Wednesday 18 July 2012

The Nairobi Reform

The Nairobi Reform.

Reform vs. Development:

There is often too much talk about making Nairobi as a whole, a rather reknowed City even, and highly from the perspective, of Development too that is {and as with truly even perhaps, attempting to open a high-scale Restaurant for instance}. One though, does find that, the best way to bring about change in Nairobi as a whole, is from the perspective, and of Reform too actually. Reform too, and as mainly in all again, speaking of changing the character and ways even, and of those, who do make Nairobi a home that is {and as with this even, primarily referring to 'Nai'/Modern Nairobi, 'Nairo', and even truly again 'Westernized Nairobi' that is}.

For those in 'Westernized Nairobi', reform in all again, does speak of the encouraging, and of the speaking too perhaps, and of pure Kiswahili in all, and as with regards truly even, to everyday interactions that is. This too, and as averse, to having those in 'Westernized Nairobi' (it being the part of Nairobi too, that highly identifies itself as being African), speaking in all again, Vernacular (and not slangs truly either), and as arising even, and from English and Kiswahili too {they being Vernacular that is, that do appear to have a basis in all, and in Kiswahili or English actually, but with added vocabulary in all again, and from just about anywhere on the Planet too that is)}. Not only will the speaking of pure Kiswahili, truly help one make their way through Nairobi rather easily, but in all ways truly even, with this part of Nairobi in all again, highly associated with Local Music Production, is to ask future generations in all again, to adopt Popular Media in all, and very much similar, and to the music of Janet Jackson and En Vogue too actually {and as with saying that, not only do those who do speak pure Kiswahili, capable in all again, and of speaking English like the Australians actually do, but that, they are capable in all too really, of singing very much similarly, and in English too, to the likes of Janet Jackson that is} {again, the speaking of pure Kiswahili in all, and as with everyday life too, but Popular Media in all again, and as accessed via the English language too that is}.

To speak though of 'Nai'/Modern Nairobi (and as with it even my least favourite part of Nairobi too that is), is to in all again even, recommend Reform, and as based around the popular adopting, and of Adult Contemporary Music too that is, and as with regards even, to Popular Media in all actually {and as compared that is, to having many a person in 'Nai' in all again, listening to Jazz all the time, and then pretending, to be far way cool, and for just about anything too that is}.

Janet Jackson - Again:

En Vogue - Don't Let Go

Adult Contemporary Music: