Saturday 21 July 2012

The Middle East

The Middle East.

For those living in 'Nairo' (or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact), is to in all again not only remind them of Kiswahili speakers, and native too, and as living in Nairobi as a whole that is (and in what was referred before, and as 'Westernized Nairobi' too that is), but that in all again, folks from the Middle East, are known to live in Nairobi in itself, and the fastest way to identify them (and as with some even, having lived in Nairobi for a rather long time too), and Symbolically too that is, is via the kind of Kiswahili in all, they actually do speak, and which too, is not only prevalent in the Middle East, but the kind too, very much used, and in the writing of what they do call,,'the Biblia' {and which is in many ways, the true and official Bible, and of the Middle East too actually}.

This said, and as with stating truly that, the Kiswahili used in 'the Biblia', is culturally in all, distant even, and not only from the Kiswahili in all again, and as spoken in 'Westernized Nairobi' too, but also, distant in all, and from just about any form of Cultural existence too, and to be seen in the whole of East Africa too actually {or in all truly even, Anatolia in itself, or 'Arab East Africa' too that is}.