Friday 31 January 2014

The Nairobian

The Nairobian.

Hope in the Face of Adversity:

Many in 'Nairo', might have heard of the moniker, 'The Nairobian'. It in many a way is perhaps used and to refer and to the average person in all, and in Nairobi, and when in reality, it does actually speak and of those in Nairobi, and as more or less rather even, stylistic in their ways that is. In many a way though and as with introducing all this, is to tell those in 'Nairo' that, and as the Nairobian, that they are very much in all, the Vested Sweater actually [Link].

What though, to make of the above sub-headline in all: 'Hope in the Face of Adversity'. It in all, and as with speak of the Nairobian in all again, does not actually speak of attempts in all, and in accumulating Weatlh and in Nairobi today too, but in all ways even, speak of those in Nairobi,.and particularly Men, and as very much in all, truly wishing to express themselves and as freely and openly as possible that is.

To speak of Men in Nairobi as above, is to also in many a way even, speak of Adversity here, and as speaking in all again, and of one being limited and in their expressing themselves in all, and as with many a many a Man in Nairobi perhaps, being limited in their ways and as mentioned above, turning in all, and to the very world of 'Keroro' too perhaps, and as the only known avenue too, and of truly freeing oneself in expression that is. In many a way though, all this does speak even and of just whom Men in Kenya or Nairobi in particular, are with their Women that is. That it is believed, that Kenyan Women, are even privately a source of shame and to many a Kenya Man, and who does try to freely express themselves, and as with Kenyan Women not only the kind to harshly hate and not criticize one truly either, and on one attempting in all again, and to express oneself as freely in all, and as with Kenyan Women in general, and as with speak of the perceptions of the Blogger here, the kind to express themselves and as Whores or Prostitutes too, and when freely asked to express themselves that is [that for many a Man in Nairobi, the very act of knowing a Kenyan Woman, speaks even and of eternal self-hate that is].

In many a way, why continue living in Nairobi, and as the Nairobian is bound to ask? It is believed here by the Blogger that, the reason for wanting to stick around Nairobi in all, and not leave it either (and as with speak even of many a poor infrastructure to be seen all over the place perhaps), does speak even and of the belief that, Kenya Men in all, and especially those in Nairobi too, are the kind to truly seek to want to freely express themselves, and as with the further belief that, Kenyan Men, and especially those in Nairobi, are in all again actually, movie characters and by nature too that is [that Kenyan Men in general, and speak particularly of those in Nairobi in all, are actually in many a way driven in all again, and in expressing themselves as movie characters would in all, and when the opportunity does show up or arise that is] [and as with knowing all this, the reason why the Blogger continues to desire to live in Nairobi actually].

Having said the above, lets speak perhaps and of the fact that, Kenyan Men in all, are the kind to borrow creatively from another culture, and as with turning material from another culture in all, and into an Indigenous form in all that is. Whom are Kenyan Men this way, and as with speak particularly of 'Nairo', and probably speak truly even, and of the Youth in Kenya or Nairobi truly even that is. To start of and as with the belief even that many a Kenyan Man in all, and as with they even believed secretly to wish for a Foreign Woman/Girlfriend in their lives, are probably in all like RZA and in 'La Rhumba' too [Link] [and as with this even speaking of many a Kenyan Man, and when in shape too, believing themselves more charismatic in all, and than most other Men to be seen out there that is]. What other melodies or songs perhaps, do speak of the attempts by Kenyan Men, and in envisioning perfect relationships with a Woman too [and as in knowing Kenyan Women simply in all uncultured in their ways, and as with their delusional beliefs that, Kenyan Men do spend Kshs 100,000 per day, and in so said Kenyan Sex Dens that is (and as with Kenyan Women too, not knowing whom Kenyan Men in all actually are, that on gaining such Dinero, the last person a Kenyan Man would want to see in all, would be a Kenyan Woman actually)]. What of Method Man and D'Angelo, and in 'Breakups to Makeups', and as with Method Man and D'Angelo in all, singing in all again and of the perfect relationship in all perhaps, and that did go even, truly sour [and as with perfect here, speaking in all perhaps, and of perfectly communicating with each other, and in a simplistic or cool manner too that is, and as with all this referring even, and and to a perfect understanding of each others motives, and even when things are imbalanced in all, and as with one partner perhaps, not too creative and in expression/communications that is] [that Kenyan Men in all, are the kind to keep on trying, and in such relationships that is][Link]. What of P. Diddy and Mario Winans and in 'I Dont Wanna Know' [Link], and as with it all even, speaking of Man perhaps, having entered into a relationship with a most Beautiful of Women too, and as with the Woman here in question in all perhaps, the one to have initiated contact that is. 

In all, the above songs, and as speaking even somewhat and of just whom Kenyan Men in all, are, and as with regards to creative expression, and not only as with regards to living in Nairobi in itself too, but in many a way in all, how they do basically envision relationships in Kenya/Nairobi that is [and as with Kenyan Men wishing to creatively see themselves as such, and with Kenyan Women on the otherhand, and as perhaps acknowledging themselves, and as not as being Unnatractive or Unintelligent either, but in many a way truly even, lacking Discipline in all, and as with speak even of Innocence in all again, and even speak of being Self-Respecting too, and when asked to simply express oneself that is (that Selfishness and amongst Kenyan Women in all, does in all ways even speak of a lack in Discipline, and as with speak even of being highly embittered and 'thick' even, and when considered a failure or a loser of a kind too actually)] [and as with all this even speaking of a basic (spiritual) belief and amongst Kenyan Men for instance that, no one truly cares to know them, not even God perhaps, and until they prove their mettle that is, and with Kenyan Women on the otherhand, and as delusional too, the kind to believe the President of the United States of America, to be a phonecall away that is].

The Nairobian: