Sunday 29 July 2012



Poetry, and as including Prose too, is considered by many, to be one of the most basic forms of Intelligence and as known to man too (and as with this referring even, to speak of multiple forms of intelligence that is). In all, it is the kind of Intelligence, that one will readily use, and when in an Argument perhaps, the very use of basic Reasoning, or even truly again, Logic in itself actually. In all again perhaps, and for those in 'Nairo' too, the very intelligence in all, one would use, when attempting to persuade another person and into doing something perhaps.

In all ways even, is to recommend the very world of William Yeats, and to those in 'Nairo' too, and in helping develop in all, the most basic forms of intelligence, and as with speak even, of civilized discourse in itself, and while interacting even, and in the most basic sense too, and with just about anyone too that is {and as with the works of Yeats even, more or less Brit in origins, and as with Colonial Kenya too, and not of Brit England, American or English origins either}.

The Mainstream

The Mainstream.

The Mainstream & 'Nairo':

What they do call the Mainstream, is not something that one would find covered in all, and in the Magazines, News Media Reports or even as a discussion in all, and at friends house too that is, but in all again, something one would very much find, and very much well covered too, and in a Blog too for instance {and as with the Mainstream in Anatolia in itself, very much defined, and by the Opinion too actually}.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

X- -X

X- -X

Acoustics vs. Materialism:

For we do all live in Worlds, heavily defined in all, and by not only Materialism in itself, but the sense of Touch too, what better way then, to change the whole Paradigm in all, and as with basing ones existences, and on a base Sound level in itself, and not certain forms of Materialism either; and as with speaking even, of basing it all, and on the base level sound too, and as associated in all again, and with the Wind too that is.



'Nairo' & Design:

When one in general, does think Design in all, it is then best too to align or associate it all even, and with general ways of thought/thinking too {and as with the case even, and of attempting to open a Soda bottle for instance, and with no Bottle opener too that is}. However though, when those in 'Nairo', do think Design in all again, it is then best to associate it all, and with not only general thought systems in all, but those too, that can be found/seen in Liturgical literature in all, and as associated with the Saints too, but also, ways of thinking in all, and as arising from Brit english/speech too that is.

In all ways though, the very topic or subject even, and of Design too, is of a rather great importance, and to those in 'Nairo' too, and as with saying that, what in all again they do term the 'Horn of Africa' in all, does represent, not only Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia too, but with it all in all again, referring in general to the very fact that, those who do live in the 'Horn of Africa' in all, do truly do so, and as highly based around Media in itself that is {and as with furtherly saying that, the basic ingredient and of Media in itself, is nothing more than Design actually}.

Having said this, is to also alert one and to the very fact that, not only are those in Nairobi in itself, highly perceptible to Media in itself too actually, but that Media in all again, and with the wrong Designs, can truly wage havoc (mental illnesses & sicknesses), and in ones life too (and as with it strongly affecting ones way of thinking that is), and as with those in Nairobi in itself too, readily in all again, existing in all truly, and around Media in itself too that is.

As a result of all this, is then to warn many a person in 'Nairo' in itself that (or Anatolian Nairobi too), and of not only Designs in all, but of Media and as strongly influenced too, and by certain Designs that is, and as emanating in all, and from both Burundi and Rwanda too actually. That in all again, when one does think Africa and as a scary or evil place too, then do know in all again perhaps, it is best to think of Africa as such, and as based around the Designs in all, one does see in it actually, but also truly even, that most of Africa's Evil Designs in all again, do not actually originate, and from Nigeria or Ghana too, or even Western Africa as a whole that is, but actually in all again, from Burundi in all, Rwanda, and also parts of Western Uganda too actually.

Tuesday 24 July 2012



'Nairo' vs. Durnham-Nairobi:

For those in 'Nairo' in all again, is to tell them that, when they do think of a famous Landmark in all, and to go along with 'Nairo' in itself too, then do please think the Uhuru Gardens Memorial Park in all, and in Lang'ata too, and with Durnham-Nairobi in all again, and as with Landmarks too, to be best associated in all, and with the Uhuru Park in Nairobi in itself actually.

Saturday 21 July 2012

The Middle East

The Middle East.

For those living in 'Nairo' (or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact), is to in all again not only remind them of Kiswahili speakers, and native too, and as living in Nairobi as a whole that is (and in what was referred before, and as 'Westernized Nairobi' too that is), but that in all again, folks from the Middle East, are known to live in Nairobi in itself, and the fastest way to identify them (and as with some even, having lived in Nairobi for a rather long time too), and Symbolically too that is, is via the kind of Kiswahili in all, they actually do speak, and which too, is not only prevalent in the Middle East, but the kind too, very much used, and in the writing of what they do call,,'the Biblia' {and which is in many ways, the true and official Bible, and of the Middle East too actually}.

This said, and as with stating truly that, the Kiswahili used in 'the Biblia', is culturally in all, distant even, and not only from the Kiswahili in all again, and as spoken in 'Westernized Nairobi' too, but also, distant in all, and from just about any form of Cultural existence too, and to be seen in the whole of East Africa too actually {or in all truly even, Anatolia in itself, or 'Arab East Africa' too that is}.

Mathematical Physics

Mathematical Physics.

Technology Development & Deployment:

For those in 'Nairo' is to perhaps in all again, best speak and of what does constitute Technology in itself. That in many a way, and today too that is, Technology in itself, has come to be highly defined, and by the forces of Capitalism too (and not Commercialism either), and as with Capitalism even, and in many a way too, defining Technology in all again, and as a tool even, and one needed too, and as with regards, to not only survival in itself (Political too), but in many a way even, as something in all again, needed for emotional sustenance perhaps {and as with it even, attempting in all, to enhance a relationship for instance}.

Technology in the past though, has often been relegated in all, and to the very realms too, and of Cultural significance in itself that is {that in all ways even, Technology in itself, was about advancement or progress in all, and as with regards, to Cultural formations that is}.

For those in 'Nairo' though, is to perhaps best in all again, speak of Technology & Science in itself, and from the realms too, and of Sainthood in itself actually. That in all, in old Italy and Europe too, Saints in all, were often associated, and with the production in all, and of many a Technological marvel too that is. They did this in all again, and as based around their knowledge in all, and of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics in all actually. That in all, they readily in all again did truly help in developing a field of study or science even, and by simply in all again, attempting to study it all, and as based around, using mindsets in all again, and as originating in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics too that is.

In many a way though, the issue of Science & Technology in all, does pose a problem and to many a person or community too, and as with the capability in all, and of a piece of Technology in itself too, to redefine one culturally and heavily too perhaps. In many a way too, living as a Saint, does call for one to envision themselves and as having certain Cultural problems and difficulties too, but that in all ways truly even, this involving in all again, the imagining of oneself up, and as solving them too, and in a specified manner too that is. This in all ways even does truly call for, the very production and of Indigenous Technology too that is, and as with this and at the very least even, referring in all again, and to the solving of a problem too, and so as to experience satisfaction in all that is {that in all again, there is a difference and between watching a movie and in ones home too, and as compared even, to watching it all, and at a Cultural Center too for instance}.

In all, is to tell many a person in 'Nairo' that, the complex problem and of defining Technology too (and as with attempting even and to sell it profitably and in Nairobi too), and how in all again, to go about adopt it and into everyday life in 'Nairo' too, does speak in all, and of what they do term Technology Development & Deployment too that is. Technology Development referring in all again, and to taking an already existing piece of Technology too, and via the use of Mathematical Physics in all, thinking in all again, and of at the very least too, how to go about changing its Design, and as with regards even, to making it much better, or different too that is, and from what it already is actually. Technology Deployment on the otherhand, does refer in all again, to taking an existing piece of Technology in all, and attempting in all again, to integrating it perhaps, and to another already existing Technological framework, or even truly again, by attempting to use it, and to streamline in all, another already existing Technological apparatus that is. In all, when those in 'Nairo' do think Technology, it is best to think it from the perspective of Technology Development & Deployment, and as with reminding one too that, living as a Saint, does bring certain problems and difficulties too, and into ones life that is (and that can be said and to differ in all again, and from those seen in the Modern/Western World too), but that in all again, living as such, and as a Saint that is, does call in all too even, and for one to develop certain mindsets, and when it does come, to dealing with these said problems and difficulties too that is, and from a Cultural perspective too actually {that Saints in all again, don't watch TV, and when bored too that is} {they instead might choose, to drink some wine and simply think}.

In all again, is to also mention that, for those in 'Nairo' too, that engaging in the world of Internet/Online Business, and as a Home Business too, could prove rather worthwhile, and if only understood and from the perspective too, and of Mathematical Physics that is {that in all again, one could think in all, and of designing a rather successful Internet/Web Portal, and by thinking about it all, and from mindsets too, and as seen in Mathematical Physics that is} {and as with they mindsets in all again, not differing too much, and from living as a Saint too that is}. In all, all this is not too difficult to make real, and with the exception perhaps, of Payment mechanisms (and such as Paypal too), but that in all again, it is believed that, the Internet/Online Business portfolio, might be a rather successful way even, and of one initially too, engaging in a business endeavour, and just about anywhere else in the World too that is {and as with the Internet/Online site here, imagined up in all, and as mainly a Communications portal too, and not a Knowledge/Information Access point either} {and as with a Communications portal too, very much similar in all again, and to Ebay for instance}.

Saints and their endeavours in Science & Technology:

^ and the very world too, and of Mathematical Physics that is.

Friday 20 July 2012



Living in Nairobi in all, can be rather difficult, and for those too, who do not know, just how to go about envisioning pain and suffering in all, and between themselves too actually. One though does in all find that, for many a said Third World City in all, pain and suffering in all again, are often envisioned, and in the form too, and of Servitude and slavery in itself actually {and as with this speaking even, of being poorly paid, and not having enough money in all again, and to enjoy life in itself that is}. On the otherhand, with those cities deemed Second World in all again, one does find that, pain and suffering in all, is often envisioned, and in the form too, of having to work hard and long, and just to be able to survive that is, and in all again too, just not having enough time in all, and to simply enjoy oneself that is. Finally, with many a First World City in all again (and as with First World, Second World and Third World too, referring in all again, to just how the Modern/Western World, does define living standards in all), one does find that, pain and suffering in all again, are highly defined too, and from the perspective, of security issues in all {and in all again, not being able to truly enjoy life and as one would like, and other than engaging in a few in between, high profile, festive and celebrity occasions in all that is}.

For those in 'Nairo' though, is to tell them that, pain and suffering in the City (or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact), does take the form of, a general lack in inertia, and as with regards truly even, to doing just about anything too that is {and as with this even, not truly speaking of boredom or ennui in itself, but in all again, the general lack in all, and in the enthusiasm too, and as with regards truly, to just about anything too that is}. In all again, such a general lack of enthusiasm and in life too, speaking of being regretful in all, and as with purposely even, having missed out on many an opportunity too, and that did come by even, and rather easily too, and to one too that is.

In all ways even, is to tell those in 'Nairo' (or Anatolian Nairobi to be precise), that, when they do think of pain and suffering in all, then they can in all again, turn to a work and by Aldous Huxley too ('Eyeless in Gaza') {and a work too, of not only Victorian Era origins in all, but actually written in all again, and in the kind of Brit English too, and as once spoken before and in Colonial Kenya too actually}, and as with it even, displaying in all, what a life driven and by a lack of inertia too, truly is like {the repercussions that is, general problems faced, and even many a solution too perhaps, and as with regards even, to truly thinking it all out that is}.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

The Nairobi Reform

The Nairobi Reform.

Reform vs. Development:

There is often too much talk about making Nairobi as a whole, a rather reknowed City even, and highly from the perspective, of Development too that is {and as with truly even perhaps, attempting to open a high-scale Restaurant for instance}. One though, does find that, the best way to bring about change in Nairobi as a whole, is from the perspective, and of Reform too actually. Reform too, and as mainly in all again, speaking of changing the character and ways even, and of those, who do make Nairobi a home that is {and as with this even, primarily referring to 'Nai'/Modern Nairobi, 'Nairo', and even truly again 'Westernized Nairobi' that is}.

For those in 'Westernized Nairobi', reform in all again, does speak of the encouraging, and of the speaking too perhaps, and of pure Kiswahili in all, and as with regards truly even, to everyday interactions that is. This too, and as averse, to having those in 'Westernized Nairobi' (it being the part of Nairobi too, that highly identifies itself as being African), speaking in all again, Vernacular (and not slangs truly either), and as arising even, and from English and Kiswahili too {they being Vernacular that is, that do appear to have a basis in all, and in Kiswahili or English actually, but with added vocabulary in all again, and from just about anywhere on the Planet too that is)}. Not only will the speaking of pure Kiswahili, truly help one make their way through Nairobi rather easily, but in all ways truly even, with this part of Nairobi in all again, highly associated with Local Music Production, is to ask future generations in all again, to adopt Popular Media in all, and very much similar, and to the music of Janet Jackson and En Vogue too actually {and as with saying that, not only do those who do speak pure Kiswahili, capable in all again, and of speaking English like the Australians actually do, but that, they are capable in all too really, of singing very much similarly, and in English too, to the likes of Janet Jackson that is} {again, the speaking of pure Kiswahili in all, and as with everyday life too, but Popular Media in all again, and as accessed via the English language too that is}.

To speak though of 'Nai'/Modern Nairobi (and as with it even my least favourite part of Nairobi too that is), is to in all again even, recommend Reform, and as based around the popular adopting, and of Adult Contemporary Music too that is, and as with regards even, to Popular Media in all actually {and as compared that is, to having many a person in 'Nai' in all again, listening to Jazz all the time, and then pretending, to be far way cool, and for just about anything too that is}.

Janet Jackson - Again:

En Vogue - Don't Let Go

Adult Contemporary Music:

'the City of Saints'

'the City of Saints'.

Sensual Appeal vs. Sexual Appeal:

There are those in 'Nairo' (or Anatolian Nairobi to be precise), and who do in all again perhaps, do truly wonder, just how best in all, to go about living in everyday Nairobi too, and as enjoyably as possible that is. In all, just how best in all again, to actually go about developing, a general love for the place that is {and as with attempting even, to have it now named, Nairobi that is, 'the City of Saints'}.

To speak of Sensual Appeal and as versus Sexual Appeal too, is to in all again even, speak of what does make everyday Nairobi perhaps, different in all (and as with referring to Individual experiences too), and from everyday New York or London too that is. That in all, Cities and such as London or New York too, are heavily driven in all, and as with everyday individual experiences, and by what they do call Sexual Appeal. In all perhaps, the building of tensions, sexual too, and between any two groups or people even, and before, their reaching certain epical or elevated heights too that is, and before in all again, their falling through, and probably resulting, and in the two groups or persons, madly rushing into ones arms that is. In all again, a way of experiencing everyday life, and as with the individual too, not too easy to engage in perhaps, and as with saying that, it does require for one, to be rather cultural in all, and as with the ability even, to keep others somewhat sexually/lovingly attracted to one, and at all times too, and so as in order, for one to be able to enjoy living life, and to its utmost too that is. In 'Nairo' though (or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact), is to in all again speak of defining the everyday life experience, and for the individual too, and as highly based around Sensual Appeal that is.

Sensual Appeal in all, does actually speak of having ones senses in all again, positively aroused or excited even, and by having ones environments in all again, directly appeal to them that is {and as with this even, speaking of readily noticing a beautiful flower, and as hidden too, and within a bush perhaps, or even truly again, lucky enough, to be passing by a music shop even, and when ones favourite tune in all, is actually playing}. In all, Sensual Appeal referring readily to the exciting or arousing of ones senses in all (and as including the rather spoken about 6 Sense too), and all this done too, rather directly even (and as with one readily noticing such an arousal for instance), and with the ultimate goal in all, and of thinking of Nairobi too, and from the perspective of City & Urban Planning in all, all about turning Nairobi in itself, and into a place where just about every moment too, speaks of being positively aroused or excited even, and from the perspective of Sensual Appeal too that is.

In speaking of Nairobi as such, is to in all again perhaps, help many a person in 'Nairo' (or Anatolian Nairobi too), come to realize in all, and understand too that, the very world of Sensual Appeal, does call for one in all again, to truly imagine up Gender relations/relationships, and from a rather different perspective even, and than that which the very world Sexual Appeal too, does in all again promote that is {and as with this even, breaking away and from Gender relationships/relations, and as seen in the Modern/Western World too that is}.

To understand this much better, is to know that, Sexual Appeal does highly operate around Popular Beliefs in all too really, and as with they even beliefs, highly based around the 'Politics of the Day' actually {and as with this speaking even, of being a Prominent figure in all that is} {and not a Famed one truly either}. To understand this much better is to say that, the very world of Popular Beliefs, and as having to do with the 'Politics of the Day', is capable of rising to great heights, only if, the 'Politics of the Day', can rise up, and to the Napoleonic levels too perhaps {and as with this even, speaking of judging or acquainting Popular Beliefs in all, and with Natural Law in itself that is}. In all, this too, calling for a rather highly cultured even, universe perhaps, and as was once seen, in France too, and as with speak too even, of Napoleon Buonaparte that is.

Napolean as Myth:

Sensual Appeal on the otherhand, highly even, does operate around, Magic in itself. In all ways even, the very belief in magical beliefs (and such as superstitions too for instance), and such that, Gender relationships/relations in all, are not defined by the 'Politics of the Day' actually {and speak too even of Popular Beliefs and Sexual Appeal too}, but in all ways truly even, the very world of many a Guess, Hunch or even Assumption too, and as with this very much referring in all too even, and to the very world even, and of 'Love at First Sight' too actually.

In all, is to first off promote, the above work and by Martin Buber too 'Tales of the Hasidim', and as with it truly in all again even, to be mainly perceived, and from the perspective of Sensual Appeal that is {that in all, it will attune one to what Sensual Appeal is, and such that, everyday life in Nairobi too, and for the individual that is, is in all ways truly even, one of sensual appeasement, and not sensual gratification, and as with Sexual Appeal too that is}. Second off though, is to also promote the green covered version, and of the Popular Penguins Classics edition, and of War & Peace and by Leo Tolstoy too (and a cheap buy too, and at Bookpoint on Moi Avenue), and as with it re-written in all, and away from the rather cultural European perspective/original, and as with it even not only highly based around Sensual Appeal that is, but the figures in it too, made Saintly in all (and not truly cultural European either), but in all ways truly even, helping in many a way, with the imagining up, and of many a magical or superstitious belief too (and as with what even, could probably happen to one, and in everyday Nairobi too that is), but in all ways truly even, helping one formulate Gender, Racial/Class and Age based relations in all, and from the Sensual Appeal perspective too actually {and as with furtherly saying that, for those in 'Nairo', if there is only one book you are going to read and of the many recommended, let it be Martin Buber's 'Tales of the Hasidim', or even truly again, the Green cover version of Penguin Popular Classics edition of War & Peace} {but with 'Tales of the Hasidim', recommended in all again, and for those in Anatolian Nairobi in itself, and as with 'Nairo' even, referring to those who do choose to live in Anatolian Nairobi in itself, and highly as a 'Saint' too, and not from the perspective of Anatolia in itself that is}.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Alternative Grunge

Alternative Grunge.

Upendeleo & 'Nairo':

And as with telling everyone in 'Nairo' that, let this be the one album you do own, and not Michael Jackson's Thriller either.

Equinoxes & Solstices

Equinoxes & Solstices.

For those in 'Nairo' in all (or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact), is to tell them that, successful living in the place or City too, does have to do, and with attuning oneself, and to its natural Cycles (and general rhythms too that is). In all again truly, all this pertaining to natural Cycles (and rhythms too), Nature based, and not those presented by the Media in all (and as with News Media too that is). To understand this better, is to perhaps best acquaint natural Cycles in all, and with Energy levels in all again, and as to be seen within Nairobi in itself {that in all, one has to attune themselves to these natural Cycles in all, and inorder, to gauge, measure or time oneself too, and as with regards truly even, to just what in all, and culturally too, is best in all again, and to do with ones time that is (and as with this even, speaking of remaining psychologically stable in all)}.

In Europe for instance, or the Northern hemisphere to be exact, they kind of do follow the Seasons to be exact that is {and as with they in all again, used to gauge, measure and time even, just what in all again, it is best in all, and to do with ones time}. In East Africa though, the very use of the Rains in all (and as with speaking even, of the Rainy and Dry seasons too), has often been used, to not only have East Africans in general, attuned to their world perhaps (and as with using them, to gauge, measure or time oneself in all, and as with regards truly even, to any form of plannings that is), but in many ways too, a way of attuning oneself to natural Cycles in all, more or less truly African in its ways actually {and as with Kenyan Rainy seasons in all again, not truly matching those in Tanzania and Uganda too, and due in all, and to a difference in Climate and Nature too that is}.

For those in 'Nairo' though, thinking of oneself (and as with speak too even of gauging, measuring or timing oneself in all), and as with regards truly even, to planning for life in itself perhaps (and as with further speak even, of Energy levels and of Enthusiasm in general), it is then in all again, best to forego the often seen Rainy/Dry season mentalities in all (and as with readily dividing even, the year into two halves: Jan-Jun., July- Dec.) {and as with all this even, speaking of making ones dreams a reality, and between Jan-Jun., while July-Dec., does speak of, simply relaxing in many a way, and waiting for ones plans to fall through that is ( and in many a way too actually)}. In all again truly though, it is then best said that, for those in 'Nairo' in all (or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact), attuning oneself to natural Cycles, and in the form of the Equinoxes and Solstices too, is truly in all again perhaps, the very best way in all, to remain as upbeat as possible, and even truly perhaps, as enthusiastic about life in all, and in all ways truly even. The Solstices in all though, do speak of the Sun in all again, but truly in all perhaps, when both Night and Day, are of equal length, while the Equinoxes, do speak in all, and of when Night and Day, do differ in length actually {and with the Vernal Equinox, having longer Nights to it, but with the Autumnal Equinox on the otherhand, having longer Days to it that is} {in all, a shift in all again, and as with the Sun said to be over the Equator too and as with regards to the Solstices and Equinoxes, and in just what amount in all, and of Sunlight too, is readily available that is (and as with this even, speaking of sunlight and as not only affecting ones Enthusiasm levels in all, but also truly even, how one in all again, does choose to gauge, measure or time themselves, and as with regards truly even, to attuning oneself in all, and to the natural Cycles and Energy levels that the Solstices & Equinoxes, do bring with them)}.

In all though, one should probably be reminded that, for those in Durnham-Nairobi, attuning oneself to natural Cycles in all, is done via the Moon actually {and as with saying that, Durnham-Nairobi and 'Nairo' too, do differ Culturally that is (and as with speak of the kind even, and of English spoken too that is), and that in all again, natural Cycles too, and as with regards to Cultural existences even, do differ in all, and as explained in all again, and as above too that is}.

Moon-like natural Cycles (and general rhythms):

As an ending to all this, is to recommend the Target editions of the Doctor Who book series, and as with they even, speaking of natural Cycles in all again (and as with general rhythms too), and from mainly in all, a Solstices & Equinoxes perspective {that in all, the Energy levels to be seen in the books, the Enthusiasm in all and as with regards truly even, to just how the characters in all, do gauge, measure or time themselves even, are similar in all again, to 'Nairo' actually, and as with they all based too that is, and on the Equinoxes & Solstices that is}.

Solstices/Equinoxes-like natural Cycles (and general rhythms):



Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie,
kissed the girls, and made them cry,

when the boys, came out to play,

Georgie Porgie, ran away.

'Nairo' and Eastern Africa:

Those who had the chance, of Schooling in Nairobi in all, have probably heard the Rhyme of Georgie Porgie. In many a way perhaps, those who did learn it in School, probably did miss out, on its significance. Why this Rhyme and many like it, are important, is because (and for those in 'Nairo' too), it does impart, a general intelligence in all, and as with regards, to not only Speech in itself (and as generally heard in Eastern Africa too), but also, general problem solving, and as seen in Eastern Africa in all {meaning in all again, it does sound like the English in all too really, and as spoken too, and by many a lower Class person perhaps, and in Eastern Africa too that is} {and as with lower Class in all, referring to levels of Speech development, and in English too actually}. In all ways though, is to not only recommend the above Rhyme, Georgie Porgie, and others like it, and to those in 'Nairo' too, and as especially in all again, when one is out and about, Eastern Africa in itself that is {that in all, one should not truly fear in all, traveling to Sudan for instance, and as with saying that, one can get by comfortably, and by speaking in all again, and in a Rhyme-like manner too that is}. In all again though, the work below and by Aldous Huxley too, 'A Brave New World', is also recommended in all, and as it is written in all again, in not only Brit English actually, but also, in a playful Rhyme-like manner, and similar in all again, to Georgie Porgie that is {and as with telling many a person in 'Nairo' too that, when they do in all get into trouble that is, and not only in Eastern Africa too perhaps, but also in 'Nairo' actually, it is this kind of english in all again, Rhyme-like, that one does often tend to resort to, and when solving just about any kind of problem/trouble that is} {and as with saying too that, 'A Brave New World' in all, does have trouble seen/spelt all over it actually}.

Intellectual Prowess

Intellectual Prowess.

The Nobel Prize in Literature:

Living in 'Nairo', or Nairobi as a whole too even, can be a rather difficult task in itself actually. The reason for this very much has to do, with just how in all, to go about defining Intimacy, and in ones life too that is. That in all, while in 'Nairo' (but Nairobi as a whole too even), it is very well known truly that, whom one in all again, does choose to be Intimate with, can truly in all again, come to highly affect or even, diminish one in stature, and as time does elope too that is {that in all, many a friend in all, can turn enemy or foe even, and on one succeeding too, and in a general sphere of life that is, and as with saying truly that, Nairobi in all, is a place where people in all ways even, readily in all again, do believe in rumours and gossip and of all kinds that is} {and in all ways too even, having one truly question, what does constitute Friendship in all, and in Nairobi as a whole too that is}.

For those in 'Nairo' though, and as with adjoining oneself even, and to the rest of Nairobi too (or even the World perhaps), is to tell them that, Friendships and Intimacy in all, can best be perceived in all again, and from the perspective of Intellectual Prowess. What Intellectual Prowess does truly mean is that, one asking in all, why a particular person, or people in general too, do think as they actually do, and not in another manner perhaps. This in all ways even, is the very key, to creating Friendships and Intimacy in Nairobi as a whole even, and as with saying truly that, Family in all, does very much pale, and as with regards truly even, to defining Intimacy and Friendships in ones life that is {that in all again, it is best to seek out people in all, who actually do think, and wildly too, and in a similar manner to one that is} {or in all again, wind up or end up too, being trapped by Family (and the sentiments it does give rise too), but truly in all again, is to tell one truly that, in Nairobi as a whole, Friendships and Intimacy in all, and as based around experiences, blood or even truly again, life passions in all, are bound to go sour, and when gossiping and rumour-mongering, do eventually make their way into ones life that is (and as they are bound too, and as with this even, the history of many a murder too, and in Nairobi as a whole that is)}.

In all, when one does think Intellectual Prowess, do think it best perhaps, to read many a work, and from the 'Nobel Prize in Literature' Laureates list, and as with it all too, best read even, and from the perspective, of Intellectual Prowess {and in all again, truly questioning, why do people in all, or the author in question too that is, do truly think as they do}.

Nobel Prize in Literature (1954): Ernest Hemingway (Kenya)

Friday 13 July 2012



Identity & Character formation in 'Nairo':

Many are unaware that, the true origins of the English Language, actually do lie, and with the Celt Tribe/tribes of Italy & Europe too actually (but with it though, having its actual origins, with the Celts in Italy too). This said too because, it is heavily presumed today even that, the roots of the English Language in all, falsely do lie, and with the English themselves, or even, the Celtic tribes of Europe too (and as with they not Celt either).

When we do speak of Identity and Character formation, and in 'Nairo' too perhaps, we are in all ways even, referring to just how the average person in Nairobi too, does in all ways even actually perceive issues in all again, and as pertaining to Space & Time Realities that is. That in all, when one does think of creating an Identity for oneself (and as with the Identity Card too perhaps), or even speak of Character formation, one in all again, has to take into account, issues in all again, and as pertaining to Space and Time in itself. Something in all again, not too rather easy to do, and as with speak even, of creating Systematic Identities & Characters, and as in saying that, this issue in all again, and in the past too, has often in all, been dealt with, and from the perspective, of mastering Language in itself (and rather than in all again, and as with the Western/Modern World too, attempting to create Identities and Characters in all, and as heavily based around Computation and Computerized Systems that is).

Many out there, do falsely again associate English in all, and with the Western/Modern World too (and as with the false belief even that, not only did they improve on it and from the Shakespearean perhaps, but in all ways even, it was them in all again, responsible for spreading it around the World that is). Truth though is that, not only is English now, seen in more or less an Indigenous form too, and in places and such as Japan and Saudi Arabia too for instance, but in all ways truly even, unknown to most, the English spoken in the Modern/Western World, actually does have the most interesting of origins: that being, Iberia. That in all, what they do term Modern English, is not actually of British or English origins either, but in all ways truly even, similar in all again, and to English, and as heard in all even, and mainly in Spain, and parts of Portugal too. To understand this much better, and as with the present Queen of England too, mainly speaking what they do term Brit English, is to in all again mention that, Systematic Identity & Character formation in all, and in the Modern/Western World too, not only does go along with English and as heard in Iberia perhaps, but in all ways truly even, having thought patterns in all again (and as with problem solving, and computation and computerization even), as seen arising in all, and in the world too, of Roman Catholicism actually {and with Modern English too, highly Technical in its ways, and not Cultural either}.

For those in 'Nairo' in all again is to tell them that, Identity & Character formation in Nairobi and as a whole, has often been done, and in a rather traditional manner too. That in all, attempts to Systematize Nairobi in all again, and as with regards to Identity & Character formation too (and as with Computer Systems even), has hugely failed in all, and due in all again, to just how most do perceive Space & Time Realities and in Nairobi too {not only in a rather Individual manner that is, but in many ways truly even, as based around language in itself, and not computing specifically either}. In all ways truly even, what does in all again, contribute to chaos and as often seen in everyday Nairobi and as a whole too that is, has in all ways even, to do with the kind of languages, spoken in the place that is. Take 'Nai' for instance, or 'Modern Nairobi' too, and where one does find in all again, the preponderance of Modern English in all, and in many a way too, Identity & Character formation, and rather pretentious in its ways even, and as with it even, requiring a huge budget in all, and to make it all real that is {and as with this truly even, associating Space & Time Realities, and with Kenya Airways perhaps, affording in all again, the latest in Jetliner/Airplane equipment that is}. Then you do have 'Westernized Nairobi', and a place in all again, very much Post-Independence Africa in its ways, and as with truly even saying that, the chaos seen in this part of Nairobi (and as with it even, defined in all again, and by the language spoken therein and in all too), does very much have to do, and with the rather poor quality of Kiswahili in all again, and as spoken in the 'place' that is {and as with attempting to tell those in 'Westernized Nairobi' that, Saudi Arabia in many a way even, and as a rather well run place too, does owe all this, and to the very use even, and of perfect Kiswahili (and not truly Arabic either), and as often taught too, and in Kenyan Schools that is} {and as with their being even, many a Kenyan/East African in all, and working and in many a way too, and in Saudi Arabia too that is}.

For those in 'Nairo' though, and in a Nairobi too, perceived rather problematic to live in, and as with doing anything that is (and speak too even, of overcoming issues and as pertaining to Space & Time Realities that is), and as with further speak even, and of Identity & Character formation too, is to in all ways mention that, Nairobi as a City, does owe its origins (and as with the Pre-Colonial/Colonial times too), and with what they do term, Brit English {and as with saying that, 'Nairo', was the very first in many a way and of Nairobi as a whole too, before its being followed in all again, and by 'Westernized Nairobi', and finally, by 'Modern Nairobi' (or 'Nai' too that is)}. In all ways even, one should not confuse Brit English (and rather Cultural too and in its ways that is), and with Anglaise either {and as with Anglaise in all again, spoken in what one could call Durnham-Nairobi too, and as with this even, referring in general, and to Private Enterprise/Industry, and in particular, its Administration that is, and as seen in Nairobi as a whole too actually}.

In all ways again though, is to tell those in 'Nairo' that, thinking clearly about doing anything in Nairobi and as a whole, and as with issues pertaining to not only Energy usage in all, but also Identity & Character formation too (and as with speak too even, of Space & Time Realities that is), one then truly in all again, does have to master Brit English (and as spoken in Colonial Kenya too that is), and not Brit English either, and as spoken by the current Queen of England, or even, by the Brits themselves, and in Great Britain or 'the UK', and once upon a time too that is.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Classical Poetry

Classical Poetry.

Those who do happen to live in Nairobi in all, do recognize and realize truly even that, the place as a whole perhaps, does have many Self-Image problems in all. Self-Image too, and as not with the City in itself, but in all ways truly even, with the very people who do happen to live in it that is. To better explain this, is to in all again speak truly of what does in all again, constitute, the very Expectations that is, and of the people who do live in it actually.

To speak of this openly, Expectations, is to in all again truly even attempt in all, to speak of what does constitute Respect in all again, and within the City too. That in many a way, Respect, and as perceived truly even, and from Expectations too, does in all ways even, speak of Life trajectories in all. That in all again, those who do live in Nairobi in all, do realize that, Life in itself, does in many ways truly even, play out, and in rather undirected manners that is, and such that, attempting to plan for it, in many ways truly even, does truly mean, one missing out on it actually. This in many ways too, does have to do with issues of Life Design in all perhaps (how to generally that is, go about living Life in general), and as with saying that, when it does come to Respect, Expectations and Life Design in all, Nairobi as a whole, does suffer, and from rather many issues too actually, and on just how to bring the three together that is (ones Expectations of life in general, Respect/Self-Respect too, and finally, Life Design in all, and as with it referring even, to being in all again, an Intelligent Being that is: meaning, a person who does associate being Intelligent in all, and heavily too, with design/trajectory issues actually) {that in all, a good Education perhaps, and as with a Business Degree too, does very well truly go along with, Good grooming for example}.

In all, for a Nairobi in all again, and rather Individual in its ways too, and as with regards to Respect, Expectations and Life Design in all, is to also say that, indulging in Classical Poetry, can in many ways truly even, help one think, and about these rather problematic even, Issues that is {and as with saying truly that, the Blogger in all, does truly believe that, these Issues in all, are the cause of many a Mental Illness issue too, and such as Depression for instance, and in a Nairobi too, where being Individual in all again, can truly mean being socially isolated, and with being close to another, meaning in all again, having strange issues in all, and as with regards, to Respect, Expectations in themselves, or even Life choices too, and as with furtherly adding that, all this can very well lead to what they do call a Shattered Soul that is, and when not well thought out (or the very fear too, of simply merely looking at a Mirror actually)}. At the very least (and as with the Mirror even), Classical Poetry in all, helping one deal with issues of Equality, Inferiority and Superiority (and when it does come to Self-Image too, and not Memory specifically either), and even, the probable stating that, it can in all ways even, help one develop a Unique Individuality, and as with this even, perceived the very key too, to living an easy life, and in Nairobi as a whole too actually.

Tuesday 10 July 2012



Those who do live in Nairobi as a whole, do truly in all again know perhaps, that there is something in all, Israeli, and about Nairobi as a whole too. This in many ways, has to do, with what they do term, forms of power and authority, and as with those seen in Nairobi too and as a whole, very much similar in nature, and to those seen in Israel too. However though, all this has not prevented Nairobi, and from becoming a wholesome mess of a kind, and as with many a person in 'Nairo' even (and not Nairobi as a whole), having to refer to the Swahili Community in all, and for help in all again perhaps, and as having to do, and with all forms of issues and as pertaining to power and authority in themselves.

However though is to tell those in 'Nairo' that (and as with this even referring to the Swahili Community in general), that, Nairobi, and even Kenya as a whole too (and as with Kenya even, referring truly to those, who do view themselves, and as Citizens too actually), does very much operate in a rather decentralized manner (and as with the title of the Chief too, having been rather historically prominent that is), is to tell those in 'Nairo' in all again that, they can truly begin taking an active role in how their lives do play out, and by in all again, looking to develop communal like forms of authority and power, and which in many a way, can be turned, into official political positions in all, and as with speak too even, and of the Politics of Nairobi as a whole/City that is. In all, those who do think along these lines, is to be then told that, the above work Jerusalem: A Biography (and by Simon Siebag Montefiore), is a rather good source in all, and in truly attempting in all again, and to come up with all forms and kinds even, and of titles, roles and responsibilities too, and those too that many in 'Nairo' in all, would deem rather necessary, and for maintaining their way of life that is {and as with even telling many a Worldly outsider in all, and to Nairobi too, that reading this work in many a way, can make their settling into the place, probably much more easier, and as with the attempt even, to truly understand authority and power, and as seen in Nairobi as a whole too that is}.

Charges, Fees and Communal political positions:

Monday 9 July 2012



Familial relationships:

If there is a significant problem perhaps, that does tend to ail the whole of Nairobi and as a whole too even, then in all, it is truly what they do term, Familial relationships/relations. Relations in all (or relationships even truly), that in many ways, do tend to go foul in their ways, and as with speak even, of endless bickering, jealousies, and such pettiness too {and enough that is, to make Nairobi, socially, a fourth World Country perhaps}. To those in 'Nairo', and in the attempt even, to end these rather meaningless melodramatic existences seen all over is to in all again suggest that, the Collins Classics edition of 'A Tale of Two Cities' {and as with furtherly saying that (and as an opinion too perhaps), 'A Tale of two Cities', is probably Dickens, most worthwhile work in all, and as with truly stating that, the Familial drama in it, is rather top-notch actually (and as with the original work even)}, that in the very least too, those in 'Nairo' in all again, can in the very least, attempt to match the Familial drama in all, seen the Collins Classic edition, of 'A Tale of two Cities' {and as with speaking even, of ending the rather useless Familial relations in all, and that are often seen, in 'Nairo' too, and as in stating that, those tired of such relations in all, should use 'A Tale of Two Cities', and as benchmark too, and as with regards truly even, to truly pondering, whether it is even necessary, to make friendships of any kind actually, and in 'Nairo' too (and as with this even, ending alot of misery, that many in not only 'Nairo', but Nairobi too as a whole, do tend to have, and as with regards truly even, to popular beliefs everywhere that, Familial relationships in all, and even if poor in nature, are far more worthwhile, than remaining isolated in all, and from society too)}. In all again, if ones Familial relationships/relations don't meet the standards of the Collins Classics edition of 'A Tale of Two Cities', then do simply try to forget them, or just not take them too seriously that is {and as with choosing to isolate oneself too and from others, not a sin in itself, and as worldwide popular beliefs in all (and as with survival even), might want you to believe in that is}.

Kiddie version:

Thursday 5 July 2012

British Time

British Time.

Many have heard of British Time {and especially, those that do live in Nairobi and as a whole too that is}. A concept of everyday life in all, that most in all again, have come in all too even, to heavily dread actually {and as with hoping that, the Weekend in all, is actually just around the corner} {or at the very least, Thursday evening actually}. In many ways, a way of thinking of everyday time, that does divide the daily hours in all, and in the following manner: morning, midday, afternoon, evening, night and finally midnight. In Kenya as a whole though, this way of conceptualizing Time (and as with everyday activity or daily occurrences even), has come to be envisioned in all, and around Teenage/Children Schooling that is {that in all, most in Nairobi and as a whole, do think of Time in itself, and as including even, holding a party perhaps, and as based around, the Schooling activity, and of Teenagers and Children too that is} {and as with this mentality even, affecting Commerce in all, and in a Nairobi too, lacking Cultural finesse that is, and as in furtherly stating that, the end result has been a way of life in Nairobi today, heavily geared in all, and around mindsets and mentalities too, that do in all again, actually factor in, not only Teenage and Child life in all, and as seen around one too, but in all again, ones very own Teenage and Child life too that is (and as with self-esteem issues faced back then that is)}.

Compare this perhaps, and to a place like Calgary in Canada, and where everyday life, has very much come to be envisioned around Time in all again, and as based around University Education {that in all, Calgary and as a City too, does in all ways even, work around its Universities and Colleges even, and in many ways too, giving birth to a way of life, perhaps similar in all (and as with keeping time too that is), and as that seen, in a Show and such as Friends for instance} {and with many a person who has ever lived in Calgary, will memorably in all too even, remember it as such actually}.

I on the otherhand, upon returning to Kenya, Nairobi, and after a sojourn in all, and in the West too perhaps, did find myself, wishing in many a way, to make it to the Middle East, and as with my knowing that, they still very much did keep time (everyday time that is), and in a manner too, heavily based around Muslim life and Prayers actually {or what they do call Salaah ('Five Pillars' entry)}. A way of life in all again, very much in touch with the past, and as with my believing even, that djinns in all, were still very much to be seen, and just around the corner too, and in the Middle East too actually.

You do the have Japan on the otherhand, and where Time today very much stringent, it in all ways even, and during its developing Years {Electricity and Popular Geisha Japan}, did actually abide to a way of living, and as heavily based around Health based practises that is {and at the very least too, all this did make for a Japan, with rather healthy people in all, but in many ways truly even (and as with martial arts practises perhaps), a Japan too, made up of ready made problem solvers that is}.

I do remember though, that while growing up, there did exist a kind of Time in all (everyday time), that was not truly British. It in many ways did consist of keeping time, and as heavily base around TV programming, Radio programming and even the eating of Breakfast, Lunch and Supper that is {but talk too, and of a surprise snack here and there}. Luckily for me, I was indoctrinated in this kind of time, and while at 'Karen C Primary School' too, and thankfully in many a way, did not develop psychological issues perhaps, that those who do grow up in British Time too, do somewhat seem to develop {a fearful approach that is, and to just about anything too actually} {in many ways truly even, Kenya, and as a properly functioning Country that is, does actually owe all its fortunes, and to this kind of Time, East African in nature too, but very much African Time actually}.

The TV Show, the Wonder Years (and with Alicia Silverstone too, making a guest appearance) {and alongside of course, Fred 'Savage'}, does actually speak of British Time, and the kind of activity and occassions too, that do in all go around it all that is, and as with speak even, of popular beliefs in all again that, this kind of time in all, is truly needed (and as with the UN too), to keep many an Economy afloat perhaps, has in all again proven to be totally moot actually, and by all accords even {meaning that, Kenya in all, actually does properly function today, around African Time (paragraph above) and as described just above too that is} {and with the UK too and in many a way that is, suffering huge National Debt/Budgeting issues, and due in all again truly, to just how things do function in all, and as based around British Time that is}.

For those in 'Nairo' though (or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact), is to ask them in all again (and as with speak of their mental/physical welfare even), to truly abandon British Time in all, as it is very well known too that, this kind of Time in all, British Time, is the very main reason too, most in Nairobi, actually do truly hate the place that is {alot of unhappy Child and Teenage issues brewing all over}. Instead (and as with this guaranteed to work even), is to recommended in all again that, the keeping of time actually (and as with it informal even), highly based around the Novena (everyday prayers to the Saints and Marian figures), and as with furtherly stating that, there is absolutely no good way at all, of keeping Time in Nairobi in itself (it in many ways even, practically, a Timeless place that is). In all though, what the Novenas are all about, is prayer, and prayer too, and until all of ones issues in all again (and about life in itself), do actually disappear, or even truly dissipate that is {and as with reminding many a person in Nairobi too that, Kenya's Economy in all, is not found in Nairobi, but outside it, and that in all again, outside Nairobi in all, and alongside Kenya's Economy too, most actually do work around African Time actually}. In all though, the Novenas, and as with saying that, praying them in all, do give one far more confidence in all, than one might attain doing otherwise, and Confidence too, to live life as they might very well wish {and as with saying that, the Saints in all, are rather forgiving even, 'Religious entities' perhaps, and that in all again, issues of Sexuality in all, do not talk of celibacy, but in all ways truly even, talk of engaging in rather classy sexuality that is} {and as with this speaking even, of many a novel perhaps}. In all, and as a promise too, Confidence from reciting everyday Novenas, but intelligence too, and in the form of acute perception actually (and heavily needed in Nairobi in general), and as with this even, speaking of shortcuts in life that is {and as with praying to the Saints too that is, providing many an idea, and on just what to do, and with ones life that is (and as with saying truly that, this does speak of living life, very much like a Magician actually)} .

As a finality though, is to speak in all again, and of a kind of Time too, common in America {'Desperate Housewives' TV Show}, and that has resulted in all, in many a person, wishing to move to America that is {and speak of popularized family oriented Communities that is}. In many ways truly, TV Shows and such as 'Desperate Housewives' in all, do have one in all again, keeping Time around the Kindergarten perhaps {and as with this truly even, speaking of those who do believe in living, highly based around Home Businesses, and Self-Employment too that is}.



Everyone truly knows what Secularism in all, actually truly means. A way of life in all, that has very much come to define the Modern World, and Humanity as seen today too actually, it in all again though does speak of a life truly lived, and rather safely in all, with no bets, gambles or guesses even, and to it all, but instead, life very much lived around actually playing it safe and all the time too that is. In all ways though is to compare this to the past, and where Secularism in all, was highly associated with Totemism, but in all again is to associate Secularism in 'Nairo', and at its very worst too, and with Donald Duck actually {and as with this even, showing a huge distaste in all, and for the very conceptual idea too, and of Secularism that is} {it known too even, to lack religion, discipline, faith, hope, or just about anything good, that the Egyptians, Greeks or the Italians in all too really, did ever envision actually (and other than Totemism)}.

Popular Symbolism

Popular Symbolism.


With the Stratocaster having once been so rather popular actually, and in old Nairobi too {and such that, by the early 80's, it could even be said, to have be on its way, to becoming a relic}, is to in all again though, proclaim it in all, and as the main symbol in all again, and of Popular life in all, and in 'Nairo' (Anatolian Nairobi) too that is.

In all and again, talk now and of, and of said Identity that is, and in said 'Nairo' too, and in said formation too that is, and in talk now and of, and of what is in all said as of the Ocular in itself too that is.

Sunday 1 July 2012



When those in 'Nairo' {or Anatolian Nairobi too}, do think in all again, and of History too, and as highly even, Beneficial to one that is {and as compared, to that taught in formalized education in all perhaps, or even truly again, via the Newspapers too}, then they in all again, should attempt to acquaint themselves, and with the Medieval History, and of Spain/Europe too in all ways truly {and the very world too even, of the Medieval Spanish King Charles II that is}.

The Dark Side

The Dark Side and 'Nairo' {or Anatolian Nairobi to be precise}.