuthus too for instance perhaps.

For those in 'Nairo', a much better way of looking at attaining Success in all, and as with even simply thinking up an Idea (easily too), and that will make one Successful that is. In all, it does actually speak of defining Conflict in our lives that is [that for those in 'Nairo' in all, and as struggling with dealing with everyday life too perhaps, and as with speak even of a suitable income for one, is to in many a way even, redirect ones way of thinking, and towards one that is more or less suitable for them (and as with speak even of being Brainwashed in all, and at the Subconscious mind level too, or even truly again, speak of having been raised or taught in all again, and of what does constitute for Routine life, and in Modern societies, and via the News Media too for instance][that in all, this Brainwashing, does result in a blockage in all, and as with regards to ones thinking, and on matters and issues and as pertaining in all again, and to everyday happiness and satisfaction that is] In all, Conflict here, and as speaking truly even, and of knowing ourselves, and as with regards to speak of Comfort, Ease and Poise in all, and as with defining ourselves as such, and before in all again, we do start thinking up of many an Idea in all, and as with regards even and to just how to make it in life that is [and at a basic successful level too] [and as with the Blogger here, once thinking in all and along Western (World) lines of succeeding, and as in training to be an Engineer, did realize of all kinds of discriminatory attitudes abounding in the Western World, before changing in all again, and to an Entrepreneurial mindset and as based around Pangs too, and just to realize Nairobi and as a useless city/place, and when it does come to running Businesses that is, and now at the very least too, very much operating and as based around Conflict in all, and as with speak even of being a Consultant/Researcher, and for the Kenyan Government too that is] [one must realize what is been said here in all is that, we are in many a way simply talking of defining Success in all, and as based around what will make us truly happy and satisfied too, and at a Private level even, and as versus winning Public acclaim too that is].

In all again, for those in 'Nairo' and as with regards to speak of Conflict in all, learning of themselves as such, and as based around the works of James Joyce too in all, and as with they in all again, speaking of being a Conflicted person that is [that in all again and for those in 'Nairo' too, learning to truly see themselves and from the perspective of Conflict in all, bringing success to their lives, much more easily, and than they would in all believe that is].


Sunday 2 February 2014

Alternative Grunge

Alternative Grunge.

Guns 'N' Roses - Don't Cry (Alt. Lyrics).

In many a way Jenn............and popularly or commonly known as 'Wohmuhyuh' (Wamuyu) phonetically speaking that is.................and as in boldly attempting to say in all......''sex'' always.


Lingua Franca

Lingua Franca.

(A) Life in 3 Acts:

This post in many a way, does have to do, and with just how those in 'Nairo' in all, do seek to envision life in all. In all ways even, this does speak even, and of not just how they do envision life for themselves, but in many a way too perhaps, how they do envision life for others (and as with speak even of Competition for instance), or even truly again, just how God in all perhaps, does envision life for all of us [and as with speak even of being appointed by God in all again, and in bringing change for instance].

In all, envisioning life, can be said here, and to speak not particularly and of defining what does stand for Success or Achievement even [and as in many another part of the World], but in many a way too, speak even and of forming the most blissful and ecstatic in all for instance, of Bonds, and with each other that is [or those in all again, one does seek to go through ones life with, and as with speak even and of what does stand for discriminatory attitudes in all, and in Kenya or even the region of the Horn of Africa too that is (Somalia, Kenya & Ethiopia)].

In many a way, all this does speak even, and of Affirming Life in itself actually [what this does in all mean is that, Life in all, can be perceived even, and not from the People one meets or even speak in all and of Materiality too, but in all ways even, speak of Knowledge Bodies perhaps, and truly in all again, speak in all and of what one does choose to believe in, and what not to (and as with this even speaking of Modern lives in all, and as regulated or ruled over even, and by an Authoritarian News Media that is)].

In all, it does all even speak of what is considered to be the true Purpose of Ones life, and as with this in many a way, speaking of defining not only what Bonds one does wish to create with themselves (and as with speak even and of what one does choose to remember in all and of their lives too that is), but in many a way too, which kinds, sorts or varieties of Bonds even, one does wish to create with others, and finally in all again, what Bonds to create with God, and as with this referring even, and to Judgment in itself actually [and as in speak of the end of ones life too that is]. In all, the Bonds that one does wish to create of themselves (and as with speak again, and of what one in all, does wish to remember about their lives, and as with ignoring many an insult perhaps), does speak even and of perceiving life in all, and from the very perspective of the Act (Theatrical), and as with this even referring and to just what and at any moment too for instance, we do wish to Engage (in) that is [and as for instance, one being in all, and in a restaurant too, and simply being asked what Drink they might desire, and as with one perhaps not knowing that, the Bonds one does create of themselves in all, can very well determine which Drink in all again, one does seek to drink often that is] [and as with those still having a strong parental Bond and with their Fathers too for instance, and Authoritarian, and into ones mid-life too perhaps, not to comfortable in all again, and with identifying and with Beer too for instance].

In all, when one does think Bonds in general, one can think of Lingua, Customs, Ritual and Convention too. That this in all, does speak even and of the simplest way in all, and of forming Bonds too, and as with Lingua even speaking of slangs for instance, and with Convention on the otherhand, speaking of reliance in many a way truly [or those one can rely on for instance]. 

In all, in thinking of life in all again, and as defined by the Bonds we make (and rather than primarily speaking, and of defining Success or Achievement in itself, and the Bonds that do arise as such) [and as with Success here too, and in the Horn of Africa perhaps, defined in all again, and after our seeking in all, and to knowing just which Bonds in all again, we do believe to truly define us, and outside Success too that is], in all, in thinking of life and as based around Bonds or even truly knowing what Success we do wish to truly attain (and those that will go through life along with us perhaps, and as in creating life-time Bonds too that is), does speak even and of the strengthening and the weakening too, and of many a Bond, and that in all, does define us actually [and as with this even, speaking of Space in itself perhaps, and for those who do create Bonds and after defining Success, and as versus Time too perhaps, and for those who do seek to define Success, and after truly knowing themselves and via Bonds that is] [and as with this even basically speaking of grounding oneself, and in Ancestor Worship or Veneration that is]. 

In all, speak of strengthening and weakening Bonds, does speak even, and of what some could very well call, Participation, Slaying and even the seeking of Solace, and as with regards to Life in itself too. That the use of Participation in all, and in strengthening and weakening Bonds in all again, does speak even and of those whom we do wish to share in all, special moments too perhaps, and in our lives too [and as with it all and for some going along with Succeeding in all that is]. The use of Slaying, did in many a way give birth to the very world of Knights in all, and as with Slaying here in all, speaking of Judgmental behaviour too, and in the strengthening and weakening of Bonds too, and as versus Antagonism that is. In all though, for those in 'Nairo', speak of strengthening and weakening Bonds, does in many a way even, speak specifically even, of Solace actually, and as with this even speaking of finding in all perhaps, Peace, Love & Harmony, and in our lives too, and as with regards to the Bonds we have already created in all that is.

In all, Solace here and as with speak of Peace, Love & Harmony and as with regards to the Bonds we do create, speaking in many a way even, and of connecting ourselves, and to what some do term the Higher Self actually [and as with it even while found in many another Religion, also truly a part of African Religion and in the form of Vodou too], and as with the Higher Self and speak of being Christian, speaking of the Holy Ghost that is [and not the Holy Spirit either]. In many a way too, seeking Solace in life, also very much speaking of one in all, and as very much a Gladiator-Knight for instance [Link].

Finally, the very figure of Chaucer, and as seen in European History too, speaking even perhaps, and of being Christian in all, and as with speak even of Abyssinia and not Europe truly either, and as with he even known in all, Chaucer that is, to have defined in all again perhaps, the strengthening and weakening of Bonds in all, and as very much based around Lingua France that is [and as with it even speaking of Language in all, and as very much replacing Lingua, Custom, Ritual and Convention and as very much Formalized too , and as with regards even, and to the strengthening, weakening and even the creating of Bonds that is] [that in all, those in 'Nairo' in all again should be aware that, life in the Horn of Africa as region in all, and as with truly living it out even, does speak in many a way, and of coming up in all, and with rather interesting manners of speaking, and that are very much in all though generally accepted, or even highly regarded that is] [In many a way too, this speaking even, and of learning a new and secret language for instance]. 

In all again though, Chaucer, and as speaking even and of European History, and from the perspective of poor Bonds created in Europe in all, and that did lead to many a violent encounter, and as with speak even of the First Crusades that is.
