Saturday 12 July 2014



Post - Colonial/Independence Identities and Kenya:

This post in many a way, does have to do, and with speak and of what does constitute and for a Kenyan Philosophy/Theology that is. That in all, Convention, and as said a Political term too in all, does in all have to do, and with the attempt in all again, and to make the life of every single Kenyan and in place too, a Success in all that is [and as having every Kenyan in all again, capable in all, and of fulfilling all their dreams and wishes too that is].

In speaking of Kenya and as stated above, is to perhaps first off introduce the very belief that, Kenya in all, and as going along and with speak of Philosophy too, does speak even and of truly attempting to define in all again, what does truly stand or constitute and for Kenyan Communications and Order [and as with they even known to change regularly, or truly in all even, encompass Order and Communications, and as seen around the World, and which does make in all again, Kenya, an 'International Destination' of a kind that is]. The second belief and on the above and about Kenya too, does lie in all, and in what they do term the 'Psyche' and 'Somasis' too, and further speak even perhaps, and of Kenyan Literature too for instance [and further speak too, and of Kenyans and as said rather Memorable in their ways that is].

However though, in truly speaking of Convention and as said to go along and with a Kenyan Philosophy/Theology and Psychology too, is to probably in all, present the very belief that, it is possible to create a Kenya and just where life for all Kenyans is said truly satisfactory, and as with it all even, not truly going along and with speak of Population Density, or speak even and of Resources too that is.

To understand this better, is to perhaps understand the role of the CCK/CAK and in Kenyan lives too, and as with it all even at the very least going along, and with speak of Television/Radio Broadcasts, and in Kenya too that is [and as with it all even said to simply speak, and of improving the lives of Kenyans in all actually]. However though, the CCK/CAK, is capable in all, and of truly improving on the lives of every Kenyan, and if and only if perhaps, they do in all, truly know what does stand for in all again, and for a Kenyan Philosophy/Theology and Psychology too that is. That in its simplest sense, and as in helping in all even foment Nationalistic Identities and in Kenya too in all, it is said in all perhaps, and to very well go along, and with truly knowing the meaning and of the following two terms: Reverence, and Trauma too.

That while in all, the Moi Government did attempt to create a Kenyan Philosophy and that did go along and with speak of the epigram Harambee, and the following motto too : Peace, Love & Unity, they perhaps in all did fail in their ways, and via speak in all again, and of not truly ground in all, their Philosophy, and in speak of Communications and Order too that is [and instead did opt out, and for many an Educational Initiative, and such as speak even and of Maendeleo ya Wanawake that is].

That Reverence in all, does at the very least in all even and from an African perspective too, speak of Ancestor Reverence (and not Worship or Veneration either), but that in all again, the very world of Ancestor Reverence in Kenya in all, does actually in all even speak of Communications and Order [that Ancestor Reverence, does in all, speak of changing Communications and Order in themselves], but that in all again, the very fact that Kenyans in all, and as said Indigenes too, are known to hold varying Communications and Order to them, and as with it all making them in all, Worldly Citizens of a kind that is [and as with they at the very least even, said African and European too actually].

To speak of Trauma and from a Communications and Order perspective, does in all ways even perhaps, go along and with speak of the very fact that, Kenya in all, is actually said to be the very home and to many a Serpent or Serpentine/Sepentile life form [and as including speak of Cobras, Pythons and even Puff Adders too in particular] [and as with they even lodged in all, and not in Western Province as many do believe, but in nearby Nakuru actually], and that for many and on seeing anything of these, the end result is often Trauma, and if and only if, one in all ways even, is said a poor Communicator, or truly even, having to them, no proper Knowledge in all, and of Order that is.

In all, an attempt here and to call out and for the Impossible perhaps [the attempt to make life for all Kenyans truly perfect in its ways (and as the Pharaohs of Egypt, did do for the Egyptians that is)], but that in all ways even, and as with speak even and of Television/Radio Broadcasts in all, perhaps an attempt to revamp in all again, Television/Radio in Kenya, and in speak of Broadcasts too, and that do go along in all, and with speak of Reverence and Trauma too that is.