Sunday 2 February 2014

Lingua Franca

Lingua Franca.

(A) Life in 3 Acts:

This post in many a way, does have to do, and with just how those in 'Nairo' in all, do seek to envision life in all. In all ways even, this does speak even, and of not just how they do envision life for themselves, but in many a way too perhaps, how they do envision life for others (and as with speak even of Competition for instance), or even truly again, just how God in all perhaps, does envision life for all of us [and as with speak even of being appointed by God in all again, and in bringing change for instance].

In all, envisioning life, can be said here, and to speak not particularly and of defining what does stand for Success or Achievement even [and as in many another part of the World], but in many a way too, speak even and of forming the most blissful and ecstatic in all for instance, of Bonds, and with each other that is [or those in all again, one does seek to go through ones life with, and as with speak even and of what does stand for discriminatory attitudes in all, and in Kenya or even the region of the Horn of Africa too that is (Somalia, Kenya & Ethiopia)].

In many a way, all this does speak even, and of Affirming Life in itself actually [what this does in all mean is that, Life in all, can be perceived even, and not from the People one meets or even speak in all and of Materiality too, but in all ways even, speak of Knowledge Bodies perhaps, and truly in all again, speak in all and of what one does choose to believe in, and what not to (and as with this even speaking of Modern lives in all, and as regulated or ruled over even, and by an Authoritarian News Media that is)].

In all, it does all even speak of what is considered to be the true Purpose of Ones life, and as with this in many a way, speaking of defining not only what Bonds one does wish to create with themselves (and as with speak even and of what one does choose to remember in all and of their lives too that is), but in many a way too, which kinds, sorts or varieties of Bonds even, one does wish to create with others, and finally in all again, what Bonds to create with God, and as with this referring even, and to Judgment in itself actually [and as in speak of the end of ones life too that is]. In all, the Bonds that one does wish to create of themselves (and as with speak again, and of what one in all, does wish to remember about their lives, and as with ignoring many an insult perhaps), does speak even and of perceiving life in all, and from the very perspective of the Act (Theatrical), and as with this even referring and to just what and at any moment too for instance, we do wish to Engage (in) that is [and as for instance, one being in all, and in a restaurant too, and simply being asked what Drink they might desire, and as with one perhaps not knowing that, the Bonds one does create of themselves in all, can very well determine which Drink in all again, one does seek to drink often that is] [and as with those still having a strong parental Bond and with their Fathers too for instance, and Authoritarian, and into ones mid-life too perhaps, not to comfortable in all again, and with identifying and with Beer too for instance].

In all, when one does think Bonds in general, one can think of Lingua, Customs, Ritual and Convention too. That this in all, does speak even and of the simplest way in all, and of forming Bonds too, and as with Lingua even speaking of slangs for instance, and with Convention on the otherhand, speaking of reliance in many a way truly [or those one can rely on for instance]. 

In all, in thinking of life in all again, and as defined by the Bonds we make (and rather than primarily speaking, and of defining Success or Achievement in itself, and the Bonds that do arise as such) [and as with Success here too, and in the Horn of Africa perhaps, defined in all again, and after our seeking in all, and to knowing just which Bonds in all again, we do believe to truly define us, and outside Success too that is], in all, in thinking of life and as based around Bonds or even truly knowing what Success we do wish to truly attain (and those that will go through life along with us perhaps, and as in creating life-time Bonds too that is), does speak even and of the strengthening and the weakening too, and of many a Bond, and that in all, does define us actually [and as with this even, speaking of Space in itself perhaps, and for those who do create Bonds and after defining Success, and as versus Time too perhaps, and for those who do seek to define Success, and after truly knowing themselves and via Bonds that is] [and as with this even basically speaking of grounding oneself, and in Ancestor Worship or Veneration that is]. 

In all, speak of strengthening and weakening Bonds, does speak even, and of what some could very well call, Participation, Slaying and even the seeking of Solace, and as with regards to Life in itself too. That the use of Participation in all, and in strengthening and weakening Bonds in all again, does speak even and of those whom we do wish to share in all, special moments too perhaps, and in our lives too [and as with it all and for some going along with Succeeding in all that is]. The use of Slaying, did in many a way give birth to the very world of Knights in all, and as with Slaying here in all, speaking of Judgmental behaviour too, and in the strengthening and weakening of Bonds too, and as versus Antagonism that is. In all though, for those in 'Nairo', speak of strengthening and weakening Bonds, does in many a way even, speak specifically even, of Solace actually, and as with this even speaking of finding in all perhaps, Peace, Love & Harmony, and in our lives too, and as with regards to the Bonds we have already created in all that is.

In all, Solace here and as with speak of Peace, Love & Harmony and as with regards to the Bonds we do create, speaking in many a way even, and of connecting ourselves, and to what some do term the Higher Self actually [and as with it even while found in many another Religion, also truly a part of African Religion and in the form of Vodou too], and as with the Higher Self and speak of being Christian, speaking of the Holy Ghost that is [and not the Holy Spirit either]. In many a way too, seeking Solace in life, also very much speaking of one in all, and as very much a Gladiator-Knight for instance [Link].

Finally, the very figure of Chaucer, and as seen in European History too, speaking even perhaps, and of being Christian in all, and as with speak even of Abyssinia and not Europe truly either, and as with he even known in all, Chaucer that is, to have defined in all again perhaps, the strengthening and weakening of Bonds in all, and as very much based around Lingua France that is [and as with it even speaking of Language in all, and as very much replacing Lingua, Custom, Ritual and Convention and as very much Formalized too , and as with regards even, and to the strengthening, weakening and even the creating of Bonds that is] [that in all, those in 'Nairo' in all again should be aware that, life in the Horn of Africa as region in all, and as with truly living it out even, does speak in many a way, and of coming up in all, and with rather interesting manners of speaking, and that are very much in all though generally accepted, or even highly regarded that is] [In many a way too, this speaking even, and of learning a new and secret language for instance]. 

In all again though, Chaucer, and as speaking even and of European History, and from the perspective of poor Bonds created in Europe in all, and that did lead to many a violent encounter, and as with speak even of the First Crusades that is.
