Friday 18 July 2014



(By the Grace of God, so let it be done ........ or God help me Three)

This entry, has in many a way, and to do, and with what is said here believed even, Fundamental Identity, and in Kenya too that is. That it in all again, does speak even, and of what some do term Grace that is. That it in all, has come to be truly represented by, and in all again, and in speak of what some do term Cultural Settings that is.

To understand this better, is to perhaps speak of Kenya in all, and from the very perspective, and of what some do term Social Harmony that is [or speak even, and of no recorded episode, and of mindless Violence, and in Kenya too that is]. That in all, Kenya in all again, is a place said to suffer, and from many a problem and as having to do with Social Cohesion, and as said in all, and to go along in all again, and with the changing nature/disposition, and of many a Kenyan that is [or speak truly even, and of Kenyans, and as said even, readily differing in all, and in Mood that is].

To understand this all better and in all again, is to perhaps in all too speak of, and of just how to best ground Kenyan society in all, and on a stable footing, and such that, when things do fall apart (and as they often do), one can easily resort and to this footing, and as said basically in all even, and to speak of the term Recession, and the Kenyan Economy too that is.

That first off, Grace in all, does speak in all again, and of what some do term 'Higher States of Consciousness', in that, one in many a way, and via speak of a Book, Song, Poem, Chance Meeting or even Prayer in itself too, has been exposed in all, and to something more grander in its ways, and as compared to what they do in all ways even, experience in all, and on the average, and as said to speak of Existence too that is [and further speak here in all, and of Shaaban Roberts, and his famed work 'Kusadikika' that is][and a work perceived here and by the Blogger, and of Shaaban Roberts, and as said an Escapist/Dreamer in all, and as with regards even, and to Modern Contemporary African life that is].

In all again, on the above happening perhaps (and as with it even said to constitute and for Grace in Africa too that is), one in all again, does in all perhaps, develop a culture, and of Importance in itself too that is [and not self/Self-Importance truly either]. That Importance here (and as versus speak of the Powerful in all), does speak in all, and of one and as said developing in all, a 'sense of Authority' [or speak too that is, and of a person, and as called upon to solve a problem, readily knowledgeable in all, and of just how to bring together, all said assembled elements, and furtherly speak even, and of just how best to accommodate each and everything, and from its very essence that is] [or speak in all again, and of a person and as invited to a party and in the very form of a Social Reception too for instance, having a 'sense of Authority', and just where in all again, one does behave in a manner, and that does speak even, and of accomodating all, or speak truly even, and of many an idea here and there, and that is in all again, beneficial to all that is][and all this too, and via speak of the Grace of God in all actually, and in the name of Exposure too, and to said 'Higher Realms' too perhaps].

In all, speak even and of Kenya, and as popularly known to many a person and in/within Africa too [the Kenyan Social Reception that is], but speak furtherly in all again, and of the very creating of a Memory of the place, Kenya that is, and by many a person, and which does basically speak even and of Kenya, and as said changing in its ways or nature [and from the very perspective of a repeat Visitor perhaps], and in all ways even, simple speak and of many a Kenyan, and as simply said to inspire many another Kenyan in all, and in simply learning about themselves, and from speak of Time, and Spatial Realities too that is.

The Cult of Self-Importance:
