Friday 18 July 2014



Adaptation and 'Nairo'/Kenya:

This post or entry in all again, very much has to do, and with a rather huge problem in all, and to be found or seen in Kenya too, and that does in all, have to do and with Adaptation in itself that is. In all, it does speak of Kenya and from the very perspective of the Disciplinarian, and in all ways too, speak of Kenyan society, and from the very perspective of Distortions that is [or Misinterpretations in all actually].

To understand all this better, is to perhaps in all again, speak in all, and of what does constitute and for the Kenyan Psyche (or simply in all again, just how one in all does on the average, Experience life that is), and as with it even believed, a far more powerful Psyche, and than most to be seen out there, and when fully understood that is. That Kenyans in all, and on choosing to Communicate with themselves, Others or even God too perhaps, seem to take into account, just whom in all, the Target Audience truly is, and when seeking out desirable responses in all, and to their Communicating/Communications that is [that a Kenyan in all, and on walking into a Room, will in many a way truly even, seek out a Target Audience and of one Individual too, and via or by which, one can simply Express themselves by in all, but in many a way too, on being interrupted in all again, many a Kenyan in all, simply knows just how to change Audience (Target too), and in dealing with this interruption that is]. In all, this Psyche, and as with it now even mixing with Kiswahili (and having many a person in all, seeking out an Audience, and just as the Swahili would), has resulted in a Powerful Consciousness (and further speak even and of Awareness and Conscious States in themselves too), and that has led and to not only speak of a Chaotic Kenyan in all, but one in all again, truly Distorted, in that, many in all, do fear taking any Action of any kind, and due to a fear of Misinterpreting many a thing that is [that this in all, does constitute and for the Fear of Rejection, and as seen in Kenya too that is][Misinterpretations, and not speak and of a Lacking in Courage either that is][Misinterpretations too, and as truly arising even, and with the choosing of the wrong (Target) Audience, and as with it all even said Subconscious too that is].

In all again, this Psyche and as coming to be truly influenced and by the speaking of Kiswahili in all, and such that, many in all, do in all again truly configure themselves perhaps, and in speak of Target Audiences too, and in a manner, that the Swahili would (and as referring and to those who do speak Kiswahili that is), and in many a way, it all has truly made Kenya a problematic society, and as with regards to speak of Hatred, Envy or Sarcasm in all too perhaps, and as Kenya now, very much said to have a trajectory to it, and that does speak even, and of Swahili History that is [but with Kenya in all again, simply said to best function, and when said Christian/Hosanna in all actually].

In all, a true challenge and to the Kenyan Government, and as with regards in all, and of just what to do and when it does come to speak of Kiswahili, in that, Swahili people don't view themselves as Kenyan people but as Swahili truly (and with Identity too, and as stretching into the Middle East / Oman that is), but in all again and as knowing Kiswahili and as said simply diverse in its ways (and speak even of Kitenzi too for instance)[and which is not spoken either and by the majority of Swahili people that is, it being more Arab in its ways], a true call and to just how best to deal with Kiswahili in Kenya, in that, most in Kenya, tend to use Kiswahili (and as versus English too), and when it does come to speak of the Psyche and the (Target) Audience in all, and with this all and in many a way too, having to do and with Government in Kenya, and as having adopted the use of Kiswahili, and in its Internal Workings, and as versus speak of English too that is.

In all, Adaptation, and as merely described above, and as said even and to be at the very heart, and of changing Ethnic and Indigenous Identities in Kenya (and as including speak of Language in particular too), but furtherly in all again, the very belief here that, Kenya is truly going nowhere in all, and until it does deal with its Kiswahili Identity, and which does in all even, speak of Sheng for instance, and as said a 'Language of Commerce' in Kenya too that is.