Friday 11 July 2014

the Regular

the Regular.

The Regular, and as with it even speaking in all, and of what does constitute for Therapy in Kenya or Africa too (and further speak even of Parental Mechanisms for instance), but that in all ways even, just how in all we do define the Regular and in our lives, does speak in all and of raising Awareness (and amongst ourselves too that is), but that in all ways even, it does truly determine just what we do Remember in all, and about our lives or History in itself too, and that in all ways even, all this does speak of a Psychological trick, and while going through life in 'Nairo', in that, redefining the Regular, does speak in all and of opening up life in itself, and to all possibilities too, and due in all again, and to our redefining just about everything in our lives, and from speak of the Regular that is [and the further Belief in all that, if all this is done in a proper manner, it can very well lead to life, and as very much lived or experienced, and in a Hallucinatory manner too that is].