Monday 3 February 2014



Political Identity & 'Nairo':

For those in 'Nairo', perhaps in all again, speak of, just how they do envision, Survival in itself, and in Nairobi or Kenya too. That Survival in Kenya, and as with speak even and of a Mental reference in all, and of what does constitute Poverty in Kenya too, is all often perceived or presented, and from the perspective of Domesticity [and as with this even speaking of Rural Kenya, and the owning of a small farmyard perhaps, and as with speak even of being a Horticulturalist or even an Agriculturalist too, and when in reality, Survival in Kenya, is best viewed and from the very perspective of being a Pastoralist in all]. 

In many a way though, Pastoralism, and as speaking even of Sheltering in all, and as versus Domesticity too, and as with Sheltering even, not speaking of meeting ones basic Needs, Wants or Desires in all again, but in all ways even, and as with speak of Survival and in Roman Civilization too, speaking in all, and of defining oneself in all again, and as with regards to what we Like, Care (to Know), and even Interest too [that knowing oneself as such, does in many a way even, lead to one not caring in all perhaps, and in just what others do think of one, and as a Survivor too that is]. In all, the Portable Roman Reader, and as perhaps even simply helping one know themselves ('Man Know Thyself'), and as with regards and to just what Survival truly is. 

In all again, speak of oneself as above, and speak in all ways even and of those in 'Nairo', and as now becoming even, active perhaps, and in Kenyan Politics too that is.