Thursday 5 July 2012

British Time

British Time.

Many have heard of British Time {and especially, those that do live in Nairobi and as a whole too that is}. A concept of everyday life in all, that most in all again, have come in all too even, to heavily dread actually {and as with hoping that, the Weekend in all, is actually just around the corner} {or at the very least, Thursday evening actually}. In many ways, a way of thinking of everyday time, that does divide the daily hours in all, and in the following manner: morning, midday, afternoon, evening, night and finally midnight. In Kenya as a whole though, this way of conceptualizing Time (and as with everyday activity or daily occurrences even), has come to be envisioned in all, and around Teenage/Children Schooling that is {that in all, most in Nairobi and as a whole, do think of Time in itself, and as including even, holding a party perhaps, and as based around, the Schooling activity, and of Teenagers and Children too that is} {and as with this mentality even, affecting Commerce in all, and in a Nairobi too, lacking Cultural finesse that is, and as in furtherly stating that, the end result has been a way of life in Nairobi today, heavily geared in all, and around mindsets and mentalities too, that do in all again, actually factor in, not only Teenage and Child life in all, and as seen around one too, but in all again, ones very own Teenage and Child life too that is (and as with self-esteem issues faced back then that is)}.

Compare this perhaps, and to a place like Calgary in Canada, and where everyday life, has very much come to be envisioned around Time in all again, and as based around University Education {that in all, Calgary and as a City too, does in all ways even, work around its Universities and Colleges even, and in many ways too, giving birth to a way of life, perhaps similar in all (and as with keeping time too that is), and as that seen, in a Show and such as Friends for instance} {and with many a person who has ever lived in Calgary, will memorably in all too even, remember it as such actually}.

I on the otherhand, upon returning to Kenya, Nairobi, and after a sojourn in all, and in the West too perhaps, did find myself, wishing in many a way, to make it to the Middle East, and as with my knowing that, they still very much did keep time (everyday time that is), and in a manner too, heavily based around Muslim life and Prayers actually {or what they do call Salaah ('Five Pillars' entry)}. A way of life in all again, very much in touch with the past, and as with my believing even, that djinns in all, were still very much to be seen, and just around the corner too, and in the Middle East too actually.

You do the have Japan on the otherhand, and where Time today very much stringent, it in all ways even, and during its developing Years {Electricity and Popular Geisha Japan}, did actually abide to a way of living, and as heavily based around Health based practises that is {and at the very least too, all this did make for a Japan, with rather healthy people in all, but in many ways truly even (and as with martial arts practises perhaps), a Japan too, made up of ready made problem solvers that is}.

I do remember though, that while growing up, there did exist a kind of Time in all (everyday time), that was not truly British. It in many ways did consist of keeping time, and as heavily base around TV programming, Radio programming and even the eating of Breakfast, Lunch and Supper that is {but talk too, and of a surprise snack here and there}. Luckily for me, I was indoctrinated in this kind of time, and while at 'Karen C Primary School' too, and thankfully in many a way, did not develop psychological issues perhaps, that those who do grow up in British Time too, do somewhat seem to develop {a fearful approach that is, and to just about anything too actually} {in many ways truly even, Kenya, and as a properly functioning Country that is, does actually owe all its fortunes, and to this kind of Time, East African in nature too, but very much African Time actually}.

The TV Show, the Wonder Years (and with Alicia Silverstone too, making a guest appearance) {and alongside of course, Fred 'Savage'}, does actually speak of British Time, and the kind of activity and occassions too, that do in all go around it all that is, and as with speak even, of popular beliefs in all again that, this kind of time in all, is truly needed (and as with the UN too), to keep many an Economy afloat perhaps, has in all again proven to be totally moot actually, and by all accords even {meaning that, Kenya in all, actually does properly function today, around African Time (paragraph above) and as described just above too that is} {and with the UK too and in many a way that is, suffering huge National Debt/Budgeting issues, and due in all again truly, to just how things do function in all, and as based around British Time that is}.

For those in 'Nairo' though (or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact), is to ask them in all again (and as with speak of their mental/physical welfare even), to truly abandon British Time in all, as it is very well known too that, this kind of Time in all, British Time, is the very main reason too, most in Nairobi, actually do truly hate the place that is {alot of unhappy Child and Teenage issues brewing all over}. Instead (and as with this guaranteed to work even), is to recommended in all again that, the keeping of time actually (and as with it informal even), highly based around the Novena (everyday prayers to the Saints and Marian figures), and as with furtherly stating that, there is absolutely no good way at all, of keeping Time in Nairobi in itself (it in many ways even, practically, a Timeless place that is). In all though, what the Novenas are all about, is prayer, and prayer too, and until all of ones issues in all again (and about life in itself), do actually disappear, or even truly dissipate that is {and as with reminding many a person in Nairobi too that, Kenya's Economy in all, is not found in Nairobi, but outside it, and that in all again, outside Nairobi in all, and alongside Kenya's Economy too, most actually do work around African Time actually}. In all though, the Novenas, and as with saying that, praying them in all, do give one far more confidence in all, than one might attain doing otherwise, and Confidence too, to live life as they might very well wish {and as with saying that, the Saints in all, are rather forgiving even, 'Religious entities' perhaps, and that in all again, issues of Sexuality in all, do not talk of celibacy, but in all ways truly even, talk of engaging in rather classy sexuality that is} {and as with this speaking even, of many a novel perhaps}. In all, and as a promise too, Confidence from reciting everyday Novenas, but intelligence too, and in the form of acute perception actually (and heavily needed in Nairobi in general), and as with this even, speaking of shortcuts in life that is {and as with praying to the Saints too that is, providing many an idea, and on just what to do, and with ones life that is (and as with saying truly that, this does speak of living life, very much like a Magician actually)} .

As a finality though, is to speak in all again, and of a kind of Time too, common in America {'Desperate Housewives' TV Show}, and that has resulted in all, in many a person, wishing to move to America that is {and speak of popularized family oriented Communities that is}. In many ways truly, TV Shows and such as 'Desperate Housewives' in all, do have one in all again, keeping Time around the Kindergarten perhaps {and as with this truly even, speaking of those who do believe in living, highly based around Home Businesses, and Self-Employment too that is}.