Sunday 6 July 2014



G.O.K, and as with it all even referring, and to speak of Media, and as going along or emanating and from the Government of Kenya too, but to put in many a way, G.O.K, and into a proper perspective and for those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, is to in all ways even speak of Government in Kenya and as in many a way truly even, Decentralized, and speak even and of a Government Media, and that does attempt to make Government in Kenya whole, but in all ways truly even, speak of Opportunity and Prospects, and as arising even, and with the bringing together, and of two arms of Government in all perhaps, and as with all this even referring, and to the very fact that, Kenya, and as an Economic success too, does speak of changing Communications, and changing Order too (and in everyday society that is), but that in all again, G.O.K, does go along even, and with speak of the Independent Ministry (Research Body), and as with it all even said to speak of Religion in Government, and further speak too, and of Religious Order in Kenya that is.

In all, G.O.K, and as providing even, ample opportunity and for those in 'Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, and in helping Government, not only develop Affiliations and within itself (and as Government Officials or Government Workers in all, are often known to be highly internalized in their ways perhaps, and as in not knowing how they do connect, and to other Government Bodies too), but that in all ways even, the Developing of G.O.K Media in all, and as speaking in all again, and of Trade, Business, Education, Historical, Military etc. Affiliations in all, and between Government, and just about any other Institution/Body in all, and at a Local, Regional, Worldly etc. level too that is.

In all, G.O.K, and as going along and with speak of Internal Affairs, and even Internal Expansion too perhaps [and further speak even, and of concepts and such as Dual-Citizenship for instance].
