Monday 29 September 2014

'on a later Date'

'on a later/another Date'.

Speak of the Time-keeper, the Distant Future, the Cosmological (and in speak of Law too), but speak truly even and of what does constitute and for true change in all, and in Kenya/Nairobi too that is.



In speaking of the Black, the White and the Brown, is to in all ways even say that, Safari, and as a cultural phenomenon too, has always been truly associated, and with Brown skinned Kenyans/Africans that is [and with names and such as Livingstone, Speke, Burton, HM Stanley, Mungo Park etc. all associated and with the history of Brown skinned Kenyans and in Kenya/Africa too that is].

For while the 'Laissez Faire' (Link), does in all even speak of the attempt and to turn Kenya/Nairobi in all, and into a high-profile City of a kind (and under the Kenyatta Regime too), speak of Safari on the otherhand, does speak in all, and of the attempt to define an Authentic or Genuine, African culture in Kenya, and in Emotion too, and as with it in all even truly critical, and of Cultural Influence, simply said not African that is (and in speak too of African Dress & Custom in all truly) [Link].

Sunday 28 September 2014

Saturday 27 September 2014

Rudge, Rugga & Rugby

Rudge, Rugga & Rugby.

While Rugby in all, is said to be ruled over, and by speak of the Scrummage, and with Rugga on the otherhand (and as truly popular in East Africa / Kenya too), said ruled over and by the Try / Touch Down too, it is with Rudge though, and as known to many a person in 'Nairo' too, and that is in all again ruled over, and by the Technical Foul in itself too that is [and further speak too, and of the Run in itself too actually].

the Helmet

The (Knight's) Helmet.

As with it all in many a way, speaking truly of the Mouro, and in Relic/Artifact too that is [and as with the term Spanish/Italian in all, truly speaking in all again, and of the Moor in History too that is][and further speak too, and of Granada in itself actually].



Those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, have truly heard of the Swahili term 'Kifo'. It in all again, does not speak of the term Death in itself, but in many a way too, can be said to best speak of the term 'Sudden Death', but as with it in all even, not taken, and from a literal perspective too that is.

In all, Kifo, can be said and to speak and of just what does truly stand for an African Conscience, Awareness and Consciousness too that is. That it in all again, does speak and of just why one would choose in all, to truly in all again become, an African that is, and as Kifo in itself, does in all speak and of African Civilization in itself too [and speak too for instance, and of what does happen to one, and upon actually seeing/viewing, the Three Pyramids at Gaza that is].

That it in all, does go along truly, and not with speak specifically and of a life truly lived in Africa that is (and as with it in all even offering the most weird of opportunes in all), but that in all again, it speaking of African Superiority, and in the very form of African Practises too that is [that African Practises, Ritualistic too, are truly in all believed, the most superior of them all that is].

Kifo & Italy:

Tuesday 23 September 2014

The Rat-Hole

The Rat-Hole.

For those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, and as acknowledging in all, that life in Africa in itself, does speak of one and as said an Escapist (or as suffering in all even, and from Escapism in itself too that is), and as versus speak of being a Dreamer that is, what is it then in all, that one cannot Escape from?

** and other than talk of Vocab. for instance, and speak too and of 'names' and such as B.K. Vic., Pato, Uhure, Miro etc.

Monday 22 September 2014

Jevanjee Gardens

Jevanjee Gardens.

- and speak too, and of Kenyan Shrines that is.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Shakira & Rihanna

Shakira & Rihanna.

** and further speak too, and of the Colour Display that is.
*** and as with it all even going along truly, and with speak of Indie Media, and as said to speak of World Music that is.

**** Joan Jett on the otherhand, and the Colour Display too, and speak too of Central Asia in all, and the 'want to visit' that is:

Friday 19 September 2014

Edwin Drood

Edwin Drood.

One in many a way, should not be in all, probably that is, be promoting many a Dicken's work on this Blog, and as Dickens in many a way, is often said quintessential England/London that is. However though, this post in all, does have to do, and with just how those in 'Nairo' or even Anatolian Nairobi in itself too, do in all define Comfort, and as with it even said to go along and with speak of Safety in itself, Sereneness, and even Prospect in itself too that is.

That there are those in 'Nairo', and who don't in all believe in the 5-Day Work Week, getting up everyday at 6:00 A.M, working on a Yearly basis, or even viewing Marriage in itself, and as going along and with speak of Security in itself too that is, but that in all ways even perhaps, would rather at the very least too, spend their time reading Mathew Pearl for instance, but that in all ways too, speak in all again and of gaining, what some do term 'gainful employment', and in the name of being an 'Idea Man' too that is [or speak too perhaps, and in the very least too, and of one and as buying into the Napoleon Hill world in all, and if not speak of Dale Carnegie too, and speak too in all again, and of simply knowing just how to put the most simplest of equipment, and to the most profitable of use that is]. In all, an existence not believed true in its ways, other than speak of the very belief that, most out there, are simply not of this way of life, and as with their viewing Marriage in all, and as truly offering Security in itself that is [and further speak too and of Financial Security in the very least too][but in many a way too, the viewing of Relationships, and from the very perspective and of Involvement too that is]. In all, the above stated, and as speaking for instance, and of one and as simply said a Draftsman of a kind (Link), and in speak of Penmanship too that is (Link).

In all, Comfort redefined here, and as now said even somewhat Victorian in its ways too, and as it does go along and with speak of the Armchair Lounge for instance (Link), Nicotine, Brandy, Sour Sweets, Chocolate/s/, Barleycup, Heineken, Soy Sauce / Vinegar, Khaki Pants, but speak even and of (Corduroy) Coats in themselves that is.

In all, a way of life believed said admirable in its ways, and as with those in 'Nairo' or Anatolian Nairobi too, and as living as such, do in all ways even, believe in paving the way, and in truly helping unveil perhaps, what a life filled with Potential in all, does truly refer too, and in speak of Kenya today, and as simply classified 'Third World', but as with it all even believed said here in all, and to speak of Ignorance, and in the form of Hatred too that is.

The Aberdare National Park:

Thursday 18 September 2014



Speak too in all, and of the rise and fall and rise and fall and rise ......................... and of the Swahili State too that is.



Worth striving for.


Wednesday 17 September 2014

The Torch

The Torch.

The Torch, and as with it even said to refer, and to the said 'Point of No Return'.

In many a way though, the Torch, and as said a Symbol too, and as helping to deal, and with many a psychic, psychological or even mental health problem in all and as seen today too, and that does in all basically arise, and with speak of Modern/Western Communications that is [that the Torch, can basically be said, and to very much speak in all, and of not only Imagination in itself, but speak too and of just whom or who in all, we are as Dreamers, in Lamentation/Sorrow, or even in speak of Hallucinations and as said very real too, and as believed truly hampered in all again, and by speak of Modern/Western Communications that is].




The rise and fall of 'Nairo':

This entry in many a way, does have to do, and with just how best for those in 'Nairo', to go along in all, and in defining or thinking of Institution, and away, and from that said to speak of Credentials and (Educational) Accreditation too that is.

That in all, for those said Wealthy and Rich and in our World today, Institution, and as primarily even said going along in all, and with speak of truly defining oneself, and as with regards to speak Ethnicity, Background and Ancestry too that is. In all, an Identity said to have been the norm in the old World, but with it now said Institutionalized in all, and in speak of Investment Banking too for instance.

Most of the World today though, and as said functioning but still Developing in all, is said to go along in all again, and with speak of Institution, and as defined primarily in all, and in speak of Monetary, Financial and Economic Systems too that is [and further speak even and of an Education in all, and as geared towards speak of Modern Research in itself too].

What of the Japanese though? They in all, are still said to remain rather unique in their ways, and as separate from other peoples of the World, in that, one cannot but help envy in all again, just how the Japanese have been able to bring the 'Modern' and the Traditional together, and as Japanese Institution to this very day, is still known and to go along in all, and with speak of Courtship in itself that is [and speak here in a basic sense, and of Shintoism in Japan today too for instance][Link1, Link2 - JVT].

For those in 'Nairo', is to first off point out the said believed deplorable conditions in all, and of Kenya's Institutions that is [that for those who do study Institutions in many a way, Kenya in all, is truly believed to have no proper future to it that is]. That in all again, Africans and as said stupefying people of a kind, does in all ways even go along in all, and with speak of their societies, and as said in all, failing, and in truly defining Institution in all, and in speak of Ethnicity, Background and Ancestry too that is [and other than speak and of Wealth Grabbing in all truly]. 

In all again, what to do? 

In many a way, it is truly advised here in all that, those in 'Nairo' (but as including speak of Anatolian Nairobi in itself too), do in all ways have a pragmatic approach and to Institution in Kenya/Nairobi in itself, and that does go along even, and with speak of the Chess/Draughts Board, and as traditionally known to represent, (Magical) Existence in itself that is [Link] [and as with it even said to have its origins, and in Ancient Egypt too that is].

That the Game of Chess, does go along in all, and with speak of the Analytical, Calculative, Scholarly or even Cryptic too, or speak here too of Symbolism in itself, but that in all ways even, truly mastering it, and in speak of Studying Chess in itself, and as said to go along in all, and with speak of Manifestation in itself that is [and further speak here for instance, and of the very birth and rise of Granada, Alhambra and Southern Spain too, and to Empire heights that is].

That the Game of Draughts, is in many a way truly, associated, and with speak even of 'spirit possession' in itself, and as said a form of Intelligence too that is [and speak even here, and of Unconscious States in themselves that is][Link1, Link2][and further speak too, and of the speedy solving of a problem for instance].

That the Chess/Draughts Board in itself, and as said mythic in its ways, does in all perhaps, truly speak of Africa, and as with regards and to what is truly said possible or said possibly manifest too, and in African life, culture or even being that is [and when said truly Developed in all actually][Link].

Speak here too though, and of the very studying of the History of Mathematics [and its Developments too], and as said to represent Institutional Thought in itself actually [Link].

Furtherly in all again, Language, and as said Institution, and as speaking in all even, and of the ability to engage in African speech in all, and as said Hadith too that is.

'Nairo', Language and Institution:

Saturday 13 September 2014

National Defense

National Defense.

National Defense, and as with it in all even, going along in all, and with speak of defining Kenyan society, and as found in Nairobi in the very least too, and along the lines in all again, and of one and as said possessing a Laissez Faire attitude and to just about everything too that is [and speak too and of Kenya, and as not only perceived and in speak of the Sun, Greenery or even Conscience too (and as with it even said local, regional, historical or even truly cultural that is), but in all ways even, speak in all, and of Kenyan Policy, and as said truly going along in all, and with speak of Private Property in itself (and its accumulation that is), and Private Property too and as said defined in all, and in speak of Knowledge Bodies / Institutes / Private Clubs, and as versus speak of Kenya in all, and as defined and in speak of Public Property too, and in many a way too, Kenyan now, and as now said readily or heavily stratified, and in speak of Identity, and as said African, Un-African and Non-African too that is].

Thursday 11 September 2014

Monday 8 September 2014



Preparations, and as with they in all even said Mental too, and speak in all truly, and of what does constitute and for Evil in Kenya, and as going along in all, and with speak of the history of Devil Worship in Kenya too that is.

Mixed Media

Mixed Media.

Mixed Media and 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi too.

Saturday 6 September 2014



This entry in many a way, does suppose and to present in all, what does constitute and for an African Identity in Kenya, and as versus that said in all, Black African in many a way too that is.

That in all, Theosophy, is basically said and to speak, and of just whom or who in all, we are, and when it does come and to speak and of an Emotional Response that is [and to anything in all too]. That Theosophy, and as said African or Kenya truly too, does speak in all, and of just how we do seek to Classify many a thing, or speak truly even, and of the Communications and Order we do adopt in all, and once exposed to many a thing that is.

That Theosophy and as described above, does truly in all again, differentiate those said African in Kenya, and those said Black too, and as African Identity in all, does go along and with speak of seeking out Acknowledgements in themselves (and with African Identity in all, now tied and to speak of Egypt that is), while Black African Identity, is often known and to speak and of the search for Independence that is [and as with it even an Identity, and that does attempt to glorify the presence of Black people in all, and in the Middle East too that is][Link].

In all, what does Theosophy truly speak of or represent and for those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi too? It in many a way in all perhaps, does initially in all, attempt to speak of Autonomy in itself (and speak of one and as said distinct from the rest), and further speak here too, and of what can be termed a Diseased Mind perhaps, and one and as said in all, and as having one in all, and as said not able to Classify many a thing and in proper manner or order too, or even truly in all again, one and as said lacking and in the proper Response, Emotional, and in speak of Communications and Order adopted too that is.

In having said this, is to now in many a way, attempt to present in all, a Kenyan Theosophy (and with Theosopy too, pretty much Italian Religion in all), and as said speaking and of Suicide in itself (Link) that is, and as with regards, and to those who do seek out Acknowledgements in their lives, and as said in all, and to speak and of Success in itself too that is.

the Story of Kenia/Kenya

the Story of Kenia/Kenya.

This entry in many a way, will attempt to deal and with just how most in Kenya in all, do actually perceive Kenya in itself. That Kenya in all again, does have a History, and one too, not best recorded and in a Modern manner so to speak, but one in all again, and that does speak in all, and of Swahili Oral Traditions for instance.

That the Story of Kenya/Kenia, is not best told and in speak of Infrastructural Development or its Indigenous peoples too, but in all ways even, and in speak of Nature too that is.

That Kenya, is often poorly perceived by many, and in speak of Wildlife, and that does in all ways even, speak of the Big 5 that is [and a manner of perceiving Kenya too in all, and that does speak of Nairobi, and the rest of Kenya and as said populated in all again, and by a few Towns and Rural/countryside settlements too that is].

There is however another way of viewing Kenya, and that is African/Egyptian in all, and does speak in all again, and of Kenya, and as said home and to many a Serpent life form, and from speak even and of Cobras, Puff Adders, Pythons, 'the Black Mamba', ' the Green Mamba' etc., and such that, those who do know of Kenya in this manner, often find themselves living or dealing and with a Kenya, and that does attempt in all, and to define a Kenyan Spirituality that is [and speak too of it, and alongside speak of Egyptian Spirituality in all actually][and with the least of these, being the Legio Maria sect, and as found/seen amongst the Luo and Abaluyhia peoples of Kenya that is].

There is however another Kenya, and that can be very well said Greek too, and that does speak in all, and of Kenya, and as said Home in all again, and to the so termed Big Birds that is [and speak here in all and of Eagles, Vultures, Hawks, Falcons, Kites, Doves, Owls etc.]. In all again, a Kenya truly unknown to most, but can be said somewhat associated and with speak of American Presences and in Kenya too that is [and as going along perhaps, and with speak of Ernest Hemingway for instance].

Finally though, another Kenya, often perceived more or less European in its ways, and that does speak even of Kenya and as home to Foxes, Wild Dogs (and as including speak even of African Wolves), Wild Cats (and as including speak of a said believed presence of Black Wild Cats, and as with they even said somewhat like Pumas too), Tortoises & Turtles, Crocodiles, Fireflies, Tarantulas and Spiders etc.

(Ben. E. King - Stand by Me)

The Kenya though, and that most do know of/about, and as said to house the Wealthy and Rich in Kenya too is in many a way said to speak and of the History of Kenya, and as going along and with speak of Presences that is. That Kenyan History, and as now said Colonial in many a way (and not Pre-Colonial truly either), does see Kenya and as a Home to many a Presence, and that does now speak of Kenya, and as becoming a place of interest, and to many a Figure, and such as Winston Churchill, Henry Kissinger, Queen Elizabeth II, (Theodore) Roosevelt, Prince Charles, Carl Jung, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and even former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates in himself too that is. It is this Kenya, and of Presences, and that does speak in all again, and of Kenya, and as said an ancient land or place in spirit, and as with it in all even, said to speak and of Presence, and in the form of the Maasai peoples of Kenya too that is. To speak of Kenya in this manner though, is to speak of Kenya in all again, and as going along and with speak of it now, and as said 'Black African' too in all, in that, Victorian society in Kenya, is said to house many a formidable Presence to it, making it in many a way, the very center and of the Victorian World in all that is, and such that, 'Black African' Racial Inferiority in all, and in speak of Post-Colonial/Independence Kenya too that is, is actually truly said to speak and of Presences in themselves, and in Modern Kenyan society too, and not Intelligence truly either [that Kenyans, today, are amongst the most backward and uncivil of peoples, you will ever meet][and with those in 'Nairo' in many a way, and as said Civil too perhaps, simply classified and from a Post-Colonial perspective in all, and that does speak even and of Brit Identity in Kenya too that is][Link].

There is another Kenya though, and as said unknown to most, and which does speak of Kenya, and as said Pre-Colonial too that is. That this Kenya, is in many a way truly, the very reason, and of just how in all, Nairobi came to be as it is [a Colonial City in many a way, and as going along too, and with speak of the History of Christianity in Kenya, and alongside speak of the Holy Family Basilica for instance], and in all ways even, does speak of the very history and of Figures and such as 'Siegfried Sassoon' in Kenya too, but furtherly in all again, speak of Kenya and as home to many an Author, and such as 'Brian Jacques', or even 'Max Egremont' in himself, or even Tolkien too that is. A Kenya in all again, truly defined and by speak of Protocols (and alongside speak even of David Livingstone, HM Stanley, Speke, Richard Burton, Mungo Park, 'Thomas Pakenham' etc.), and one too and as said unknown to most, did in all go along and with speak of the history of Architecture and in Kenya too that is [and speak even and of the Kenyatta International Conference Center for instance].

The above though, is in many a way today, said obsolete. Those in all and who do in all know of, the said history too that is, and of Victorian Kenyan society, of Kenia, of Colonial Kenyan society, of Kenya, cannot help but shed a tear in many a way, and of what has befallen Kenyan in all (and as said a hopeless place of a kind too), but that in all ways even, this very Blog (and many another by the Blogger here), does attempt in all, and to give birth and to a new Kenya in all, and that does simply speak and of Guidance in itself that is [that Kenya today, is simply said filled with many a Moronic Presence, or truly in all again, said lacking to it, any proper form of Protocol that is (and in a sin making Kenya in all, the very land of 'Tero Buru' for instance),  and that in all ways even, those who have always known Kenya and as a true Home of a kind (and whether they be Indian/Asian, Pakistani, Yemeni, or even the more civil and of the Swahili and as they are known today too), can be said simply depressed, and about the place in all that is, and such that, the only way to think of Kenya, and as said a place, and without any proper/Welcoming Presence to it, or truly in all again, simply lacking in everyday civilized Protocols to it, does speak in all ways even, and of life in Kenya today, and as said simply lived, and in speak of Guidance in itself, and at every moment too that is.

of Kenia/Kenya.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

The Common Good

The Common Good.

International Law and Anatolian Nairobi in itself too.

Swahili Media

of Swahili Media.

of Swahili, Kisw., Swa., and in the said Message too that is, spirit, or in its said Memory too that is.

The Goblin Emperor

The Goblin Emperor.

This entry in many a way, has very much to do, and with speak of an Alchemical Transformation, and as going along with the Heart, and not Psyche truly either. That those in 'Nairo' in all, or 'Anatolian Nairobi' too, are probably not in touch with their selves or realities too, and from speak of Geneticism in itself too that is. That the World today, does not truly function in all, and in a manner that the Psyche of those in 'Nairo'/ Anatolian Nairobi, do truly understand. 

In many a way, this very much has to do, and with just whom or who in all, those in 'Nairo' are, and when it does come to Dress & Custom in itself too that is. That the World today, and in Dress & Custom, is said in all, and to function in all truly, and as with regards and to speak of Modern History, and the Western Timeline too that is. There is however another manner of viewing Dress & Custom, and that does speak and of just how those in 'Nairo' /Anatolian Nairobi do tend to in many a way, and to view themselves, and as with it all going along, and with speak of Religious Philosophy in itself too that is.

In many a way though, and in speak of an Internet Psycho-Therapy here, the very belief here that, those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, do still in all very much suffer and from a Psychic condition, and that in many a way, does arise and with their in all, associating Dress & Custom, and with the very world of Myth that is [and as said expired/extinct too by some]. That the Myth here in all, does actually speak of the very world of the Knight (Link), and whether he be Samurai, Jesuit, Hospitaller, Crusader, Templar, Knights Templar, the Black Knight, Ivanhoe, Musketeer, Conquistador (Don Quixote), or speak truly even, and of those unknown, unforgettable, unbelievable, undetestable, uncompromising, and truly lovable perhaps, and famed too, 'Knights of (Arthurian) America', or truly in all again, simply known as, the 'Knights of America' in all actually [Link1, Link2].

Tuesday 2 September 2014

The Rosary

The Rosary.



Relativism and 'Nairo':

Those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, might very well know of Devotion in all that is. That it in all, does speak and of the One thing perhaps, and that one does believe to be the Truth, or hold the Truth in itself too, and such that, by acquainting oneself with it all, one then simply experiences life, and as said lived around, what one does hold to be of the Truth that is.

In speaking of Devotion though, is to in many a way too, ascribe to the very belief that, most today, don't seem to care, and about Devotion in itself anymore that is. That in all, speak of Devotion in itself, has been replaced in all again, and in speak of Empiricism, Rationalism, Reductionism, or even Relativism in itself too that is [and further speak even, and of what some do term the Scientific Age in all] [but with Relativism too, simply said in many a way, just how those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, are believed said to think of the Truth and Reality that is].

However though, in speaking of Devotion, is to first off associate the Discipline in all perhaps, and that is associated and with the study of Devotion in all, and as said speaking in all again, and of Hermeneutics for instance. In many a way too, Devotion in all, and as suffering and from a backlash of a kind, in that, we do live in a World today and as said proliferated and by all kinds of Media, and which in many a way too, has led to those who do still ascribe to Devotion in all, and as suffering in many a way, and as the Truth they do adhere to in all, might not be readily or widely accepted, and by most in society today too, and such that, they do in all find themselves, facing many a difficulty, and in having many a Reality/Truth, and that does go along and with the Truth adhered to in all, and as said becoming Real for instance.

To speak though in all and in an American parlance here too,  that 'Devotion Still Rules' that is, is to perhaps present a Devotion in all, and below too that is, and which in all again, can be said and to very much go along and with Media, and as seen/found in the World today that is:

1. Dragonology.

2. Ifa.

3. Hosanna (Holy Spirit).

4. The Rosary.

5. Jannah.

6. Masks.

Monday 1 September 2014

The Perennial

The Perennial.

The Perennial (and in Time too that is), and in Kenya (Africa) that is.