Tuesday 4 February 2014



Shock & Exclaim and 'Nairo':

For those in 'Nairo', is to perhaps in all speak of, the very issue/fact in all again, and of what does constitute for Shock & Exclaim, and in our lives too that is. That most in all do fail to often truly realize that. Kenya or Nairobi in all, is actually in Africa, and as with speak even and of many a said African Religious Belief that is.

In many a way though News Media in all, and even many another form of Formal Media in all again, and as somewhat even, coming to define Shock & Exclaim, and in our lives too, and as with it all even in many away, speaking in all again, and of our lives in all, and as turning out in many a way too, and along the lines of many a belief in all, and on whats truly possible and whats not (and as with speak of Potential in all that is), and as seen in Western Media too perhaps. 

In all again, while many in 'Nairo', and as subscribing in all, and to American Media too perhaps, have come to generate, many a Belief in all, and as seen in American Media too, and by which they believe in all again, could truly represent Reality in itself actually [and as with speak even of wishful thinking that is].

However though, knowing Kenya to be in Africa, but still very much Christian in its ways, is to in many a way even, speak of what some do term Conjuring actually, and as with it even a Spiritual belief in all, deep-set in its ways even, and when held in all again, and as a Private belief too, will result in its manifesting into Reality in itself actually. When one does think as such, of Conjuring in all that is, let them think of the Christian tale of Dracula in all, and as with it even speaking perhaps of the boundaries in all again, and for those in 'Nairo', and as with regards even to Shock & Exclaim, and as with speak truly even, and of any sentimental belief held, and that is truly believed even, to truly represent Reality in all that is [and as with speak even of hopeful thinking in all, and as versus wishful thinking too that is].
