Monday 17 February 2014

The Cutlass

The Cutlass.

The Cutlass, and as with it even the Weapon of choice in all, and for the World today, and as with regards even, to speak of Life in all, and as perceived even from the perspective of being Cautious, or even speak in all again, and of Death too, and as perceived from the very perspective of being Transparent in all that is.

All this said too, and in a World today, which does still in all, very much worship American Ideals of living, and as with speak even of American Constitutional Ideals and Principles too (and as with Americans even taken as the most perfect of Human Beings in all), and as with in all stating that, America's rise today and to pre-eminence in all again, and as with speak even of Culture in itself too, does speak in all ways even and of the very fall and of the Christian World actually [Italy, Abyssinia/'Byzant' and Europe too] [and all this and as said from speak of Culture and Identity in all that is] [and as with further speak even, and of those who don't care to know too much of America that is].