Sunday 6 July 2014

The Reception

The Reception.

Those in "Nairo' / Anatolian Nairobi, or Kenya too in all actually, have probably heard of Government Receptions. That the Reception, and as Media too, does not only speak of Official Receptions (and at a Hotel too for instance), but that in all ways even and at all accounts too, does speak and of what does truly constitute and for appropriate Media, and in Kenya too that is.

To understand all this better, is to perhaps speak in all, and of just where in all again, Kenya is headed and as with regards to many a Development Initiative too that is. That in all, this does refer in all too even, and to just how Kenyans in all, or those in Power too, do perceive History in itself, and as with regards to Development Models that is. That the first of these, does speak of History and as said Egyptian, and speak even and of life in Kenya, and as highly internal in its ways and such that, Kenyans in all, don't interact with outsiders to Kenya, but seek to build a High Civilization in all too even, and within Kenya, and by simply seeking to strongly improve on themselves that is. The second of these, does speak even and of History and as said Greek, and speak in all too even, and of turning Kenya into a place, and that is an envy, and to just about everyone else out there too that is.

There is however a third Model, Italian in its ways, and that does speak even and of the Reception too. That the Reception, is in all, a kind of Media, and that does in all bring together, differing kinds of people, and in an Educational Format / Learning Context  too that is, but that the Reception in all again, does speak in all too even, and of truly attempting to Design Media perhaps, and that is truly appropriate for Kenya (and as with regards even and to speak of Confidence issues in themselves) [and further speak too of Historical Trajectories that is], but that in all, this Media, and as with regards to Kenyan Identity, does speak even and of just whom Kenyans in all, are, and as with regards to speak of Doubt (Self-Doubt) in itself actually [and from a Historical context/perspective too that is].

In all again, all this speaking in all and of whom Kenyans are and with Time too, but that in all ways even, the Reception does speak even of Pluralism in itself, and further speak too, and of attempting to Educate Kenyans in all for instance, and in creating Identity and as based on speak of Diversity in itself, but that in all ways too, speak basically even, and of a Political Event, Kenyan too, and as said International and in impact too that is [and further speak too, and of Kenyan National Intelligence Services that is].

The very world of the Reception [Link].

The Reception: