Sunday 27 July 2014

the Legislature

the Kenyan Legislature.

State Religion and Kenya:

To speak of the Legislature, is to in all ways even speak of Kenya, and as going along and with many a Law, and in the very form of the Act, and not the Bill either. That living standards in Kenya, and as said falling apart, and since Independence was declared, can be said to very much have to do, and with the Law in Kenya in all, and as now interpreted, and from speak of Bills, and not Acts either.

In all, why is the above stated, truly said of importance? In all again, it does deal and with many a Mentality and that does speak even and of Mashujaa, in that, the very belief that Victorian styled society and as seen in Colonial Kenya, was inferior in its ways, and from a Psychological perspective perhaps, and as pertaining in all again, and to speak of Psychological terror that is, and that did in all even make, and for the so termed 'State of Emergency' that is. 

In all though, what does the State Legislature in Kenya, truly represent? It has been known in all, and to go along and with speak of many a Political Slogan that is, but that in all ways even, it all is said to speak, and of the attempt to make Kenya Work that is [and not only as with regards to finding/seeking Employment in all, but in speak truly even, and of life and on an everyday basis, apparently said 'First-World' that is]. In all again, the very belief that, all this is possible, and if and only if, Kenya's Law is interpreted, and from an Acts perspective, and not that of Bills either.

In finality though, what does 'Kenya Works' truly mean in all? It in all again, can be said to best go along perhaps, and with speak of Government Media, and in the form of State Television too perhaps, and as with speak of the Act in all (and as Law too), said in all and to speak of Kenya, and from the very perspective Forecasting, and as with it all even said to go along, and with speak of Favour, Ferver and even Passion in itself too that is [and speak truly even and of what it does mean to be Inbred in all, and as said to speak of Kenya and from a racial/races perspective, but that in all ways even, Kenya, and further speak here in all even, and of State Religion too, can simply be said, and to speak of Kenyans and from the very basic perspective of Ferver, Favour and Passions, and as with it all even said Kenyan Economics 101 that is].

The Kenyan Act:

*and as with it even said of the Disappearing variety too.