Thursday 12 July 2012

Classical Poetry

Classical Poetry.

Those who do happen to live in Nairobi in all, do recognize and realize truly even that, the place as a whole perhaps, does have many Self-Image problems in all. Self-Image too, and as not with the City in itself, but in all ways truly even, with the very people who do happen to live in it that is. To better explain this, is to in all again speak truly of what does in all again, constitute, the very Expectations that is, and of the people who do live in it actually.

To speak of this openly, Expectations, is to in all again truly even attempt in all, to speak of what does constitute Respect in all again, and within the City too. That in many a way, Respect, and as perceived truly even, and from Expectations too, does in all ways even, speak of Life trajectories in all. That in all again, those who do live in Nairobi in all, do realize that, Life in itself, does in many ways truly even, play out, and in rather undirected manners that is, and such that, attempting to plan for it, in many ways truly even, does truly mean, one missing out on it actually. This in many ways too, does have to do with issues of Life Design in all perhaps (how to generally that is, go about living Life in general), and as with saying that, when it does come to Respect, Expectations and Life Design in all, Nairobi as a whole, does suffer, and from rather many issues too actually, and on just how to bring the three together that is (ones Expectations of life in general, Respect/Self-Respect too, and finally, Life Design in all, and as with it referring even, to being in all again, an Intelligent Being that is: meaning, a person who does associate being Intelligent in all, and heavily too, with design/trajectory issues actually) {that in all, a good Education perhaps, and as with a Business Degree too, does very well truly go along with, Good grooming for example}.

In all, for a Nairobi in all again, and rather Individual in its ways too, and as with regards to Respect, Expectations and Life Design in all, is to also say that, indulging in Classical Poetry, can in many ways truly even, help one think, and about these rather problematic even, Issues that is {and as with saying truly that, the Blogger in all, does truly believe that, these Issues in all, are the cause of many a Mental Illness issue too, and such as Depression for instance, and in a Nairobi too, where being Individual in all again, can truly mean being socially isolated, and with being close to another, meaning in all again, having strange issues in all, and as with regards, to Respect, Expectations in themselves, or even Life choices too, and as with furtherly adding that, all this can very well lead to what they do call a Shattered Soul that is, and when not well thought out (or the very fear too, of simply merely looking at a Mirror actually)}. At the very least (and as with the Mirror even), Classical Poetry in all, helping one deal with issues of Equality, Inferiority and Superiority (and when it does come to Self-Image too, and not Memory specifically either), and even, the probable stating that, it can in all ways even, help one develop a Unique Individuality, and as with this even, perceived the very key too, to living an easy life, and in Nairobi as a whole too actually.