Monday 3 February 2014



Routine life & 'Nairo':

Most in 'Nairo', must be of admittance in all that, living in Nairobi today, is not what it appears to be. That in all, while believed a city/place on the move, living in Nairobi in all, can be rather stressful even, and if one does not know just how to organize or plan out their daily lives that is. This in many a way, does speak even and of finding suitable work or employment for one, and as with truly believing in all that the work one engages in , will at the very least bring financial security or success in all, and that one does aspire for that is [and as with this even speaking of those in 'Nairo', simply wanting to make just enough Money, and to basically live out life pleasantly that is] [and as with all this even, speaking of base existences, and in Nairobi too that is].

To understand all this better, is to perhaps know in all again, and of the term Dissonance that is. That it in all, speaks even, and of the afflicting or affecting even, and of our Mental processes in all, and such that we don't see Reality in all again, and for what it is, and as with speak even of the obvious, the difficult, or sheer madness in itself too actually [and as with speak even of those accepting in all, and of those who do seek to strongly drink alcohol, and in the early hours of the day, and as with speak even of before Lunch that is]. In all, the afflicting and affecting and of our Mental processes in all, speaking even and of Distortion in itself, and as with this even speaking of the ancients and those who did live in the old World too, and as with asking oneself even, what would they truly make out of our present lives in all, and as with speak even of progress, and chaos & disorder in itself too actually [and as with this even basically speaking of Ancestor Worship & Veneration that is] [or simply in all again, whom we all are, and in Memory too that is].

To understand this much better, is to not speak of the World and as perceived as First-World, Second-World, or even Third-World too [and which does speak of a Knowledge Divide, Western too, and as with telling those in 'Nairo' that, Kenya in all, should be best perceived as being truly operational even, and as based around Biblical Knowledge that is (and speak even of the Vatican too)], but that in all ways even, this does speak of the terms Developed, Underdeveloped, Lowly Developed, Developing and even Poorly Developed too that is. That in all, this does speak even and of how Routine life in all again, is actually organized in all, and as with this speaking even, and of Dissonance, and in the form of Chaotic environs in all that is [and as with speak even and of the difficulty in all, and in doing just about anything that is].

To speak of Kenya as such, is to know that life in Kenya, the Horn of Africa and as region in all, or even Africa too, does differ and from many another place in the World, and as with life in Kenya in the very least, lived around what some do term Fastidiousness [and as with speak even and of holding on and as long as one can that is]. This differs and from other places in the World, and where Routine life in all again, is actually based around what some do call Sentiment actually. Sentiment in all, and as speaking even and of how we do perceive ourselves and others, and as based around our upbringing or how one was raised in all, and as with further speak even and of Sentiment in all, and Routine and Worklife too, and as not only speaking of how we do define Satisfaction in our lives, but as with regards to example in all, speaking in all for instance, and of Napoleon Hill's work, 'Think and Grow Rich', and as with this even speaking of perceiving ourselves in all, and in the name of satisfaction too, and from the very perspective of perseverance or persistence too, or in many a way even, speak furtherly of those in the Western World for instance, and as defined to be of the Lower Classes, and as defining Sentiment in all, and as with speak even of Satisfaction too, and as based around hateful feelings and spite even, and of what is believed a rather unfair System that is [and as with speak of Preferential Treatment too actually] [that in the Western World, a Minority on succeeding, can still not truly gain the respect, and of the Masses in all that is].

Kenya is different though, and as with speak even of those who do think of it and as developing and along Western (World) lines too that is. That life in Kenya in all, is actually based around Fastidiousness, and as versus Sentiment too, and as with Fastidiousness in all, and as with regards to Satisfaction perhaps, speaking of Discipline too, and as with regards even and to just what to concentrate on, or focus on, and on doing just about anything that is [that to gain satisfaction in all, having a late lunch, might bring more satisfaction to ones Worklife, and as versus taking Lunch and at the appointed time/hour too that is].

In all, speak in all again and of Fastidiousness, does speak even and of Routine life in Kenya, and as chaotic too perhaps, and as defined and as based around what they do call Pangs actually [and as with speak even of Hunger Pangs, or even Pangs of Panic, Anxiety etc.]. That in all, these Pangs in all again, are believed aroused in all, and by many an indefinite factor, and as with speak even of noise levels perhaps, and which in many a way do determine just how many a Kenyan in all does plan out their lives [and as with speak even and of one and as always running late, and at just about every minute of ones life too that is]. There are others though, and who do view Fastidiousness, and as based around defining ones Rights that is. That in all, it does speak even and of those rather Hardworking in their ways perhaps, and in Kenya too, and as with speak of being a Big Dreamer even, and as based around their being perceived in all, and as reknowed that is [that they in all, and as with speak of Conjugal Rights, are in the perfect marriage for instance, or even those in all again, and who are in many a way Favoured in society in all, and as with speak even of jumping lines too that is, or speak even of those easily given a Bank Loan for instance, or even those who do believe that on failing in many a way, someone will easily help them that is]. In many a way, all this speaking not of Individuals in all, but of many a favoured Family in Kenya perhaps, and such as the Githuthus too for instance perhaps.

For those in 'Nairo', a much better way of looking at attaining Success in all, and as with even simply thinking up an Idea (easily too), and that will make one Successful that is. In all, it does actually speak of defining Conflict in our lives that is [that for those in 'Nairo' in all, and as struggling with dealing with everyday life too perhaps, and as with speak even of a suitable income for one, is to in many a way even, redirect ones way of thinking, and towards one that is more or less suitable for them (and as with speak even of being Brainwashed in all, and at the Subconscious mind level too, or even truly again, speak of having been raised or taught in all again, and of what does constitute for Routine life, and in Modern societies, and via the News Media too for instance][that in all, this Brainwashing, does result in a blockage in all, and as with regards to ones thinking, and on matters and issues and as pertaining in all again, and to everyday happiness and satisfaction that is] In all, Conflict here, and as speaking truly even, and of knowing ourselves, and as with regards to speak of Comfort, Ease and Poise in all, and as with defining ourselves as such, and before in all again, we do start thinking up of many an Idea in all, and as with regards even and to just how to make it in life that is [and at a basic successful level too] [and as with the Blogger here, once thinking in all and along Western (World) lines of succeeding, and as in training to be an Engineer, did realize of all kinds of discriminatory attitudes abounding in the Western World, before changing in all again, and to an Entrepreneurial mindset and as based around Pangs too, and just to realize Nairobi and as a useless city/place, and when it does come to running Businesses that is, and now at the very least too, very much operating and as based around Conflict in all, and as with speak even of being a Consultant/Researcher, and for the Kenyan Government too that is] [one must realize what is been said here in all is that, we are in many a way simply talking of defining Success in all, and as based around what will make us truly happy and satisfied too, and at a Private level even, and as versus winning Public acclaim too that is].

In all again, for those in 'Nairo' and as with regards to speak of Conflict in all, learning of themselves as such, and as based around the works of James Joyce too in all, and as with they in all again, speaking of being a Conflicted person that is [that in all again and for those in 'Nairo' too, learning to truly see themselves and from the perspective of Conflict in all, bringing success to their lives, much more easily, and than they would in all believe that is].
