Tuesday 15 July 2014

Martial Dress

Martial Dress.

To speak of Martial Dress and Kenya/Kenia in all, is to speak in all again, and of just whom Kenyans in all, are, and when said filled, and with a Zest for life too that is. That Kenyans in all again, can be described and as being fully optimistic, hopeful, zealous or even truly non-partisan in their ways in all. When many a Kenyan in all again (or Kenian truly in all), do think of themselves in this manner, they do in all again often think of themselves as Martial, and in many a way too, speak even and of Martial Dress that is [or speak even and of Dress in all again, and as said inspired and by as such that is][Link].

In all, all this and as speaking in all too even, and of Identity creation and as going along and with speak of Etiology (Link1, Link2) [and further speak here even, and of Personal Counseling in all], but that in all ways even and in speak of Physical Builds too in all, Kenyans and as said Native to the place perhaps (and as with they even having a Physical look to them, and that does truly match that of a Leopard for instance), very much Martial in their ways, and in just about everything they do [and as including speak here even, and of the running of a Business, and from the very perspective and of speak only, and of Funds/Funding that is].

In all, an Identity that does truly work in a Kenya and as often perceived chaotic in its ways, and as with regards even, and to Social Identity (Social Tensions) too, but that in all ways even, does speak of Identity in all, and just where in all again, the Church in Kenya, does somewhat truly meet the Kenyan Militaries in all, and further speak here in all even, and of Kenyan Spirituality/Religion in all, and as meeting the Excursion too that is [and speak in all too, and of what some do term African Soldiery, and as with it all even speaking of the Puff Adder too for instance, or speak even, and of Africa and as said simply Dutch that is][Link]

'Quixote' or 'Ivan'