Saturday 14 July 2012

Intellectual Prowess

Intellectual Prowess.

The Nobel Prize in Literature:

Living in 'Nairo', or Nairobi as a whole too even, can be a rather difficult task in itself actually. The reason for this very much has to do, with just how in all, to go about defining Intimacy, and in ones life too that is. That in all, while in 'Nairo' (but Nairobi as a whole too even), it is very well known truly that, whom one in all again, does choose to be Intimate with, can truly in all again, come to highly affect or even, diminish one in stature, and as time does elope too that is {that in all, many a friend in all, can turn enemy or foe even, and on one succeeding too, and in a general sphere of life that is, and as with saying truly that, Nairobi in all, is a place where people in all ways even, readily in all again, do believe in rumours and gossip and of all kinds that is} {and in all ways too even, having one truly question, what does constitute Friendship in all, and in Nairobi as a whole too that is}.

For those in 'Nairo' though, and as with adjoining oneself even, and to the rest of Nairobi too (or even the World perhaps), is to tell them that, Friendships and Intimacy in all, can best be perceived in all again, and from the perspective of Intellectual Prowess. What Intellectual Prowess does truly mean is that, one asking in all, why a particular person, or people in general too, do think as they actually do, and not in another manner perhaps. This in all ways even, is the very key, to creating Friendships and Intimacy in Nairobi as a whole even, and as with saying truly that, Family in all, does very much pale, and as with regards truly even, to defining Intimacy and Friendships in ones life that is {that in all again, it is best to seek out people in all, who actually do think, and wildly too, and in a similar manner to one that is} {or in all again, wind up or end up too, being trapped by Family (and the sentiments it does give rise too), but truly in all again, is to tell one truly that, in Nairobi as a whole, Friendships and Intimacy in all, and as based around experiences, blood or even truly again, life passions in all, are bound to go sour, and when gossiping and rumour-mongering, do eventually make their way into ones life that is (and as they are bound too, and as with this even, the history of many a murder too, and in Nairobi as a whole that is)}.

In all, when one does think Intellectual Prowess, do think it best perhaps, to read many a work, and from the 'Nobel Prize in Literature' Laureates list, and as with it all too, best read even, and from the perspective, of Intellectual Prowess {and in all again, truly questioning, why do people in all, or the author in question too that is, do truly think as they do}.

Nobel Prize in Literature (1954): Ernest Hemingway (Kenya)