Wednesday 18 July 2012

'the City of Saints'

'the City of Saints'.

Sensual Appeal vs. Sexual Appeal:

There are those in 'Nairo' (or Anatolian Nairobi to be precise), and who do in all again perhaps, do truly wonder, just how best in all, to go about living in everyday Nairobi too, and as enjoyably as possible that is. In all, just how best in all again, to actually go about developing, a general love for the place that is {and as with attempting even, to have it now named, Nairobi that is, 'the City of Saints'}.

To speak of Sensual Appeal and as versus Sexual Appeal too, is to in all again even, speak of what does make everyday Nairobi perhaps, different in all (and as with referring to Individual experiences too), and from everyday New York or London too that is. That in all, Cities and such as London or New York too, are heavily driven in all, and as with everyday individual experiences, and by what they do call Sexual Appeal. In all perhaps, the building of tensions, sexual too, and between any two groups or people even, and before, their reaching certain epical or elevated heights too that is, and before in all again, their falling through, and probably resulting, and in the two groups or persons, madly rushing into ones arms that is. In all again, a way of experiencing everyday life, and as with the individual too, not too easy to engage in perhaps, and as with saying that, it does require for one, to be rather cultural in all, and as with the ability even, to keep others somewhat sexually/lovingly attracted to one, and at all times too, and so as in order, for one to be able to enjoy living life, and to its utmost too that is. In 'Nairo' though (or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact), is to in all again speak of defining the everyday life experience, and for the individual too, and as highly based around Sensual Appeal that is.

Sensual Appeal in all, does actually speak of having ones senses in all again, positively aroused or excited even, and by having ones environments in all again, directly appeal to them that is {and as with this even, speaking of readily noticing a beautiful flower, and as hidden too, and within a bush perhaps, or even truly again, lucky enough, to be passing by a music shop even, and when ones favourite tune in all, is actually playing}. In all, Sensual Appeal referring readily to the exciting or arousing of ones senses in all (and as including the rather spoken about 6 Sense too), and all this done too, rather directly even (and as with one readily noticing such an arousal for instance), and with the ultimate goal in all, and of thinking of Nairobi too, and from the perspective of City & Urban Planning in all, all about turning Nairobi in itself, and into a place where just about every moment too, speaks of being positively aroused or excited even, and from the perspective of Sensual Appeal too that is.

In speaking of Nairobi as such, is to in all again perhaps, help many a person in 'Nairo' (or Anatolian Nairobi too), come to realize in all, and understand too that, the very world of Sensual Appeal, does call for one in all again, to truly imagine up Gender relations/relationships, and from a rather different perspective even, and than that which the very world Sexual Appeal too, does in all again promote that is {and as with this even, breaking away and from Gender relationships/relations, and as seen in the Modern/Western World too that is}.

To understand this much better, is to know that, Sexual Appeal does highly operate around Popular Beliefs in all too really, and as with they even beliefs, highly based around the 'Politics of the Day' actually {and as with this speaking even, of being a Prominent figure in all that is} {and not a Famed one truly either}. To understand this much better is to say that, the very world of Popular Beliefs, and as having to do with the 'Politics of the Day', is capable of rising to great heights, only if, the 'Politics of the Day', can rise up, and to the Napoleonic levels too perhaps {and as with this even, speaking of judging or acquainting Popular Beliefs in all, and with Natural Law in itself that is}. In all, this too, calling for a rather highly cultured even, universe perhaps, and as was once seen, in France too, and as with speak too even, of Napoleon Buonaparte that is.

Napolean as Myth:

Sensual Appeal on the otherhand, highly even, does operate around, Magic in itself. In all ways even, the very belief in magical beliefs (and such as superstitions too for instance), and such that, Gender relationships/relations in all, are not defined by the 'Politics of the Day' actually {and speak too even of Popular Beliefs and Sexual Appeal too}, but in all ways truly even, the very world of many a Guess, Hunch or even Assumption too, and as with this very much referring in all too even, and to the very world even, and of 'Love at First Sight' too actually.

In all, is to first off promote, the above work and by Martin Buber too 'Tales of the Hasidim', and as with it truly in all again even, to be mainly perceived, and from the perspective of Sensual Appeal that is {that in all, it will attune one to what Sensual Appeal is, and such that, everyday life in Nairobi too, and for the individual that is, is in all ways truly even, one of sensual appeasement, and not sensual gratification, and as with Sexual Appeal too that is}. Second off though, is to also promote the green covered version, and of the Popular Penguins Classics edition, and of War & Peace and by Leo Tolstoy too (and a cheap buy too, and at Bookpoint on Moi Avenue), and as with it re-written in all, and away from the rather cultural European perspective/original, and as with it even not only highly based around Sensual Appeal that is, but the figures in it too, made Saintly in all (and not truly cultural European either), but in all ways truly even, helping in many a way, with the imagining up, and of many a magical or superstitious belief too (and as with what even, could probably happen to one, and in everyday Nairobi too that is), but in all ways truly even, helping one formulate Gender, Racial/Class and Age based relations in all, and from the Sensual Appeal perspective too actually {and as with furtherly saying that, for those in 'Nairo', if there is only one book you are going to read and of the many recommended, let it be Martin Buber's 'Tales of the Hasidim', or even truly again, the Green cover version of Penguin Popular Classics edition of War & Peace} {but with 'Tales of the Hasidim', recommended in all again, and for those in Anatolian Nairobi in itself, and as with 'Nairo' even, referring to those who do choose to live in Anatolian Nairobi in itself, and highly as a 'Saint' too, and not from the perspective of Anatolia in itself that is}.