Wednesday 17 December 2014



For what is Media, and in the Present 'Age'/Day we do live in, and other than the attempt, to Paint or Draw a 'Picture' in all (Depiction too), and of what is believed to constitute for Reality, or speak even, and of a better Tomorrow that is.



Lessons and on Acrimony, and for those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi too, and as in helping one here, truly learn to view their World, and in a differing manner, and as said rather civil too, and in speak too now of Hostility for instance, in that, certain forms of Hostility are in all treated as negligible/insignificant in all, but with others forms of Hostility in all again, and in speak too now of adaptation or positive outlook, now capable and having one view Nairobi for instance, and from a Continental African perspective that is, and which in all, does open one up, and to speak in all for instance, and of Mimicry, and as said a base Human Intelligence that is.

the Technology Hub

the Technology Hub.

What in all, does constitute for a Technology Hub that is? It in all again, is simply said a Research Facility of a kind, and just where in all again, some form or kind of Basic Research for instance, and in speak too of Design, is simply said carried out, and in the name of Intellectual Property (IP) creation that is. That the Technology Hub in all it is believed here, simply does very much have the goal in all again, and of simply coming up with many a Design, that they very well could sell/lease, and to a Technology Manufacturer of a kind that is.

What in all is been said here is that, Technology in all, has very much come to be enmeshed or truly associated, and with notions of Empowerment in all that is. Perhaps in all again, this did not make for too much sense, but it does in all even speak, and of what is believed to constitute, and for a Worker Identity, and in the World we live in today, in that, Empowerment now, does speak of whom/who in all we are, and with speak of Totality too for instance, and not Wholeness either, and as Totality in all, does speak even of utmost Satisfaction, and when having completed a Task for instance, and at Work too, and as in all even speaking of the very reason why one would want to Work, and in a World too perhaps, where Success now, and in Lifestyles too, is probably in all again, associated in Image, and with speak too complicatedly enough, and of something along the lines in all, and of a TV Show, and such as Fashion TV that is [Link][that in all again, the very defining of Success in itself, complicatedly enough, and in speak too of owning the best of Homes today, does in all even speak of an Image in all, and that does speak even of Fashion TV for instance, and speak too even, and of a real 'Cool' home, and somewhere in Sunny California for instance][Link].

In having said this, is to now in all even broach in all, the very topic and of simply how best to think of Technology in all, and for those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi too, and as in speak even, and of what does constitute and for the African Start-Up for instance. That in all, why would one struggle, and in Africa too, and in very much running a Small Start-Up Business of a kind, and in a place, Africa, where most in all and of help needed, and in running such an operation for instance, is simply said not forthcoming in most ways that is. That in all, those wishing to very much start up, a Business Start-Up of a kind, and in Africa too, simply don't truly know, just what Image in all, does very much represent for Empowerment, Satisfaction and even speak of Totality/Oneness that is. That in all, this does speak even of thinking up, or Designing truly, Technology for instance, and alongside speak even of what some do term FURPS (Link) that is, and as with it in all even speaking of what an African Technology/Business Start-Up (and not that simply termed Kenyan either), is simply said all about, and in speak of an Employee base too, and that is simply said African, but that in all ways even, the very Image and that is said associated here, and with speak too of Empowerment, Satisfaction and Totality too, is not actually known of, but speak here in all again, and of the very belief here that, Africa's Powerhouse in all, and as with regards to speak of all this, Image and in Success, African, does in all even speak of Nigeria, and not South Africa either, but speak too of Kenya too in all [and with Egypt here too, simply believed, and to be dealing and with many an Identity problem, and as with regards to defining Success, and from a said Historical manner/perspective that is (Link)].

In all, a probable Image of Success, and as speaking of the above and FURPS too, does in all probably speak here and of African Fashion TV (Link), Sports TV (Link1, Link2), VH1 (Link), the History Channel (Link), or speak in all and of anything else one might find to be of interest, and in speak even and of associating Success, and in Image, and with a Private Collection of a kind that is [Link][Pat, are you with me?].

In all though, what we are trying to say here is that, the Technology Hub in all again, should be said even a Hub in itself, and as in now associating Design, and as a Field of Speciality/Specialization, and in just about any Field, Subject or Area of Study too that is, and with the Stratocaster in itself, and as said even a Design, basic too, 'Nairo', or even Artifact in itself that is [that in all, if one does decide to enter the Design Business in all, simply think Stratocaster in many a way, and not in all again, and of many a thing said too deep that is].

The Stratocaster in Design:

Tuesday 16 December 2014



First off, I must begin by saying that, the Image above, is not that of Eros, but of someone else said that is. This post though, will attempt to speak on the Blogger here, and in the attempt too, and in winding down on this Blog, and as with regards in all even, and to speak of whom/who the Blogger here is, and as said useless, pathetic, hopeless, a fool, a monkey of a man, a goathead, u-fala etc.

In telling one of all this, is to speak of my belief and in the very existence, and of what some would term 'the spirit of Money'. For this, does not speak of joining a Cult, and that does worship a Deity, and who in all even promises to bring all forms of Wealth or Money and Riches too, and to one, or speak even in all, and of tapping into a said Historical Consciousness, and that does refer and to the evolution of Money in itself so to speak, but what is been said here is that, Money, and as said even tangible too, is very much said spirit in itself, and in speak too now, and of Selfishness, and in its very true very self very form that is.



Injury, and in speak of Religious Myth too.

African Artistry

African Artistry.

This entry, and outrightly said, will attempt to speak on, what some do term Racial Consciousness. That Racial Consciousness, is something said truly real, and if and only if, one does dare enter the very world of African Politics / Ethno-Politics (Link1, Link2), and such that, one in all will find that, African Political Thought, and as believed even said not to exist, does exist, and when one does factor the very belief that, the so termed African races, are in all ways even said believed truly real that is [Link].

That the African races, are actually truly real or believed to be as such, and when one in all, does attempt to study, African Artistry for instance [and in speak now of Africans, and as said even widely differing or varying and in Intelligence too that is].

When one does though, enter, the very interesting world, and of attempting to define, just what African Artistry is all about (or is said to be), one then very much enters the very world of Controversy in itself, for Artistry in all, is actually believed Intelligence, and as often associated and with speak of IP (Intellectual Property) in itself that is. That in all for instance, and in speak of what many an Academician might term Ethno-Mathematics too, the very patterns found in Artistry, can be applied and to thinking and on just about anything, and from Mathematics, to Science, to Technology or even speak of just about any Research Initiative, and that is believed said to have no Direction to it all that is [and in speak now too, and of a/the Research Thesis, and as very much in all even, speaking of Artistry, and in Intelligence too that is].

That the very world of African Artistry, is complicated in all, in that, those who do know of it, are in all even said truly acquainted, and with speak of anything said African in all (Link), but with the troubling view that, African Artistry, is not believed said associated, and with any known recognizable, and in speak of race too, Phenotype that is. For Artistry, and as often said Iberian for instance (Link), is in all even believed, more authentically African, and than that probably said Bantu too for instance [and speak too of the known belief that, Africa does possess Knowledge in all, and that does speak even of the rise of Civilization, but speak of just where to find it is deemed impossible, and in an Africa today, simply said now filled with many a 'savage' to it that is].

In all, and in the attempt here to make a difficult topic easy to understand, and in saying that, the very world of African Artistry, does now it is believed said to encompass the World, in that, it does speak of the unknown but said to exist world, and of Intellectual Property Theft, and from Africa too, and in speak too for instance, and of the said burning down, Historically too, and of the Library at Alexandria and in Egypt too for instance (Egyptian/African/Roman Artistry - Link), and as in outrightly saying that, it does in all even speak of Don Quixote and by Cervantes too (the Vintage Edition), or speak in all again, and of Shogun, and by James Clavell too that is [Link].

In all, what is been said here is that, for those in 'Nairo', and even speak of Anatolian Nairobi too, that the thinking of life and in speak of Evolution too, is best said associated, and with speak of Artistry too (Link), and in speak even and of Africa, and as it truly is, and in speak too in all again perhaps, and of many a Sentiment in all, and that does speak even of the Patriot for instance [the belief that Africa as it is, will forever be simply said in chaos that is, and in speak even now, and of Racial/Tribal/Ethnic Sentiment, Hostile too, and that does in all even speak of the very term Affiliations in itself that is ].

In all, below, is what is believed said and to stand for a generic African Artistry, and in speak even of Identity creation/formation, and that will stand for the test of Time that is:

1. Folklore (Link)
2. Emotional Intelligence (Link)
3. (African) Media/Law
4. African Equity/Design
5. African Artworks (and as said oracle/oracular too) - Link
6. African Poetic works (Lit.)
7. African Myth (and in the very form too of the Hero's Journey)
8. Dream-work/interpretation.
9. African Cooking
10. etc.

Moorish/Africano (and not Iberian):

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Redundant Memory

Redundant Memory.

Redundant Memory in all, and as with it in all even referring, and to what one does find to be amusing, pleasing, sensible etc., and in a World today, simply said Modernist in its ways that is [Link1, Link2, Link3].

Saturday 29 November 2014

Physicality (3)

Physicality (3).

Those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, might be the kind, to be enamored in all, and by Modern societies that is. That the promise in all, and of Modernizing, does not in all even now speak of society and as said defined by Technological prowess in itself, and as Modern society in all (and not that said Western truly either), does in all again attempt to define, what does stand for or represent for in all again, and for Convenience or Inconvenience too that is. That the Modern World, is born in all, and in search for Convenience, and that does speak in all again, and of it all even and as perceived, and away from speak of Religion in itself that is [Link].

In having defined Modern society as above, and distinct in many a way, and from that said Western too, and which in all, is often said Global or International in its ways too (Link), is to in all even now, speak of the fallacy of Modern lifestyles / life in all, and as with it in all even grounded, and in speak of the false belief that, Modern society in all, is truly defined by the Break-through, and from a Historical perspective too that is [and as with it all even too, said to speak of Convenience that is].

To understand better, what we are trying to get at, is to in all even now, speak of Conveniences and in Modern society, and as now very much in all too, coming to be associated, and not with speak of Pleasure/Comfort in itself (and in speak too of the rise of Modern society), but in all ways even, and in speak of Health in itself [and as said Emotional, Physical, Mental or even Spiritual too]. That this in all, does speak even and of the very belief that, possessing a Healthy Body and as in speak of a Modern Gym too, is required and to succeed in life, and in speak of what does stand for a Pain Barrier in society today, often associated and with speak of Convenience, and as said in all even indoctrinated, and into those said Modern in their ways that is. 

In having said all this, and in speak too of attempting to make it all too clear, is to in all even say that the very advent of Modern society, does still very much have Humans, and as said possessing truly Healthy in all, Bodies that is, but in all again, speak now of the Modern World, and as arising and in speak of Convenience, and as associated and with the search for Pleasure/Comfort, and for all that is. That this History, and as unknown to most, can be best associated and with speak of Dickens England/London, and from whereupon in many a way, the Modern Mindset is said to arise, and before it is truly in all again, simply said/branded American that is.

In speaking of Physicality though (Link1, Link2), and as with regards to speak of Modern Identity, is to in all even now speak and of the very manner or way, we do define Convenience, and from more or less a Physical Stance that is. That most in all, do very much perceive whom or who in all they are, and in Physical Image, and as said even representing Success too, and from the very perspective of Convenience, and as now in all even said tied down, and to speak of Borders, Ownership and Rights too that is. In all, Physical Images and that do speak of Success, and from a Convenience/Inconvenience Stance, do in all even go along and with speak of the Physical Body, and as primarily defined, and in speak of Body Expressionisms too [and as with it all even said to speak of just whom/who in all, the Nazis in all, were said to be that is]. That Nazi Identity, is often poorly perceived by many, and if not out-rightly misrepresented too, and as the Nazi's and in Germany/France, were falsely taken to be a highly charged Political group, when Nazi Organization in all, is actually known, to have been Cultural that is [that the Nazi's in all, did in all attempt to develop in some ways, a Modern Identity and for Germany too, and as Germany today and as said prosperous in all, is still very much Nazi in its ways, and in speak too of Nazi Occultism that is, and as with it even said Celt too in all].

In all, what we are trying to get to here is that, Modern Physical Images of Success, and as often associated with Bodybuilding for instance, does now speak of defining Convenience and Inconvenience, and from speak of a Pain Barrier, often associated and with speak of what some do term the Shadow Archetype that is [or speak even of loneliness in itself, or even envy and jealousy too]. Those though who do seek to define themselves and in Physical Image, and from a Martial Arts perspective, or the Fighting Arts too, and as with they in all even said Modern in all (Link), do in all even now define Convenience and Inconvenience, and in speak too of Setbacks in themselves, and as said signifying the Pain Barrier that is. 

Hopefully, what is been said here is clear, and as in telling one that, the very world of Physicality, and as often associated with Convenience and Inconvenience in all, is known Historically to exist, and in speak of Yoga that is, and which minimally in all, does attempt to define us and in speak of Convenience and Inconvenience (or the very manner or way, we do define Pleasure/Comfort that is), but that in attempting to make all the above truly clear, Physical Images, and as now truly associated, and with speak of Success, Modern, and as now defined and in speak of Obligation in itself, Responsibility, Resourcefulness, Composure (and Kenya too), or speak even of many another such Marker or Identifier of Success, and as now in all even associated, and with speak of Wonder in itself that is.

Friday 28 November 2014


of Sofala.

Ever heard of the term Sofala? For most if not all, it is simply said to speak of an Island, Swahili too, and as believed in all even, and to lay off the Coast, and of Mozambique too that is. The term though, Sofala, is believed in all even, steeped, and in speak of Myth in itself that is, and Myth too, believed even so grandiose in its ways, for it does not in all even speak of Gold in itself, and as said esteemed as far away as in Egypt that is, but interestingly enough, Myth too, and that does speak of something deemed of greater value, and in speak of the Rise and Fall of Civilization that is.

To understand better, what I am trying to get at, is to in many a way too, speak in all, and of what does go for or constitute in all, and for a Competitive Analysis in all, and in the World we do live in today that is. That it in all, and in speak too of the term Professionalism that is, it does in all even speak of the very manner or way, we do define Human relations/relationships that is.

That for many a said Fool in Africa today, the very belief that, Intelligence, or Creativity too, and as required to build Advanced States or societies for instance, does in all even speak of the Inventor in himself, and not of the terms/phrases, and such as 'Group Mind', or even speak of the 'Higher Mind' that is. That this in all, is what has been transpiring through out History in many a way, the 'Group Mind' and 'Higher Mind', of Minds, of Mindfulness, of Mindlessness, the Oscillating, and in speak of the building of the biggest or greatest of Cities, and not in speak truly either, fully, and of the said understanding of Leadership in itself too for instance.

The World today though, is believed in all even, an unfriendly place, and for the average African too that is. This in all, is due to the unknowing ways or manners of those in Africa in all, and as with regards to what does stand for Human relations/relationships, and across the World outside Africa too, and in speak of the UN (United Nations), and as believed in all even said, to help African build bridges, and in speak of relations/relationships, and across the World in itself that is. The UN though, is believed said a failure and in its efforts as such, and as speak of Cooperation, and in helping build Africa in all, is said now to have fallen to the wayside, and with Africa now, said associated and with speak of Chinese Interests and as versus those said Japanese too, and with Africa in response, and in speak too of the Late Libyan Leader, Muammar Ghadaffi that is, turning now in all perhaps, and to speak of the AU (African Union) for instance that is.

What though, does actually go on and around the World, and as with regards to Human relations/relationships? For it in all, is simply said and in the very least too, and to speak of the terms Anglo-, Franco-, Luso-, or even speak of the Dutch World in itself that is [and all this too, and as perceived even, and from an African Colonial mindset in all]. That those who do know of the Anglo-, do in all even believe London, and England too, to in all even embody, what the perfect life is all about, and in speak even of Human relations/relationships that is [and in speak too again, and of the so said Forging of Ties, Human too, and as with they even said Global for instance, and in speak too of many a Political Interest, World Trade in itself, or even speak of Security issues or concerns in themselves that is]. In all though, the Anglo- World, while promising Prestige and in the name of Shakespeare too, has in many a way too, truly failed in its ways, and as in speak of Africa in all, does speak even of the Anglo-, and as speaking of Apartheid South Africa and in Human relations/relationships too [and further speak even of the terms British-American, or even Anglo-American too, and further speak in all even, and of the Southern Africa Border Wars, and Africa too, Sub-Saharan, and as said in all even, having engaged not only America and as said a Superpower too, and in War, but many another famed Country, and in speak of the fall of Apartheid that is]. Speak though here in all, and of Nigeria, and whose current Political Turmoil in all, and as referring in all even, and to Boko Haram in itself for instance, does speak of Nigeria, and as possessing Leaders, and who in Mindset too, are very much often said Oxbridge (Oxford -  Cambridge) in their ways that is [and speak too of Nigerians, and as said more or less even respected truly in all, and in Modern (British) London that is]. In America today though, the Anglo- World, and in speak of Human relations/relationships too, now said WASP, Ivy league, and further speak even of the very rise of Rap /  Gangsta Rap Music too that is.

Anglo- relations/relationships though, are not what most believe them to be that is. For they do in all even involve, the blinded, worshiping of many a Woman, and as said believed even 'White' too perhaps, and as in having one present ones Girlfriends to ones Friends, and as having many a 'Fool' too,  reply in all perhaps, 'Well she is not Keira Knightly exactly, is she now?' A World in all again, believed filled with Violence and to the tee, and as Modern American Violence (Link), is more or less Anglo- in its ways, and not traditional /  Civil War American either [Traditional America].

What though, of the Franco- World? Ever had that 'Friend', kind of friendly in his ways though, appears to have all the right contacts in all perhaps (and in speak too of a Prominent Family for instance), has all the right goods or Wealth and at home too, all the popular and esteemed friends in all, many a trip to London and if not many another major City too, residing at a prominent Hotel and on such visits, or speak even, and of the Dad in all, and as said possessing the most gently and if not sophisticated too, and of manners, and in speak of Political Liaisons in themselves that is. This in many a way, is what does actually go on in the Franco- World, and a World too, said highly in all Elitist or Aristocratic too, and in speak in all even, and of not only Human relations/relationships, but in all ways even, and in speak of the Franco-, and as not said truly French in its ways, and in speak too of French Philosophy, and in the French Revolution too, and as said referring and to speak of Liberte, Egalite et Fraternite too that is. In all, speak too and of the very reason, why the Airbus Jet in all, is yet to make a landing in Africa, and as the Concorde never did that is.

What we are trying to get to here in all, is that, Africans in all, are not of the understanding it is believed, and of what does go on around the World, and in speak of the Forging of Ties, and as with they in all even going along, and with speak of just how in all perhaps, Africans, do define Intimacy in their lives that is [that most out there, and in speak of Human relations/relationships, are not too willing, and in getting Intimate, and with many a person said from Africa that is].

In having said the above, is to also speak of the Luso- World, and in its defining Human relations/relationships, and in speak of Africa too, and as going along in all even, and with speak of African Millionaires/Billionaires that is [that Forbes Africa, does not actually speak of America in Africa, or the Anglo- too, but truly in all again, and of Portugal/Luso- in Africa, and as the Image of Success put out by Forbes, is more or less actually Portuguese Jesuit that is][and surprisingly enough said too, and for those who do believe, Portugal, to be a poor Country that is]. In all, the Luso- World, and as asking many a person, and to forge or build Religious Ties and in speak of Intimacy too, and with each other, and in a World today, and just where in all again, Religion, is simply said 'not Cool' that is.

What of the Dutch World? And speak too of Dutch Africa? For Dutch History in Africa, is often not presented accurately, and as the Boers of South Africa, are actually not of Dutch origins either (but with those said Afrikaans, believed said Dutch in origins) , but that in all ways even, the Boers, and as said believed even of South American origins in all, but that in all ways too, it is the Dutch World, and that did go along and with speak of the 'Christianizing'/Christianization of Africa, and in speak too of the Berlin Conference of 1884, Missionary African Christianity, and speak in all again, and of African History now, and as not perceived from Racial Lenses too (and in speak too of British/Anglo- History in Africa), but in all ways even, and in speak of Custom that is [and speak too, and of the lionizing in many a way for instance, and of the Zulu and Akan/Ashanti peoples and of Africa that is]. In all, speak even and of the History of building many a Church, prominent looking too, and in Africa/Kenya in all, but that in all ways even, it is Pretoria in all again, and that is believed, the very center of Dutch Africa that is. In all, whom or who are the Dutch, and when one does think Human ties, bonds or relations that is? In many a way, and in a Modern Setting too, speak of KLM / Kenya Airways for instance, and as now believed even, to offer Promise to most Kenyans, but in all ways even, Credit Card Kenya, can be said born, and of Dutch Africa that is.

The above Worlds though, are not in most ways willing to accommodate the African in all, and in most ways too, and as the African is often believed said not the best of peoples to get Intimate with, and in speak of Joker Personalities for instance, but that in all ways even, what is been said here is that, Africa can very well choose to Develop on its own, and in speak of a 'Group Mind' or 'Higher Mind' too, but that in all ways even, speak now perhaps, and of Displaying or Exposing ones Prowess in all, Intellectual too, and in the name of Amusement and to many another person outside Africa, is to be met, and with a lackluster response that is [that in all again, many a person from outside Africa, does not like in all, when many an African, does attempt to Act Cool that is] ['What For?'].

However though, and in speak of Africa and as said Developing on its own, does not speak now of a mindset in all perhaps, and that does speak of many a Fool, and as said 'digging' RnB Music or Rap too, and not Rock Music either, but that in all ways even, does speak in all, and of the unknown History of Kenya (Kenia/Africa), believed said German too, and falsely so, but in many a way too, Dutch perhaps, and that does speak in all even and of just how in all Paulines Publishing Africa for instance, did come to be, and as it does in all even speak of Figures and such as David Livingstone, Mungo Park, HM Stanley, Richard Burton, Speke or even Pakenham too, and who in all again did espouse African Christianity [and as said Coptic in its ways too, and in speak too of the Holy Family Basilica in Nairobi, Kenya that is], and which in all, did actually speak of basing an African Civilization, and in speak of the African Mass (Link), and as unknown to most, it was the likes of Livingstone and Stanley in all, and that did help give birth to South Africa, and in the name of the Boer War too, but with Kenya on the otherhand, now said to fall to the side, and with the demise, and of Victorian society in Kenya that is [that the above mentioned Figures, were in all actually very much said Kenian that is]. In all, a manner of thinking of Africa, and the reason too, why Kenya in all again is said home and to Christianity in Africa that is (and outside speak of Egypt too), and that was believed said grounded in all and in speak of an African Commerce, and further speak too in all, and of Africa defined, and in speak of Conquest, Christianity and Civilization in itself too that is [and as with it even said not Egyptian in all actually]. In all, a Vision too believed held and by the likes of Sir H. Rider Haggard for instance, that Africa in all, was believed said to be abounding in Myth, and Myth too, that did speak and of truly redefining Human relations/relationships in all, and in a manner or way, and that did speak even of Egypt in Africa, and which in all even did go along and with the now said dead belief in all perhaps, that Nairobi, could have been the grandest of Cities, and not only in Africa, but in the World too that is. In all, Kenya/Africa, and as associated with Aesthetic, and that does speak even of 'The African Bible' that is [Link].

In having said the above, we must mention, the very presence, of certain Independent American Forces, and who in all, cannot be easily categorized that is. For to speak of them, is to speak of the Americas, and alongside speak in all even, and of Conquistador Myth that is, and as with it all even referring and to the moniker the 'Knights of America' that is [Link]. For to understand all this better, is to speak in all even, and of the very rise of Dubai / UAE, and in Real-Estate too perhaps, and as speaking of America today, and from the very perspective of Investors, American, and as said in all even to be of the 'Knights of America' mold that is, or Americanista too, and such that, the first Iraqi War, and speak too of the attempt to topple former Late Iraqi Leader Saddam Hussein that is, and as with it termed even, the Gulf War too, codenamed Operation Desert Shield (Desert Storm), and which in all even, does speak and of whom or who in all, Americans are, and with Conquistador Myth too, Americanista (Link), and as with it all even speaking of modern Kuwaiti Development, and as very much said even American that is. In all, a World, Dubai, Kuwait, and as with it in all now, what it does not appear to be, for Dubai, is not actually open to most Africans in all (or those said even of African Blood for instance), but Kuwait probably is, but that in all ways even, one cannot in all fail to sense out a discriminatory attitude in all again, and towards those said not Avant Garde for instance [or speak even, and of having a Degree, and from Yale University too, or even Princeton (Link), and not MIT or Stanford either][or one and as simply said possessing such a Respectability/Hospitality too that is].

In all, what is been said here is that, those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi and if not Kenya in itself roo, should in all see themselves, and on a Global Stage too, and as they truly are that is [a 'bunch of Monkeys' parading in all truly]. That in all, the only salvo that does lie here, and in speak of those in 'Nairo' in all again, and as truly learning how to redefine Human relations/relationships and to their very benefit, does speak in all even and of Spaniards (Link), and who in  all again, might not be forthcoming in their ways, and in speak of Exclusionism in all, and in a World said Elitist, and in a Cosmopolitan (Magazine) fashion too that is [the very world of Spaniards - Link].

In all again, an attempt here, and to open ones mind, and to the very manner or way that the so termed Developed World does work, and as with it basically said not to speak of Intelligence in itself and as most do believe, but of what in all again does constitute and for a 'Group Mind' (Link), or even a 'Higher Mind' too that is, and as with it all even going along and with speak of American Religion and as espoused by Napoleon Hill too, but that in all ways even, Human relations/relationships, and as very much in all even referring and to the Depictions of life, and alongside speak too of Custom, and as said in all even, and to speak of Natural/Racial Intelligence that is [and with Kenya in all, and as it is today, said known not to have any Custom to it all actually].

In all my friends, here in all again, and away from speak of many a lesson learned from Don Quixote, speak now in all, and of the very belief that, there does exist a Myth, and of what does constitute for Human relations/relationships, and in further speak here even of Custom, Gesture, Depiction, or even the formation in all, and of a 'Group Mind', or even 'Higher Mind' too, and as said in all even, believed to surpass that mentioned above in all, and in attempting to define just what does represent for, Wealth or Prosperity, and in the World we live in today that is. That this Myth, which some have dared to call Sofala too, is believed in all even, a Myth, that would lead to greater Wealth or Prosperity, and in speak of Human relations/relationships forged, and that does in all even speak of the very world, and of the Kings of Egypt and Italy too that is [Link1, Link2]. A Myth, said known only to the Swahili, some of them actually, and not all of them truly, one said too Portuguese in its ways, but said in all even, and to speak of Sinbad in himself, but from a Christianity/Portuguese perspective, speaking of, Human relations/relationships, and as basically even speaking of 'the Light' that is [Link]. A Myth though, believed to be the greatest of them all (and in helping unlock the secrets of Human relations/relationships that is ---- Link ----- wink, wink), and one too, believed even to speak of Women, and as said madly in love and with Man, African too, for Sofala in all, does in all even speak of Civilization, and as said in all and to refer perhaps, and to Kenya, Tanzania, the Swahili lands (Swahili Coastline + Swahili Islands), and as one in all, and in spirit too perhaps, for it is a Myth in all again, often believed said grounded in all and in speak of Gesture too, and not Depiction truly either, and as Intelligence and as speaking of War in itself, and in these Hedonist Times we do live in, does speak even and of Gesture in itself that is.

of Sofala.

Friday 14 November 2014

Kenya Today

Kenya Today.

This entry in all, will attempt to give a clear picture, and of the History of Kenya, and as very much said Concurrent too. That the problems Kenya faces today, are often poorly presented, and by speak of many a person, and who does carry a Political Sentiment in all, and that does speak even of the UN too, and in speak of most in/of Kenya, and as not having the proper Resources to them/it, and as with it all even said speaking of the Health, Law and Education sectors that is.

Those though, who do carry a Political Sentiment and that does speak in all even, and of the Kenyan Government in itself (and as including speak of the 'Nyayo Philosophy' too) [Link], do in all even believe, and alongside speak of the Church in Kenya today too, that most of Kenya (or Kenyans in all), does not have to it, any proper form of Identity, and as said even Religious or Customary too that is.

While the above views are very much true or congruent in their ways, they do in all though, and in speak first here in all, and of the former too, speak of Kenyan Historical Identity, and as falsely said truly 'Black African' that is, while the latter in all again though, does in all even poorly present Kenyan Identity, and as falsely truly said Bantu, Nilotic and Cushitic too [and all this too, and as taken from the very perspective that, the problems the former in all do face, do in all stem and from their not speaking 'Kenyan English' that is (Link), and as with it even said to speak of Bureaucrat Kenya (Link), while the latter in all does in all even speak of Kenyan Identity, and as now in all even said not Victorian for instance (Link), and in speak of the Kenyan Independence Day too that is].

This entry though, does pertain to present the very view that, the problems facing Kenya today, and in speak of the phrasing 'Kenya Today' (Link), does in all even speak of just what in all again, does truly constitute and for a Kenyan Materials Tradition/culture that is. That in all, the above Images posted above, and of the Holy Family Basilica or even the Jamia Mosque too, do in all even speak of Kenyan Materiality in all, and as very much tied and to the very history of the Coptic Church in Egypt that is [that they in all, are structures erected too, and in speak of Colonial Kenyan History, and which in all and in speak of Material Traditions/culture too, does associate Colonial Victorian society in Kenya, and with Materiality and  as very much matching the Holy Family Basilica, while British Colonial History and in speak of British Subjects in Kenya too, does in all even now speak of Material Traditions/culture, and as going along in all and with speak of the Jamia Mosque that is].

In all, what we are trying to get to here is that, the original plans for Kenya, and in speak even of Pre-Colonial Kenyan society too, does in all even now speak of it all and as perceived and from speak of Religious/Material Traditions/culture that is, and as going along in all again, and with speak of Higher Beings and such as Angels too, the writing of 'The Lord of the Rings' in Kenya (and as with it in all even very much written in 'Kenyan English' that is), and finally too, the very building of the Holy Family Basilica in itself and in Nairobi, Kenya too, and as very much even said a Kenyan/African Relic that is.

In all again, what we are truly trying to say here and in all again is that, despite what the News Media might report and about Kenya's problems in all, Kenya and as said in all even highly Politically charged, does speak and of just whom or who one is, and in speak of Material Traditions/culture that is, and as with it even said Identity (and in speak of Character, Look and Physical Development too), and that does in all even basically speak of just whom/who in all, one is, and with Social Welfare for instance, and as those in Kenya and in Self-Esteem too, are often believed said to have a huge distaste, and for Identity creation and as going along in all, and with speak of Social Aid/Benefits that is.

In all, and in attempting to make the above truly clear, for those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, when they do in all think of Material Traditions/culture and in Kenya too, then they are in all again, should truly be thinking in all, and of tying it all down perhaps, and to the Immaculate/Sacred Heart Tradition that is [Link].

Wednesday 12 November 2014



This post in all, will attempt to awaken one, and of the probable possibilities in all, and as with they even said to truly define what life in Kenya, and as it said at its very best too, is all about [and as with all this even, speaking of truly pondering just where in all again, Kenya is headed, and in speak of society in Kenya too, and as now said having many a 'Fool' to it, and as wallowing in 'pity/hate' that is].

In helping understand the above better, is to first pronounce to those in 'Nairo' that, the promise of Kenya and as it currently, and as with it even said a truly uncultured place in all, and with the exception of the Government in Kenya and not Private Establishments either, and as very much attempting to promote a National Ethic in all (Link), does in all even now, speak truly and of Ukoloni that is [Link].

In all, what we are trying to get to here, is speak in all, and of just how best to live life in Kenya today, and as with it even said taking into account, speak in all even, and of whom or who in all, we are with Evolutionary Theory/Psychology, or speak even, and of Family rearing, breeding and reproduction that is [in all again, whom/who in all we are, and when we do think of life, and as said continuing or proceeding in all, and in speak of Re-incarnation too, and the troubling view in all that, and of pondering, just how many of 'us' are there, and when do think Re-Incarnation that is][in all, why plan for future Generations in all actually].

In many a way, the answer to the above, does speak in all that is, and of living life at this very moment, and as taking into account in all, future Generations that is, and that does in all even speak of something in all again, mentioned in a previous post: Link [that being 'Ori' in all].

That in all again, life in Africa (and as with Kenya, simply said in Africa too that is) [and in speak in all again, and of those who do associate Kenya, and with its said even Conventional, Diplomatic Identity that is], can be said by some, and to speak even of Psycho-Somatic/Somasis Identity in all, and as with it all even simply going along in all, and with speak of what does constitute for African Friendships, or even African Manners & Etiquette that is [and speak in all, and of African Hospitality/Humour, and its most basic sense, said rivaling that to be seen in many a part of the World that is]. What though of the African Psyche, and as speaking in all even and of the very belief that, African Myth/Mythos in all, does rival that to be seen around the World, and in referring in all even, and to the name Horus too, and as speaking in all and of Africa in Egypt too that is [and speak too in all, and of the term 'Morale' that is].

The above manners though, and of attempting to define society in Kenya or Africa too in all, has failed, and as Africa in all today, has in all become truly associated and as with regards to the above, and with the History of Slavery, Colonialism and even Apartheid too, and such that, Africans in all and as including Kenyans, are no longer believers of themselves and as simply expressed above, and other than mimic Western stereotypical behaviour in all, and in the attempt to make themselves feel good and in more or less in speak of the Present in all, and not the Future truly either.

In all though, is to now formally introduce the Spiritual Concept in all, that of 'Ori that is, very much Knowledgeable in Africa, but remains more or less relegated to the back, and as Africans in all don't think of their societies in all again, and as operating from it all that is: that unknown to most, 'Ori', simply said even Egyptian, does actually speak of Africa in Egypt, in that, Egyptian Spirituality and as said in all even truly Egyptian, does speak in all, and of not 'Ori' in itself actually (and further speak of 'Halos' too), but that in all again, and Conceptually speaking too, Egyptian Spirituality, and as associated in all even and with speak of the 'Kingdom of God' and as said Within one for instance, and speak too and of Egyptian Blood, and as said directly even connected to Egyptian Soil, but with Egyptian Genes, speaking in all even and of the Neter, while speak of the Egyptian races in all, does speak even and of the Egyptian Gods/Goddesses that is. In all, speak here and in a Mythic sense, and of the Egyptians, and in Genes too, and as said opening up in all, and to the Neter in themselves, and as with it all even speaking and of the reknowed term/Title in all that is, and of 'Pharaoh'.

In all  though, what we are trying to say here is that, 'Ori', is actually found in the very world of Egyptian Spirituality, but with it in all even defined and in its most basic/base of senses in all perhaps, and in speak of Conscience too that is [and Conscience too, and that does in all even take 'spirit possession' into account, and in speak generically even, and of Ancestral spirits, but that in all ways even, Conscience developed and as in speak of Hierarchies in society, and that does take into account, every form of consciousness to be seen, and as including speak even of Nature, Religious or Political sentiment, Family Responsibilities, Roles or Duties, but speak in all again, and of one too, and as developing a Local, Regional, Global, International, Worldly, Historic etc. consciousness in all that is]. In all, the above manner of speaking of 'Ori', found in all and in the rest of the World and as including Africa too, but believed in all even and in a Historical fashion in all, most developed in Egypt, and in speak of the 'Political' Title of 'Pharaoh' that is.

In many a way though, 'Ori', and as said African too, does speak even and of the Coptic Church in Egypt, and as with reminding one here too that, Ori in all, is believed said the most basic or innate of Intelligences, and as passed on from Parent to Child [and in the name of Reproduction too], and as compared in all and to speak of Psycho-Somatic Identity, and which does speak even of a Group Conscience in all perhaps, or speak even of the Psyche, and which is in all even said Individual in its ways that is.

In all though, 'Ori', and as said speaking of Africa in Egypt, and as with regards to speak of the Coptic Church, now does take whole new dimensions to it (and as in speak of the rise of the 'Jesus/Horus' Cult that is), and which in all now, does speak even and of 'Ori', and as truly associated and not with speak of Intellect or Intuition either, but in many a way truly, and in speak of Access that is [that in all, it does even speak of the phrase in all perhaps, 'Modus Operandi', and as associated in all again, and not with one and as said Intuitive that is, but in all ways even, and with one and as truly Pondering many a thing, and in speak of Intellectualism in itself, and as going along in all and with the moment / 'spur of the moment' too that is].

However though, 'Ori', and as now truly becoming a core part in all, and of Worship and in the Egyptian Coptic Church that is, and Worship too, and as finding its way, and in the Roman World for instance, and in speak too of Roman Christianity that is, and that does in all even speak of the Beatitudes for instance [that in many a way in all, just about everything around one, can be said interpreted, and in a Positive manner too, and such that, Positivism/'Joy' and in Time too, does become ones constant Reality that is]. In Africa though, and in speak of Horus and the so termed in all even 'Eye of Horus' too, one does find what some do call the Iponri / 'Higher Self', and as found in Nigerian Religious Belief in all, and as said truly even to speak of Awareness in itself, and as said in all even perhaps, countering in many a way, Group Awareness that is][another view in all, does associate Iponri, and with speak of Escapism, or speak even of incessant Daydreaming for instance].

In all, the above manners of defining 'Ori', can be said somewhat in all, a failure perhaps, and in Kenyan society too [and as in attempting to tell one that, Kenyan society is believed highly problematic, but with it all too, widely accepted in all, and in speak and of its having better Infrastructure, and than most of Africa too that is]. In all, the very belief here that, 'Ori' in Kenya, is perhaps in all again, best envisioned and in speak of Orison that is (Link), and as with it all even said to refer and to the 'saying' in all, 'Laughter is the best Medicine', but speak in all again and of the Novena too for instance, and in many a way too, speak in all and of a society and just where in all again, Guidance, is said of prime consideration in all even, and in speak even of Access and in Kenya today, and as said speaking of Corruption, Bribery, Indecency or even speak of Hatred/Anger/Animosity, and as said even perpetual in its ways/manners that is [and further speak too in all, and of the very belief here that, Kenya's Slum Dwellings or Squatter Camp problems in all, does arise in all again, and with many a serious Trust issues/matter, and as arising in all, and with the defining of Family and in Kenya too that is].

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Monday 3 November 2014



The KNYS, or the Kenya National Youth Service, and alongside speak even and of many another Kenyan Governmental Youth Organization, and which are in all even truly associated, and with many a Kenyan Historic Event that is [and with the Historic in all, referring, and to just whom or who in all again, Kenyans are, and with Materiality / Material culture, and as with it even said to speak and of Kenyan Schooling Uniforms/Wear that is].

Sunday 2 November 2014

St. Valentine

St. Valentine

All in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, have heard of St. Valentines Day. It in all ways though, is often misrepresented, and as it has in all even, truly been said a Feast of a kind. A Feast too, and that does in all even speak of Purpose in itself, and as in truly asking or pondering, why we do care to do, just about anything that is.

This entry though, is in many a way too, dedicated, and to one Father Rui, and who in many a way was a Spiritual Guardian in all, and at the Hodari Boys Club (Link) and which is in all even attached, and to Strathmore School and in Nairobi, Kenya too, and who in all here is perhaps, called upon once more, and in the name of Guidance too, and in helping truly make "Nairo' real that is [and with 'Nairo' here too, simply said a (Fat) Bank Account of a kind that is].

In helping make all this understandable, the (Fat) Bank Account and Father Rui 'with' it too perhaps, and as said overseeing it all too, is to perhaps now associate those in 'Nairo' and Anatolian Nairobi in itself too, and with the Media Business in all that is. That in all again, what is been said here is that, most Media sold in Africa, does not in all, truly appease or satisfy their customers it is believed, in that, it is believed here in all again that, most truly don't simply know, what African Media, is truly all about.

That African Media, and as said even authentic or genuine in its ways, is often associated and with speak of African Languages/Tongues, but further speak too, and of African English that is, but that in all ways even, most in Africa perhaps, are yet to truly know what does stand for a General Theme, and when it does come to developing Media, and as said suitable or appropriate and for all Africans that is. That in all again, the very best of general Themes, and for African Media, does in all even speak of Injury that is [and as with it even said a wound, a great insult, or speak even and of what some do term a spiritual wound and as said Mortal too, and with Injury in itself, often believed said, and to speak and of what it does mean to be truly fully Human, and as Injury in all, is often truly associated, and with speak of Death, and from an Evolutionary perspective that is].

In all, what is been said here is that, and to Father Rui too (and as in asking him to simply attach 'Nairo' in all, and to the Hodari Boys Club too), that those in 'Nairo' and even Anatolian Nairobi in all again, are believed said Knowledgeable in all, and in developing Media for Africa, and with Injury as its main/general Theme that is, but that in all ways even, speak of Media too, and as said to speak of Religion, Education, Health, Law, History etc., but that unknown to most, it is believed here that, Africans in all and as compared to many another people and as found/seen outside Africa that is, do in all even respond highly, and to speak of Media driven Initiatives, and as including those having to do with Schooling, and the very development in all even, and of African Private Schooling that is [or speak too and of those bold enough, and in perceiving their World differently, and from what is often said the norm that is].

In all again, speak here even, and of the said unknown 'fact' that, the building in all, and of the Pyramids in Egypt, is believed said associated in all, and not with speak of Egyptian Philosophy in itself, but with speak in all again, and of Egyptian Media (and alongside speak even and of Papyrus too), and as it is in all even believed that, Egyptian Media, did in all rival, the very world of the Egyptian Philosophers, and as it does in all even speak of and generically too, speak of perhaps, and of 18th Dynasty Egypt, and which is one of the more or less accepted, greater, of the Egyptian Dynasties that is.