Saturday 21 July 2012

Mathematical Physics

Mathematical Physics.

Technology Development & Deployment:

For those in 'Nairo' is to perhaps in all again, best speak and of what does constitute Technology in itself. That in many a way, and today too that is, Technology in itself, has come to be highly defined, and by the forces of Capitalism too (and not Commercialism either), and as with Capitalism even, and in many a way too, defining Technology in all again, and as a tool even, and one needed too, and as with regards, to not only survival in itself (Political too), but in many a way even, as something in all again, needed for emotional sustenance perhaps {and as with it even, attempting in all, to enhance a relationship for instance}.

Technology in the past though, has often been relegated in all, and to the very realms too, and of Cultural significance in itself that is {that in all ways even, Technology in itself, was about advancement or progress in all, and as with regards, to Cultural formations that is}.

For those in 'Nairo' though, is to perhaps best in all again, speak of Technology & Science in itself, and from the realms too, and of Sainthood in itself actually. That in all, in old Italy and Europe too, Saints in all, were often associated, and with the production in all, and of many a Technological marvel too that is. They did this in all again, and as based around their knowledge in all, and of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics in all actually. That in all, they readily in all again did truly help in developing a field of study or science even, and by simply in all again, attempting to study it all, and as based around, using mindsets in all again, and as originating in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics too that is.

In many a way though, the issue of Science & Technology in all, does pose a problem and to many a person or community too, and as with the capability in all, and of a piece of Technology in itself too, to redefine one culturally and heavily too perhaps. In many a way too, living as a Saint, does call for one to envision themselves and as having certain Cultural problems and difficulties too, but that in all ways truly even, this involving in all again, the imagining of oneself up, and as solving them too, and in a specified manner too that is. This in all ways even does truly call for, the very production and of Indigenous Technology too that is, and as with this and at the very least even, referring in all again, and to the solving of a problem too, and so as to experience satisfaction in all that is {that in all again, there is a difference and between watching a movie and in ones home too, and as compared even, to watching it all, and at a Cultural Center too for instance}.

In all, is to tell many a person in 'Nairo' that, the complex problem and of defining Technology too (and as with attempting even and to sell it profitably and in Nairobi too), and how in all again, to go about adopt it and into everyday life in 'Nairo' too, does speak in all, and of what they do term Technology Development & Deployment too that is. Technology Development referring in all again, and to taking an already existing piece of Technology too, and via the use of Mathematical Physics in all, thinking in all again, and of at the very least too, how to go about changing its Design, and as with regards even, to making it much better, or different too that is, and from what it already is actually. Technology Deployment on the otherhand, does refer in all again, to taking an existing piece of Technology in all, and attempting in all again, to integrating it perhaps, and to another already existing Technological framework, or even truly again, by attempting to use it, and to streamline in all, another already existing Technological apparatus that is. In all, when those in 'Nairo' do think Technology, it is best to think it from the perspective of Technology Development & Deployment, and as with reminding one too that, living as a Saint, does bring certain problems and difficulties too, and into ones life that is (and that can be said and to differ in all again, and from those seen in the Modern/Western World too), but that in all again, living as such, and as a Saint that is, does call in all too even, and for one to develop certain mindsets, and when it does come, to dealing with these said problems and difficulties too that is, and from a Cultural perspective too actually {that Saints in all again, don't watch TV, and when bored too that is} {they instead might choose, to drink some wine and simply think}.

In all again, is to also mention that, for those in 'Nairo' too, that engaging in the world of Internet/Online Business, and as a Home Business too, could prove rather worthwhile, and if only understood and from the perspective too, and of Mathematical Physics that is {that in all again, one could think in all, and of designing a rather successful Internet/Web Portal, and by thinking about it all, and from mindsets too, and as seen in Mathematical Physics that is} {and as with they mindsets in all again, not differing too much, and from living as a Saint too that is}. In all, all this is not too difficult to make real, and with the exception perhaps, of Payment mechanisms (and such as Paypal too), but that in all again, it is believed that, the Internet/Online Business portfolio, might be a rather successful way even, and of one initially too, engaging in a business endeavour, and just about anywhere else in the World too that is {and as with the Internet/Online site here, imagined up in all, and as mainly a Communications portal too, and not a Knowledge/Information Access point either} {and as with a Communications portal too, very much similar in all again, and to Ebay for instance}.

Saints and their endeavours in Science & Technology:

^ and the very world too, and of Mathematical Physics that is.