Saturday 14 July 2012

Equinoxes & Solstices

Equinoxes & Solstices.

For those in 'Nairo' in all (or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact), is to tell them that, successful living in the place or City too, does have to do, and with attuning oneself, and to its natural Cycles (and general rhythms too that is). In all again truly, all this pertaining to natural Cycles (and rhythms too), Nature based, and not those presented by the Media in all (and as with News Media too that is). To understand this better, is to perhaps best acquaint natural Cycles in all, and with Energy levels in all again, and as to be seen within Nairobi in itself {that in all, one has to attune themselves to these natural Cycles in all, and inorder, to gauge, measure or time oneself too, and as with regards truly even, to just what in all, and culturally too, is best in all again, and to do with ones time that is (and as with this even, speaking of remaining psychologically stable in all)}.

In Europe for instance, or the Northern hemisphere to be exact, they kind of do follow the Seasons to be exact that is {and as with they in all again, used to gauge, measure and time even, just what in all again, it is best in all, and to do with ones time}. In East Africa though, the very use of the Rains in all (and as with speaking even, of the Rainy and Dry seasons too), has often been used, to not only have East Africans in general, attuned to their world perhaps (and as with using them, to gauge, measure or time oneself in all, and as with regards truly even, to any form of plannings that is), but in many ways too, a way of attuning oneself to natural Cycles in all, more or less truly African in its ways actually {and as with Kenyan Rainy seasons in all again, not truly matching those in Tanzania and Uganda too, and due in all, and to a difference in Climate and Nature too that is}.

For those in 'Nairo' though, thinking of oneself (and as with speak too even of gauging, measuring or timing oneself in all), and as with regards truly even, to planning for life in itself perhaps (and as with further speak even, of Energy levels and of Enthusiasm in general), it is then in all again, best to forego the often seen Rainy/Dry season mentalities in all (and as with readily dividing even, the year into two halves: Jan-Jun., July- Dec.) {and as with all this even, speaking of making ones dreams a reality, and between Jan-Jun., while July-Dec., does speak of, simply relaxing in many a way, and waiting for ones plans to fall through that is ( and in many a way too actually)}. In all again truly though, it is then best said that, for those in 'Nairo' in all (or Anatolian Nairobi to be exact), attuning oneself to natural Cycles, and in the form of the Equinoxes and Solstices too, is truly in all again perhaps, the very best way in all, to remain as upbeat as possible, and even truly perhaps, as enthusiastic about life in all, and in all ways truly even. The Solstices in all though, do speak of the Sun in all again, but truly in all perhaps, when both Night and Day, are of equal length, while the Equinoxes, do speak in all, and of when Night and Day, do differ in length actually {and with the Vernal Equinox, having longer Nights to it, but with the Autumnal Equinox on the otherhand, having longer Days to it that is} {in all, a shift in all again, and as with the Sun said to be over the Equator too and as with regards to the Solstices and Equinoxes, and in just what amount in all, and of Sunlight too, is readily available that is (and as with this even, speaking of sunlight and as not only affecting ones Enthusiasm levels in all, but also truly even, how one in all again, does choose to gauge, measure or time themselves, and as with regards truly even, to attuning oneself in all, and to the natural Cycles and Energy levels that the Solstices & Equinoxes, do bring with them)}.

In all though, one should probably be reminded that, for those in Durnham-Nairobi, attuning oneself to natural Cycles in all, is done via the Moon actually {and as with saying that, Durnham-Nairobi and 'Nairo' too, do differ Culturally that is (and as with speak of the kind even, and of English spoken too that is), and that in all again, natural Cycles too, and as with regards to Cultural existences even, do differ in all, and as explained in all again, and as above too that is}.

Moon-like natural Cycles (and general rhythms):

As an ending to all this, is to recommend the Target editions of the Doctor Who book series, and as with they even, speaking of natural Cycles in all again (and as with general rhythms too), and from mainly in all, a Solstices & Equinoxes perspective {that in all, the Energy levels to be seen in the books, the Enthusiasm in all and as with regards truly even, to just how the characters in all, do gauge, measure or time themselves even, are similar in all again, to 'Nairo' actually, and as with they all based too that is, and on the Equinoxes & Solstices that is}.

Solstices/Equinoxes-like natural Cycles (and general rhythms):