Friday 14 February 2014

King David

King David.

Concurrency & 'Nairo':

In many a way, the term Concurrency here does speak even and of anything significant that does happen, and which in many a way even, does come to be a part of the overall Consciousness, and of many a person and who does hear of it, and as a result, is affected by it in one way or another that is.

To speak of Concurrency as such, is to in many a way even, speak of just about how in all again, to go about really, attempting to do anything, and as with speak of success in itself too, and with the least amount of energy, effort, or time exerted that is, but still in many a way even, having or making an impression or impact, and that does in many a way too, appease one in all that is.

In all again though, this does speak even, and of just how one in all, does become a famous or reknowed figure actually. In many a way too, and as with attempting to not speak of Planning & Organization in all, is to present all this, and from the very perspective of Psychological thought in all [and as with speak even of the Body and its functions too that is].

The first of these, does speak even and of what some do term Ethnicity in all. In all again, success in all, and as sought out based around ones Ethnicity, and as with other peoples or Ethnicities in all again, very much envying one, and wishing in all again, to attain success on their own, or even replicate the success of a said Ethnicity that is. In all ways even, this does speak even of defining Ethnicity in all, and Psychologically too, and from the very perspective of Body Systems, Body Networks and even Body Organs too that is [and as with coming in all, to define oneself as such, and as with this speaking even, and of showing superiority in all, and as compared to others, and as with regards even to speak of speed in all again, being quick, being fast, or even in all again perhaps, simply being automatic in ones ways that is]. In many a way, this manner of defining success in all, and as very much glorified by the Media today too actually.

The second of these, does speak even and of fame in all, and as coming to oneself in all again, and via the creating even, and of an Identity, and that is very much Regional or Local in its ways too actually. In all ways even, and from a Psychological point of view, this does speak even and of what some do term Bodily Mechanisms in all, and especially speak of the Trigger and Re-set Mechanisms too that is [and as with this even speaking of someone who can Trigger many a happening in all, and as with defining success this way, and on that something happening, one in all again does reap rewards, and in one way or another too that is] [and as with all this even speaking of the Re-set Mechanism, and as a kind of security protocol too that is]. In all again perhaps, a manner of attaining success, that many in all have come to associate with crime in itself, or even truly again, speak of those, and who do believe in Instant Success that is.

The third of these, does speak even, and of what one could very well refer to as Body Poses, Postures and even Stances too. That in all again, and unknown to most in 'Nairo' perhaps, or even Kenya truly even, it is this manner of defining success in all, and that does serve as a path in all again, and to succeeding in Kenya today too that is. In all, what this does refer to is the very belief that, holding certain Body Poses for instance, and as in exhuming Confidence that is, does result in many a thing happening to one that is [and in all, and as with speak even of everyday success too that is] [and as with basic speak even, and of Body Poses, and that do easily attract Feminine attention that is]. In all again, and as with regards to speak of Kenya, you have Stances too, and which in all again does speak even, and of having a strong opinion on anything, and being adamant in ones ways, and despite any opposition faced, and in attempting to attain in all perhaps, success in itself actually. What of Postures? It in all does speak even and of just whom one is when defeated in all again, and as with speak even of being able to make a comeback, and even when beaten down that is. In many a way though, speak even and of those who do hold Gang Mentalities for instance, but in many a way too, romantically speaking even, and of Romeo & Juliet too for instance [Link], but in all ways even is to tell one that, it is this manner of seeking out success, which in many a way does make Kenya today, an Eastern African Country in all that is, and as with peoples from the Sudan said even Kenyan perhaps, and due to the very fact that Body Poses, Postures and Stances too in all, and in Kenya today, have come to be defined in many a way even, and by Eastern Africans in all that is [and even some Southern Africans too actually] [and as with further speak even of Kenyan Media today in all]. In all ways even, and in a Kenya where what some do term Ubaguzi is rather common, and as with this even speaking of racial stereotyping in all, is to perhaps tell one that, when they do think of themselves as such, in a Kenya today that is, and as ruled over by the Stances one does hold, then let them think of the following link, and as an Indicator in all, that all will be well actually [and as with it even serving, and as a memory of ones past in all again, and while growing up in Kenya, and in these Modern Times too actually] [Link].

This entry though, has in many a way to do, and with defining success in all, and from speak even and of the Human Mind actually [and as with this referring even, and to Bio-Rhythms, or even ones Reflexes too that is]. In many a way, this does speak even and of the story of King David too actually. In all again perhaps, all this even and as referring to seeking out success in all, and via what some do term Evocation actually, and as with this even not only referring to Spiritism in all, but in many a way truly even, the ability in all again, to evoke an emotional response of a kind, and as with speak even of awe too, and via the manner one does for instance, hesitate in all again that is. In all again though, a manner of seeking out success, and that does even speak of the Movie Industry for instance.