Saturday 14 July 2012



Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie,
kissed the girls, and made them cry,

when the boys, came out to play,

Georgie Porgie, ran away.

'Nairo' and Eastern Africa:

Those who had the chance, of Schooling in Nairobi in all, have probably heard the Rhyme of Georgie Porgie. In many a way perhaps, those who did learn it in School, probably did miss out, on its significance. Why this Rhyme and many like it, are important, is because (and for those in 'Nairo' too), it does impart, a general intelligence in all, and as with regards, to not only Speech in itself (and as generally heard in Eastern Africa too), but also, general problem solving, and as seen in Eastern Africa in all {meaning in all again, it does sound like the English in all too really, and as spoken too, and by many a lower Class person perhaps, and in Eastern Africa too that is} {and as with lower Class in all, referring to levels of Speech development, and in English too actually}. In all ways though, is to not only recommend the above Rhyme, Georgie Porgie, and others like it, and to those in 'Nairo' too, and as especially in all again, when one is out and about, Eastern Africa in itself that is {that in all, one should not truly fear in all, traveling to Sudan for instance, and as with saying that, one can get by comfortably, and by speaking in all again, and in a Rhyme-like manner too that is}. In all again though, the work below and by Aldous Huxley too, 'A Brave New World', is also recommended in all, and as it is written in all again, in not only Brit English actually, but also, in a playful Rhyme-like manner, and similar in all again, to Georgie Porgie that is {and as with telling many a person in 'Nairo' too that, when they do in all get into trouble that is, and not only in Eastern Africa too perhaps, but also in 'Nairo' actually, it is this kind of english in all again, Rhyme-like, that one does often tend to resort to, and when solving just about any kind of problem/trouble that is} {and as with saying too that, 'A Brave New World' in all, does have trouble seen/spelt all over it actually}.